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Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya Quotes

Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya Quotes
If a heart becomes attached to anything other than Allah, Allah makes him dependent on what he is attached to. And he will be betrayed by it.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

If a heart becomes devoted to anything besides Allah, Allah will cause him to be reliant on whatever he is dedicated to. Eventually, it will fail him.
This wordly life is like a shadow. If you try to catch it, you will never be able to do so. If you turn your back towards it, it has no choice but to follow you.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

This earthly life is like an ephemeral dream. If you attempt to capture it, it will remain elusive. If you walk away from it, it will follow in your tracks.
A person’s tongue can give you the taste of his heart.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

A person's speech can impart the essence of their soul.
Had Allah lifted the veil for his slave and shown him how He handles his affairs for him, and how Allah is more keen for the benefit of the slave than his own self, his heart would have melted out of the love for Allah and would have been torn to pieces out of thankfulness to Allah. Therefore if the pains of this world tire you, do not grieve. For it may be that Allah wishes to hear your voice by way of Dua'a. So pour out your desires in prostration and forget about it and know; that verily Allah does not forget it.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

When Allah tests you it is never to destroy you. When He removes something in your possession it is only in order to empty your hands for an even greater gift.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

When Allah trials you it is never to annihilate you. When He removes something in your possession it is only to free up your hands for an even more precious gift.
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Happiness is attained by three things: being patient when tested, being thankful when receiving a blessing, and being repentant upon sinning.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Contentment is achieved through three things: enduring trials stoically, being appreciative when blessed, and regretting wrongdoing.
There are six stages to knowledge: Firstly: Asking questions in a good manner. Secondly: Remaining quiet and listening attentively. Thirdly: Understanding well. Fourthly: Memorising. Fifthly: Teaching. Sixthly- and it is its fruit: Acting upon the knowledge and keeping to its limits.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Women are one half of society which gives birth to the other half so it is as if they are the entire society.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

'Females constitute one half of the population that creates the other, thus essentially rendering them as the whole.'
Quote Topics by Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya: Heart Islamic Wisdom Religious People Giving Pain Sin Perfection Being Thankful Sadness Taste Sea Punishment Way Worry Mean Order Prayer Doe Love Is Pride Wish God Life Hands Eye Two Half Humiliated
A real man is one who fears the death of his heart, not of his body.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

A genuine man is one who dreads the demise of his soul, not of his physique.
Be sincere in your aim and you will find the support of Allaah surrounding you.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Pursue your objective earnestly and you will discover the backing of Allaah encompassing you.
As long as you are performing prayer, you are knocking at the door of Allah, and whoever is knocking at the door of Allah, Allah will open it for him.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

'As long as you are supplicating, you are knocking at the door of Allah, and whoever is calling out to Him, He will respond.'
If you knew the true value of yourself, you will never allow yourself to be humiliated by committing sins.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

If you were cognizant of your own worthiness, you would never submit to disgrace by transgressing.
A slave stands infront of Allah on two occasions. The first during salah, and secondly on the Day of Judgment. Whoseover stands correctly in the first, the second standing will be made easier for him. And whosoever, disregards the first standing, the second standing will be extremely difficult.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

When Allah granted Prophet Yoosuf (`alayhis-Salaam) physical beauty it caused him to be locked up in the prison; but when Allah granted him knowledge (when he interpreted the dream of the king) it not only took him out of prison, but elevated his rank in society, clearly showing us the virtue of knowledge and that physical beauty does not mean anything.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Patience is that the heart does not feel anger towards that which is destined and that the mouth does not complain.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

"Tolerant acceptance of what is unavoidable is a virtue of the wise."
He who keeps his heart near God will find peace and tranquility, whilst he who gives his heart to the people will find restlessness and apprehension.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

He who keeps his soul close to God will find contentment and serenity, whilst he who entrusts his spirit to the masses will find unease and dread.
From the perfection of Allah's ihsan is that He allows His slave to taste the bitterness of the break before the sweetness of the mend. So He does not break his believing slave, except to mend him. And He does not withhold from him, except to give him. And He does not test him (with hardship), except to cure him.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Truly in the heart there is a void that can not be removed except with the company of Allah. And in it there is a sadness that can not be removed except with the happiness of knowing Allah and being true to Him. And in it there is an emptiness that can not be filled except with love for Him and by turning to Him and always remembering Him. And if a person were given all of the world and what is in it, it would not fill this emptiness.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Beware of every hour and how it passes, and only spend it in the best possible way, do not neglect yourself, but render it accustomed to the noblest and best of actions, and send to your grave that which will please you when you arrive to it.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

When there is money in your hand and not in your heart, it will not harm you even if it is a lot; and when it is in your heart, it will harm you even if there is none in your hands.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

When wealth is in your pocket but not in your spirit, it cannot hurt you even if it be large; and when it is in your soul, it can harm you even without a single cent.
Whoever mocks his brother for a sin they repented from will not die till he himself falls into the same sin.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Whoever ridicules his brother for a wrongdoing they have atoned for will not expire until he himself succumbs to the same misdeed.
The heart, in its journey to Allah, Majestic is He, is like that of a bird; Love is its head, and fear and hope are its two wings. When the head and two wings are sound, the bird flies gracefully; if the head is severed, the bird dies; if the bird loses one of its wings, it then becomes a target for every hunter or predator.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

