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Hierarchy Quotes

You must not run your Organization as a functional hierarchy. You must understand it as a System.
W. Edwards Deming

Authors on Hierarchy Quotes: Laurence J. Peter Gary Hamel Robert Bly Mary Douglas Anna Quindlen Gloria Steinem Bill Gates Michael Marmot Catherine Wilson Grady Booch C. Wright Mills Susan Fiske Vijay Seshadri Jens Voigt Julie Burchill Dee Hock Walter Benjamin Brad Steiger Jeremy Rifkin Edward Abbey Richard Rohr Murray Rothbard Charles Olson Noam Chomsky Paul Beatty J. B. Priestley Terence McKenna Justin Cronin Deepak Chopra Nicolas Gomez Davila Robert Jackson Bennett Wendell Berry Alex Kapranos
There are no hierarchies in nature other than those imposed by hierarchical modes of human thought, but rather differences merely in function between and within living things.
Murray Bookchin

I see anarchism as the theoretical ideal to which we are all gradually evolving to a point where everybody can tell the truth to everybody else and nobody can get punished for it. That can only happen without hierarchy and without people having the authority to punish other people.
Robert Anton Wilson

The worst thing about permaculture is that it's extremely successful, but it has no center, and no hierarchy.
Bill Mollison

A deck of cards was built like the purest of hierarchies, with every card a master to those below it and a lackey to those above it.
Ely Culbertson

The liberal uses the radical's language to achieve the conservative's aim: the preservation of the capitalist system, and the traditional ethnic/racial hierarchy within society.
Manning Marable

Behind the honeyed but patently absurd pleas for equality is a ruthless drive for placing themselves (the elites) at the top of a new hierarchy of power.
Murray Rothbard

Hierarchies are celestial. In hell all are equal.
Nicolas Gomez Davila

Even in a hierarchy people can be equal as thinkers.
Nancy Kline

The lower you are in the hierarchy the worse your health, the higher you are, the better your health.
Michael Marmot

Innovation has never come through bureaucracy and hierarchy. It's always come from individuals.
John Sculley

The great thing about fact-based decisions is that they overrule the hierarchy.
Jeff Bezos

In the hierarchy of the family, I'm just above the dog. But I like it that way.
Jens Voigt

It's probable that in the artistic hierarchy birds are the greatest musicians existing on our planet.
Olivier Messiaen

Pope Francis insists that mercy is at the very top of the Christian hierarchy of great truths, and everything falls apart whenever mercy is displaced by anything else.
Richard Rohr

Of course, there's a certain type of person who feels that anything which becomes mainstream has to be rejected immediately. And that's part of the indie-alternative snobbery and hierarchy and elitism.
Alex Kapranos

Hierarchy works well in a stable environment.
Mary Douglas

Profit maximization is the murderous strategy of global corporation hierarchies
Jean Ziegler

We affirm that the true story of capitalism is now beginning, because capitalism is not a system of oppression only, but is also a selection of values, a coordination of hierarchies, a more amply developed sense of individual responsibility.
Benito Mussolini

The hierarchy of relations, from the molecular structure of carbon to the equilibrium of the species and ecological whole, will perhaps be the leading idea of the future.
Joseph Needham

The rules and reasons the political system employs to enforce status relations of any kind, including racial hierarchy, evolve and change as they are challenged.
Michelle Alexander

Our ultimate goal is extensible programming. By this, we mean the construction of hierarchies of modules, each module adding new functionality to the system.
Niklaus Wirth

Words have their own hierarchy, their own protocol, their own artistic titles, their own plebeian stigmas.
Jose Saramago

In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence ... in time every post tends to be occupied by an employee who is incompetent to carry out its duties ... Work is accomplished by those employees who have not yet reached their level of incompetence.
Laurence J. Peter

Your position in the hierarchy influences your behaviour.
Michael Marmot

I would say the hierarchy has made terrible errors in judgment and it has to seek forgiveness by its members.
William P. Leahy

All power rests on hierarchy: An army is nothing but a well-organized lynch mob.
Edward Abbey

Hierarchy is is much reviled in the present day.
Mary Douglas

The world is not flat, and PCs are not, in the hierarchy of human needs, in the first five rungs.
Bill Gates

The truly privileged theories are not the ones referring to any particular scale of size or complexity, nor the ones situated at any particular level of the predictive hierarchy - but the ones that contain the deepest explanations.
David Deutsch

I had to delegate authority to the people on my staff. That means you shave away the hierarchy.
Jurgen Klinsmann

In the world of the celebrity, the hierarchy of publicity has replaced the hierarchy of descent and even of great wealth.
C. Wright Mills

As my great friend Aristotle said, 'If you cannot command, you must learn to listen.' I'm not the hierarchy here. I am a worker bee.
Shaquille O'Neal

Some of the technologies that were created during the Industrial Revolution were appalling, such as capitalization, investment, social hierarchy, sexism, racism, and ecological destruction.
Chellis Glendinning

Experience has taught me that the shallowest of communist platitudes contains more of a hierarchy of meaning than contemporary bourgeois profundity.
Walter Benjamin

I think it only makes sense to seek out and identify structures of authority, hierarchy, and domination in every aspect of life, and to challenge them; unless a justification for them can be given, they are illegitimate, and should be dismantled, to increase the scope of human freedom.
Noam Chomsky

All sciences are now under the obligation to prepare the ground for the future task of the philosopher, which is to solve the problem of value, to determine the true hierarchy of values.
Friedrich Nietzsche

In most hierarchies, supercompetence is more objectionable than incompetence.
Laurence J. Peter

Within the gendered institution of prostitution, race and class create a hierarchy with indigenous women at its lowest point.
Melissa Farley

An atom is a hierarchy of different states of information that define the statistical likelihood of finding a particle here or there at the time of observation.
Deepak Chopra

The hierarchy of class in London was rigid. It was like a religion. It still is to a certain extent.
Ben Kingsley

Each being is sacred - meaning that each has inherent value that cannot be ranked in a hierarchy or compared to the value of another being.

It won't do away with hierarchy totally, but the principal leader will be the person who most exemplifies the kind of organization and behavior required who is best able to create the conditions such organizations require.
Dee Hock

There is no Hierarchy of Oppressions
Audre Lorde

Nature admits no hierarchy of beauty or usefulness or importance.
Stephen Fry

If we can no longer believe in heavenly hierarchies, extraterrestrial hierarchies will suffice.
Brad Steiger

One needs to know what the hierarchy of values are from which one takes inspiration, and in a democratic society this is the subject of continuous democratic debate.
Rocco Buttiglione

Hierarchy is a kind of order of abstractions.
Grady Booch

We cling to hierarchies because our place in a hierarchy is, rightly or wrongly, a major indicator of our social worth.
Harold Leavitt

When there is no type hierarchy you don't have to manage the type hierarchy.
Rob Pike