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Iceberg Quotes

The euro Titanic has now hit the iceberg - and there simply aren't enough lifeboats to go round.
Nigel Farage

Authors on Iceberg Quotes: Nikki Yanofsky Reggie Watts Jim Rohn Sherrilyn Kenyon Dan Maskell Jerry Lawler Natasha Richardson Delmore Schwartz Michelene Wandor Neil Gaiman Chuck Palahniuk Nigel Farage Van Jones
What is powerful is when what you say is just the tip of the iceberg of what you know
Jim Rohn

Like icebergs, people normally expose only a small part of themselves, and generally just the part they wish to show.
Nikki Yanofsky

People are icebergs. So much of us is underneath.
Neil Gaiman

Barack Obama volunteered to be the Captain of the Titanic AFTER it hit the iceberg
Van Jones

Lendl has remained throughout as calm as the proverbial iceberg.
Dan Maskell

Whats in the movie compared to what we shot is the tip of the iceberg.
Natasha Richardson

What I'm doing on stage now is just the tip of the iceberg.
Reggie Watts

If Mark Henry was the Titanic, the iceberg would've sank!
Jerry Lawler

You'd be amazed at the pain and tears a single smile hides.
Sherrilyn Kenyon

Is it not clear that a reviewer's psyche,
like an iceberg,
is seven-eighths beneath the surface?
Delmore Schwartz

The attacks on old words and the coining of new are the visible tip of the iceberg of change.
Michelene Wandor

If there had been zombies on the iceberg when the Titanic hit it, that would have made a much better movie.
Chuck Palahniuk