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Ifs And Quotes

Most of us were taught that God would love us if and when we change. In fact, God loves you so that you can change. What empowers change, what makes you desirous of change is the experience of love. It is that inherent experience of love that becomes the engine of change.
Richard Rohr

Authors on Ifs And Quotes: Nassim Nicholas Taleb Ayn Rand Ted Cruz Susan Hampshire Wendell Berry Lionel Messi Duane Michals Kerri Walsh Richard Rohr Amor Towles Josh Linkner Ernest Sosa Gene Sarazen Napoleon Hill Terry Goodkind Bertrand Russell John Boehner e. e. cummings Roy Hattersley Willard Van Orman Quine Michael Connelly David O. Selznick James Rollins Sherrilyn Kenyon Amy Winehouse Joyce Meyer Eve Ensler Maria Shriver Thomas Nagel Bill Mollison John Dunning Barack Obama Rush Limbaugh
Life's short. Anything could happen, and it usually does, so there is no point in sitting around thinking about all the ifs, ands and buts.
Amy Winehouse

Civilizations, I believe, come to birth and proceed to grow by successfully responding to successive challenges. They break down and go to pieces if and when a challenge confronts them that they fail to meet.
Arnold J. Toynbee

You can overcome anything, if and only if you love something enough
Lionel Messi

If "ifs" and "ands" were pots and pans, there'd be no work for tinkers' hands
Charles Kingsley

House Republicans want to pass a strong border security, illegal immigration bill. We want a bill. There is no ifs, ands or buts about it.
John Boehner

Trust that little voice in your head that says 'Wouldn't it be interesting if...'; And then do it.
Duane Michals

Yeah, well, if ifs and buts were candy and nuts, then we’d never go hungry. (Syn)
Sherrilyn Kenyon

One should not as a rule reveal one's secrets, since one does not know if and when one may need them again. The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.
Joseph Goebbels

When you ask "why", "what if" and "why not" you force yourself to explore what's possible and not just what is.
Josh Linkner

We say that a sentence is factually significant to any given person, if, and only if, he knows how to verify the proposition which it purports to express.
A.J. Ayer

The proposition that Muslims are welcome in Britain if, and only if, they stop behaving like Muslims is a doctrine which is incompatible with the principles that guide a free society.
Roy Hattersley

Given man's nature, freedom will always be in jeopardy, and the only question that need concern each of us is if and how well we took our stand in its defense during the short period of time when we were potentially a part of the struggle.
Benjamin A. Rogge

Until you destroy your body, you don't learn to appreciate it. Treat the body like a temple because the body is so beautiful. If and when you understand your body then you will respect it. The body is like a bud, until the sun rises it will not bloom, until it blooms it will not be beautiful or give perfume. So respect it, take care of it.
Bikram Choudhury

The greatest thing that can happen to the state of Queensland and the nation of Australia would be if and when we get rid of the media. Then we would live in peace and tranquility - but no one would know anything!.
Johannes "Joh" Bjelke-Petersen

The ifs and buts of history...form an insubstantial if intoxicating diet.

The sentence 'snow is white' is true if, and only if, snow is white.
Alfred Tarski

I will accept your influence, guidance and direction if (and only if) I believe that you and I share similar goals.
David Maister

Some communities will be abandoned, others will struggle along, others will split, others will flourish, gain members, and be duplicated elsewhere. Each community must win and hold the voluntary adherence of its members. No pattern is imposed on everyone, and the result will be one pattern if and only if everyone voluntarily chooses to live in accordance with that pattern of community.
Robert Nozick

Place your desires before God. Pray about them and trust God to give them to you if and when they’re right for you.
Joyce Meyer

I'm not a what-if and could-have person. I'm happy with my decisions.

You exist if and only if you are free to do things without a visible objective, with no justification and, above all, outside the dictatorship of someone else's narrative.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

But for me, dinner at a fine restaurant was the ultimate luxury. It was the very height of civilization. For what was civilization but the intellect's ascendancy out of the doldrums of necessity (shelter, sustenance and survival) into the ether of the finely superfluous (poetry, handbags and haute cuisine)? So removed from daily life was the whole experience that when all was rotten to the core, a fine dinner could revive the spirits. If and when I had twenty dollars left to my name, I was going to invest it right here in an elegant hour that couldn't be hocked.
Amor Towles

fundamentally an organism has conscious mental states if and only if there is something that it is like to be that organism--something it is like for the organism.
Thomas Nagel