How strange! You lose a little from you and you cry. And your whole life is wasting and you're laughing
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

'What a bizarre occurrence! Shedding tears from parting with a portion of yourself, yet your life is ebbing away and you're still guffawing.'
And if a person were given all of the world and what is in it, it would not fill his emptiness.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

If someone were to possess the entirety of the universe and all its contents, it would not suffice to fill their void.
Speech remains as a slave to you, but the moment it leaves your mouth, you become its slave.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

'The tongue is a master when in your control, yet the second it slips out, you become its servant.'
If you wish to check how much you love Allah, then see how much your heart loves the Quran, and you will know the answer.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

If you want to measure the depth of your devotion to Allah, examine how deeply your heart connects with the Quran, and you shall discover the response.
The soul will never become pious and purified except through undergoing afflictions. It is the same as gold that can never be pure except after removing all the base metals in it.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

The spirit will never be sanctified and cleansed except through suffering tribulations. It is like gold that can never be flawless unless all the impurities are extracted from it.
Imaan is of two halves; half is patience (Sabr) and half is being thankful (Shukr).
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Imaan is composed of two components; one is forbearance (Sabr) and the other is gratitude (Shukr).
Sitting with the poor and less fortunate people removes the ego and pride from your heart.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Sojourning alongside the destitute and disadvantaged diminishes one's vanity and arrogance.
When a person spends his entire day with no concern but Allah alone, Allah will take care of all his needs and take care of all that is worrying him; He will empty his heart so that it will be filled only with love for Him.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Love of Allah is the power of the heart, the sustenance of the heart, the light of the heart.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Devotion to Allah is the lifeblood of the heart, the nourishment of the heart, and the illumination of the heart.
O people who take pleasure in a life that will vanish, falling in love with a fading shadow is sheer stupidity
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Engaging in a fleeting existence for the sake of amusement is foolishness when one invests their affections in an ephemeral apparition.
Be to Allah as He wishes, and He will be to you more than you can wish for.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Live according to Allah's will, and He will exceed your expectations.
Beware of preoccupying your heart with what it has not been created for.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Be cautious not to indulge your heart in pursuits it was not intended for.
Sins have many side-effects. One of them is that they steal knowledge from you.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Sins can lead to a deprivation of wisdom.
If the heart becomes hardened, the eye becomes dry.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

If a man's patience is stronger than his whims and desires, then he is like an angel, but if his whims and desires are stronger than his patience, then he is like a devil. If his desire for food, drink and sex is stronger than his patience, then he is no better than an animal.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

We should know that Allah has created us to live an eternal life with no death, a life of pride and ease with no humiliation, a life of security with no fear, a life of richness with no poverty, a life of joy with no pain, a life of perfection with no flaws. Allah is testing us in this world with a life that will end in death, a life of pride that is accompanied by humiliation and degradation, a life that is tainted by fear, where joy and ease are mixed with sorrow and pain.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Wasting time is worse than death, because death separates you from this world whereas wasting time separates you from Allah
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Ibn Taymiyyah lived poorly. He was imprisoned and threatened. But I have never seen anyone as happy as him.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

As you can taste a pot full of food with a spoon likewise someone's tounge can tell you about his heart.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Everything that is loved, if it is not loved for His sake then this love is nothing but distress and punishment. Every action that is not performed for His sake then it is wasted and severed. Every heart that does not reach Him is wretched; veiled from achieving its success and happiness.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Yearning for Allah and His meeting is like the gentle breeze blowing upon the heart, extinguishing the blaze of the Dunya. Whosoever caused his heart to settle with his Lord shall be in a state, calm and tranquility, and whosoever sent it amongst the people shall be disturbed and excessively perturbed.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

A tear that runs down a believer's cheek is more beneficial than a thousand raindrops on the earth
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Repel the thought, for if you don't, it becomes an idea. So repel the idea, for if you don't it will become a desire. So fight against that(desire), for if you don't, it will become a determination and a passion. And if you don't repel that, it will become an action. And if you don't replace it with its opposite, it will become a constant habit. So at that point, it will be difficult for you to change it.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

The heart becomes sick, as the body becomes sick, and its remedy is al-Tawbah (repentance) and protection [from transgression]. It becomes rusty as a mirror becomes rusty, and its clarity is obtained by remembrance. It becomes naked as the body becomes naked, and its beautification is al-Taqwa. It becomes hungry and thirsty as the body becomes hungry, and its food and drink are knowledge, love, dependence, repentance and servitude.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

As long as one is following the right way, one should never be concerned about the reproaches of those who like to find faults.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

There are no means of attaining faith and certainty except through the Qur'an.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

How is it possible for one’s heart to be certain that one is going to meet Allah, that Allah sees and hears all that he does, and knows his secret open affairs, and that he will be made to stand before Allah, answerable for all his deeds - how can one be certain and aware of all of this, and yet persist upon things which displease Allah; persist upon abandoning Allah’s orders, neglecting His rights, and yet claim that he has good expectation of Allah?
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

The ibtilaa' (testing) of the believer is like medicine for him. It cures him from illness. Had the illness remained it would destroy him or diminish his reward and level (in the hereafter). The tests and the trials extract these illnesses from him and prepare him for the perfect reward and the highest of degrees (in the life to come).
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya