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Iceberg Slim Quotes

Only a fool trips on what is behind him.
Iceberg Slim

Chumps prefer a beautiful lie to an ugly truth.
Iceberg Slim

An emotional debt is hard to square.
Iceberg Slim

I think my sound differentiates me from everyone else. I'm able to dip and dabble in other genres, without feeling out of place. Im not confined to one sound.
Iceberg Slim

Hip Hop will always have a lane of its own, for those that appreciate the culture.
Iceberg Slim

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Fair exchange, as the old saw goes is never robbery
Iceberg Slim

As far as being an African artist, my inspiration has been the fact that I'm a part of the generation that will put Nigerian African music on a global scale. It's been a long road for us, but I believe we're finally at that point where we can showcase our music to the world and get international recognition.
Iceberg Slim