You have a real life if and only if you do not compete with anyone in any of your pursuits.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Well, did he do it?" She always asked the irrelevant question. It didn't matter in terms of the strategy of the case whether the defendant "did it" or not. What mattered was the evidence against him -- the proof -- and if and how it could be neutralized. My job was to bury the proof, to color the proof a shade of gray. Gray was the color of reasonable doubt.
Michael Connelly

IF - and this is the greatest of them all - I had the courage to see myself as I reallyam, I would find out what is wrong with me, and correct it, then I might have a chance to profit by my mistakes and learn something from the experience of others,for I know that there is something WRONG with me, or I would now be where I WOULD HAVE BEEN IF I had spent more time analyzing my weaknesses, and less time building alibis to cover them.
Napoleon Hill

Innovative people have always been in high demand. Help those around you to develop that “never-say-die” attitude by developing it yourself. Make a decision, today, to outlaw complaining, whining and negative thinking in your own personality. And, a word of caution: if and when you are criticized for being so positive or as some call it, “unrealistic,” you will know you are on the right track.
Bob Proctor

Gay people - generally speaking - have a responsibility to our own community and to future generations of gay people to come out, if and when we feel that we can.
Rachel Maddow

Beans are highly nutritious and satisfying, they can also be delicious if and when properly prepared, and they posses over all vegetables the great advantage of being just as good, if not better, when kept waiting, an advantage in the case of people whose disposition or occupation makes it difficult for them to be punctual at mealtime.
Andre Simon

Even when times were good, I realized that my earning power as a golf professional depended on too many ifs and putts.
Gene Sarazen

The advice I will give my children, if and when they have Olympic aspirations, will be to go for it.
Kerri Walsh

If and when the whole world is secure, we have won a right to explore space, and the oceans. Until we have demonstrated that we can establish a productive and secure earth society, we do not belong anywhere else, nor (I suspect) would we be welcome elsewhere.
Bill Mollison

If - and it can be in a movie or in a department store - I hear someone arguing with their child, I break down and cry. Because it reflects how I was treated when I was little.
Michael Jackson

Conscience is the anticipation of the fellow who awaits you if and when you come home.
Hannah Arendt

If and when we get back to that solid, biblically and constitutionally based foundation in this country, America will be great - and America will be great again because we give people freedom, we dissolve power out of Washington.
Rick Perry

In Kentucky, we're destroying mountains, including their soils and forests, in order to get at the coal. In other words, we're destroying a permanent value in order to get at an almost inconceivably transient value. That coal has a value only if and when it is burnt. And after it is burnt, it is a pollutant and a waste-a burden.
Wendell Berry

One of the predictions that I was the first to make is now materializing, and that prediction was that Obama isn't going away. That Obama is going to hang around Washington and do everything he can to undermine the next president, particularly if and when the next president tries to unravel any of the gigantic web of deceit and debauchery that Obama has implemented as president.
Rush Limbaugh

You are rich if and only if money you refuse tastes better than money you accept.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

A man of Seville is shaved by the Barber of Seville if and only if the man does not shave himself. Does the barber shave himself?
Bertrand Russell

If and when we get married, only a completely opposite system will prevail.
David O. Selznick

I delivered a clear and forceful message that although we recognize Russia's intelligence gathering will sometimes take place even if we don't like it, there's a difference between that than either meddling with elections or going after private organizations or commercial entities, and that we're monitoring it carefully, and we will respond appropriately if and when we see this happening.
Barack Obama

I am perfectly happy to compromise and work with anybody. Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians. I’ll work with Martians. If — and the if is critical — they're willing to cut spending and reduce the debt.
Ted Cruz

Whenever I start a novel, I'm always looking for two things: a bit of science that makes me go 'what if?' and a piece of history that ends in a question mark.
James Rollins

It's funny that some ideas start with a little "What if?" and then suddenly you're spending a million dollars to shoot the scene and hoping that it works.
Steve Martin

A few of my books, over the years, have been optioned for film. The subject matter of my books, however, is not exactly conducive to Hollywood film treatment. If and when a 'big-budget' film is ever made based on one of my books, my fans and I will more than likely loathe it because it won't be true to its source. That's almost a given.
Richard Laymon

Some people can only be happy being a star. What happens if and when the work dries up?
Susan Hampshire

It is too easy to say 'what if' and paint a picture of a perfect world.
Darren Shan

But in the end, we can’t live our lives by ‘what if’ and ‘if only.’ We can only do the best we can to the best of our ability based on what we know. That’s why the truth is so important.
Terry Goodkind

Let me be clear, the discussions about Social Security are not about the retirement security of those Americans who are 55 or older - the Social Security system for those folks 55 and over will not change in any way shape of form - no ifs, ands, or buts.
Norm Coleman