Do not go to the garden of flowers!
O friend! go not there;
In your body is the garden of flowers.
Take your seat on the thousand petals of the
lotus, and there gaze on the infinite beauty.
God being infinite beauty, the soul united to Christ draws upon himself the admiring and tender gaze of the Angels, who, were they capable of any passion, would be filled with envy at his lot.
Pope Pius X
The world is a mirror of infinite beauty, yet no man sees it.
Thomas Traherne
The pure heart is a spotless mirror in which images of infinite beauty are reflected.
The whole world is looking for miracles. Every day it is dying to see miracles. But can there be any miracle More challenging, more illumining And more fulfilling Than to see and feel the infinite Beauty Of my Beloved Supreme Inside this tinier than the tiniest Gratitude-heart of mine?
Sri Chinmoy
For Thomas Traherne (c. 1636-1674), one of the sanest men who ever lived, to see the world with the eyes of innocence, and so to see it pervaded by a numinous glory, is to see things as they truly are, and to recognize creation as the mirror of God's infinite beauty.
David Bentley
Only one thing abides: an infinite beauty that passes from form to form, eternally changed and revealed afresh.
Georg Buchner
The Christian must be consumed by the conviction of the infinite beauty of holiness and the infinite damnability of sin.
Thomas Carlyle