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Ice Water Quotes

Water is life's matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water.
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

Liquid is the foundation of existence and cradle, progenitor and means. Without liquid, there can be no life.
Authors on Ice Water Quotes: Zora Neale Hurston Dean Ambrose Groucho Marx Kat Dennings Charlie Benante Gwyneth Paltrow Geena Davis Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Jodi Picoult Nelson Algren Rachel Carson Jay Griffiths Margaret Atwood Rick Riordan Emily Bronte George Packer
I've got ice water running through my veins, I'm cool.
Dean Ambrose

I'm as composed as a cucumber.
What is wild cannot be bought or sold, borrowed or copied. It is. Unmistakeable, unforgettable, unshamable, elemental as earth and ice, water, fire and air, a quintessence, pure spirit, resolving into no constituents. Don't waste your wildness: it is precious and necessary.
Jay Griffiths

Don't you realize that the sea is the home of water? All water is off on a journey unless it's in the sea, and it's homesick, and bound to make its way home someday.
Zora Neale Hurston

In an age when man has forgotten his origins and is blind even to his most essential needs for survival, water along with other resources has become the victim of his indifference.
Rachel Carson

If you go in in the morning and have had a rough night, dunking your face in ice water is really good.
Gwyneth Paltrow

I struggled with carpal tunnel for about 15 years to the point where I was going anywhere from acupuncture to chiropractor to actually getting a shot or two of cortisone to dipping my hand in a bucket of ice water during a show to buying a can of air. You turn it upside down and spray it on your wrist to get the frozen aspect of it and hopefully it wakes your hand up so I could get the feeling back in my hand.
Charlie Benante

Although anything can happen when under the influence of ice water.
Kat Dennings

Ice Water? Get some Onions - that'll make your eyes water!
Groucho Marx

There's people in hell who want ice water.
Nelson Algren

how cruel, your veins are full of ice-water and mine are boiling
Emily Bronte

I almost never get nervous. I have ice water in my veins.
Geena Davis

Imagine if you were the positive pole of a magnet, and you were told that under no circumstances were you allowed to touch that negative pole that was sucking you in like a black hole. Or if you crawled out of the desert and found a woman standing with a pitcher of ice water, but she held it out of your reach. Imagine jumping off a building, and then being told not to fall. That's what it feels like to want a drink.
Jodi Picoult

Canadians are fond of a good disaster, especially if it has ice, water, or snow in it. You thought the national flag was about a leaf, didn't you? Look harder. It's where someone got axed in the snow.
Margaret Atwood

I woke to a bucket of ice water in my face. “Sadie! Get up,” Zia said. “God!” I yelled. “Was that necessary?” “No,” admitted Zia.
Rick Riordan

You don`t have to be foreign policy expert to succeed as president, but you have to have ice water for blood.
George Packer