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Hormones Quotes

Q: What's the difference between an enzyme and a hormone? A: You can't hear an enzyme.
Dorothy Parker

Authors on Hormones Quotes: Jen Kirkman Gloria Steinem Tucker Max Patricia Arquette Mayim Bialik Linda Howard Robert M. Sapolsky Barry Sears Meg Cabot Janice Dickinson Ian K. Smith Dorothy Parker Megan Fox Jacquelyn Mitchard Andrew Bernstein Jim Butcher Nicholas Hoult Rebecca Romijn P. C. Cast Joycelyn Elders
I can be a bit grumpy. Im full of angst, and hormones.
Nicholas Hoult

Money is like hormones. It's just how you feel on any given day.
Janice Dickinson

If men went through menopause, we'd know everything about it, but we still don't even know if we should be taking hormones.
Joycelyn Elders

I think when you start messing with your own hormones, it's crazy-making.
Rebecca Romijn

A pure heart and mind only takes you so far - sooner or later the hormones have their say, too.
Jim Butcher

To control your hormones is to control your life.
Barry Sears

It turns out that we literally don't empathize unless we're physically present - that the oxytocin, the famous "tend and befriend" hormone is not produced unless we're present with all five senses.
Gloria Steinem

I have a neuroscience background - that's what my doctorate is in - and I was trained to study hormones of attachment, so I definitely feel my parenting is informed by that.
Mayim Bialik

The critical part with meal spacing is that you stabilize your hormones so that you do not have those spikes in insulin that occur when you eat large meals.
Ian K. Smith

Gotta love alcohol and sex hormones.
Tucker Max

Hormones influencing the sensitivity of the person to environmental stimuli.
Robert M. Sapolsky

Hormones were as potent as whiskey, and twice as sneaky.
Linda Howard

Hormones are very powerful things. We are helpless in their wake.
Meg Cabot

I just feel like estrogen is bad hormones, and seen as shameful.
Jen Kirkman

Nothing better for the hormones and worse for the heart than the right boy at the right time.
Jacquelyn Mitchard

The more you worry, the more you throw off the delicate balance of hormones required for health.
Andrew Bernstein

Try and stay away from dairy - especially if you're a woman! It's really hard on your hormones.
Megan Fox

I'm really big on hormones.
Jen Kirkman

I'd sacrificed true love and a popped cherry to the god of deception and hormones." - Zoey Redbird (Ch 24)
P. C. Cast

As a teenager, you have so much energy and hormones and you feel powerless in your life.
Patricia Arquette