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Hayek Quotes

No one has characterized market mechanisms better than Friedrich von Hayek
Herbert Simon

Authors on Hayek Quotes: Irving Kristol John Kenneth Galbraith Karl Popper Peter L. Berger Milton Friedman Catherine Keener Fritz Machlup Woody Harrelson Herbert Simon Vernon L. Smith Joaquin Fuster Ronald Reagan Paul Krugman
As a result of the efforts of Hayek .. and the many others who share his general outlook, the idea of a centrally planned and centrally administered economy, so popular in the 1930s and early 1940s, has been discredited.
Irving Kristol

I have learned more from Hayek than from any other living thinker, except perhaps Alfred Tarski - but not even excepting Russell.
Karl Popper

.. the most intelligent defender of capitalism in the modern period is Friedrich Hayek.
Irving Kristol

There's just something extraordinary about that Selma Hayek.
Woody Harrelson

When I reviewed Hayek's book, The Pure Theory of Capital, it is my sincere conviction that this work contains some of the most penetrating thoughts on the subject that have ever been published.
Fritz Machlup

Hayek is amongst the top 2-3 of the all the people who ever influenced me.
Ronald Reagan

Hayek, in my view, is the leading economic thinker of the 20th century.
Vernon L. Smith

The seminar in economic theory conducted by Hayek at the L.S.E. in the 1930s was attended, it came to seem, by all of the economists of my generation - Nicky Kaldor , Thomas Balogh, L. K. Jah, Paul Rosenstein-Rodan, the list could be indefinitely extended. The urge to participate (and correct Hayek) was ruthlessly competitive.
John Kenneth Galbraith

You know, Salma Hayek is a great cook, and she's a friend.. She's an amazing cook. If she opened up a restaurant, I would so get in on the coattails.
Catherine Keener

My interest in political philosophy was rather casual until I met Hayek.
Milton Friedman

Friedrich Hayek is not an important figure in the history of macroeconomics.
Paul Krugman

It is truly amazing that, with much less neuroscientific knowledge available, Hayek's model comes closer, in some respects, to being neurophysiologically verifiable than those models developed 50 to 60 years after his.
Joaquin Fuster

F. A. Hayek is probably the most prominent advocate of capitalism in the present period.
Peter L. Berger