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Hedging Quotes

You should avoid hedging, at least that's what I think. You should be ashamed to die until you've made some contribution to mankind.
Vernon Johns

Authors on Hedging Quotes: Vernon Johns Marco Rubio Frank Shorter John D. MacDonald
This was not some pretty little girl, coyly flirtatious, delicately stimulated. This was the mature female of the species, vivid, handsome and strong demanding that all the life within her be matched. Her instinct would detect any hedging, any dishonesty, any less than complete response to her - and then she would be gone for good.
John D. MacDonald

[Donald Trump] hedging his bets because he's used to buying politicians.
Marco Rubio

So, in a way I was hedging and saying that if the Olympic stuff doesn't work out at least I can be a lawyer.
Frank Shorter