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Incense Quotes

Light the incense! You have to burn to be fragrant.

Authors on Incense Quotes: Ralph Waldo Emerson Carlos Santana John Ruskin Shaquille O'Neal Benjamin Disraeli Matsuo Basho Robert Browning Charles Spurgeon Philip Massinger Rumi Brian Austin Green Prem Prakash George Harrison Walter Savage Landor Dana Gould Jimmy Fallon
No ashes are lighter than those of incense, and few things burn out sooner.
Walter Savage Landor

Good strong thick stupefying incense-smoke!
Robert Browning

I take a baths all the time. I'll put on some music and burn some incense and just sit in the tub and think, Wow, life is great right now.
Brian Austin Green

At the end of our lives we hope we will look back and, like an incense stick completely burned away, will have poured forth all our fragrance into the world.
Prem Prakash

You might sooner get lightning out of incense smoke than true action or passion out of your modern English religion.
John Ruskin

Orchidbreathing incense into butterfly's wings
Matsuo Basho

...you meditate and you got the candles, you got the incense and you've been chanting, and all of a sudden you hear this voice: 'Write this down'
Carlos Santana

Let your thoughts be psalms, your prayers incense, and your breath praise.
Charles Spurgeon

How silent, how spacious, what room for all, yet without place to insert an atom--in graceful succession, in equal fullness, in balanced beauty, the dance of the hours goes forward still. Like an odor of incense, like a strain of music, like a sleep, it is inexact and boundless. It will not be dissected, nor unraveled, nor shown.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

I feel like I'm being too Zen. I'm inhaling too much patchouli and incense. It's embarrassing.
Jimmy Fallon

The praise of a fool is incense to the wisest of us . . .
Benjamin Disraeli

One grain of incense with devotion offer'd 'S beyond all perfumes of Sabaean spices.
Philip Massinger

Christ was born in a manger, laying down amongst donkeys ang goats. He was given gifts of incense and perfume. No kidding.
Dana Gould

Incense. Books. Just weird.
Shaquille O'Neal

If you visit a temple, you can see pictures of God, you can see the Deity form of the Lord, and you can just hear Him by listening to yourself and others say the mantra. It's just a way of realizing that all the senses can be applied toward perceiving God, and it makes it that much more appealing, seeing the pictures, hearing the mantra, smelling the incense, flowers, and so on.
George Harrison