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Internet Quotes

Don't ever, ever try to lie to the internet.
Gabe Newell

Authors on Internet Quotes: Bill Gates Edward Snowden Noam Chomsky Eric Schmidt Tim Berners-Lee Terence Koh Jeff Bezos Ramesh Srinivasan Alexis Ohanian Andy Grove Theodore Stevens Vinton Cerf Marc Andreessen Werner Herzog Ai Weiwei Don Rittner Gary Kovacs James Daly Mary Meeker Robert Breault Rick Riordan Rush Limbaugh Bill Keller Patrick Leahy Ray Bradbury Mark Cuban Misha Glenny John Hodgman Steve Jobs Mitchell Kapor John Perry Barlow Steve Crocker Marc Ostrofsky
I am dumbfounded that there hasn't been a crackdown with the libel and slander laws on some of these would-be writers and reporters on the Internet.
Walter Cronkite

Cyber terrorism could also become more attractive as the real and virtual worlds become more closely coupled, with automobiles, appliances, and other devices attached to the Internet.
Dorothy E. Denning

If you think you can experience the power of the Internet on a 1-inch screen, you've got to be out of your mind.
Martin Cooper

Official truths are often powerful illusions.
John Pilger

I wanted to highlight the destruction in Gaza by posting photos on my website - but on the internet, people only look at pictures of kittens.

This is a very fashionable charge to bring against a company. This is one of the consequences, in this country, of being in the Internet industry. I think it's quite scandalous, they brought the weakest charges they had.
James Hunt

There should be a background check every time a firearm is transferred. You shouldn't be able to go to a gun show and buy guns without a background check. There are Internet gun sales, classified ads in the newspapers - and you can buy guns without background checks.
Michael D. Barnes

The Internet feeds off the main press, and the main press feeds off the Internet. They're working in tandem.
Matt Drudge

Rome wasn't built in a day, and the internet is our new Rome
Kanye West

When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl.
John Perry Barlow

If you have zero access to the Internet, that is an offline device.
Don Mattrick

I'd bet Sony has some similar stuff up their sleeves they're just playing on the internet outrage for free PR. You're all being played!
Cliff Bleszinski

Language itself changes slowly but the internet has speeded up the process of those changes so you notice them more quickly.
David Crystal

I really love the internet. They say chat-rooms are the trailer park of the internet but I find it amazing.
Carrie Fisher

Skype is for any individual who has a broadband Internet connection.
Niklas Zennstrom

Once the smoke of the market crash clears off, you know, the Internet will pick back up and go. Take a look at what's happening to some of the big companies like eBay and Yahoo, the publicly traded stocks. You know, they're all coming back up off the mat now.
Michael Nesmith

Today, it is clear that Internet organizing is vital to our future success.
Martin Frost

If your business is not on the Internet, then your business will be out of business.
Bill Gates

Don’t allow the Internet to become your congregation. YouTube is a horrible place to go to church.
Albert Mohler

I predict the Internet will soon go spectacularly supernova and in 1996 catastrophically collapse.
Robert Metcalfe

I hadn't known there were so many idiots in the world until I started using the Internet.
Stanislaw Lem

You don't cruise the Internet looking for your name and walk away with a good feeling. So, I never do it.
Adam Carolla

A fundamental new rule for business is that the Internet changes everything.
Bill Gates

I've never had an original thought in my lifeand there's tons of people on the internet happy to tell me just that.
Shepard Fairey

The development of the Internet has posed new challenges to national sovereignty, security and development interests.
Xi Jinping

Domain names and websites are Internet real estate.
Marc Ostrofsky

I have one major problem with the Internet: It's full of liars.
John Lydon

As the most participatory form of mass speech yet developed, the Internet deserves the highest protection from government intrusion.
Stewart Dalzell

The Internet is a great place to find unconventional comedy that you can't find anywhere else.
Andy Dick

Privacy is not an option, and it shouldn't be the price we accept for just getting on the Internet.
Gary Kovacs

I don't have faith in the Internet, I have faith in people connected through the Internet.
Jim Gilliam

I invented the web just because I needed it really because it was so frustrating that it didn't exit.
Tim Berners-Lee

The Internet gave a place like, 'Oh, I'll do whatever I want now. Nobody's going to see it anyways.' Oddly enough, people started watching and I got more confident, comfortable with it.
Shane Dawson

I'm very excited about having the Internet in my den.
Steve Jobs

Can we go back to using Facebook for what it was originally for - looking up exes to see how fat they got?
Bill Maher

I share every aspect of my life with the internet. Whether or not that's a good thing I don't know.
Troye Sivan

Computers and the Internet have made it really easy to rant. It's made everyone overly opinionated.
Scott Weiland

We have the Internet of Everything but not the inclusion of everyone.
Ajaypal Singh Banga

Every time I crash the Internet, it's like this little drop of truth. Every time I say something that's extremely truthful out loud, it literally breaks the Internet. So what are we getting all of the rest of the time?
Kanye West

The public good is in nothing more essentially interested, than in the protection of every individual's private rights.
William Blackstone

The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedience, and by parts.
Edmund Burke

The state is made for man, not man for the state.... That is to say, the state should be our servant and not we its slaves
Albert Einstein

You can't gaze in the crystal ball and see the future. What the Internet is going to be in the future is what society makes it.
Robert E. Kahn

The internet is changing all forms of communication, and this definitely includes political communication.
Theresa May

I also follow chess on the Internet, where Kasparov's site is very interesting.
Boris Spassky

You can always spot a well informed man his views are the same as yours.
Ilka Chase

The internet is an amazing medium for languages.
David Crystal

The public feels that if it's on the Internet and you can access it, you deserve it. You haven't committed any kind of crime. We may even have to rename piracy. But in any case, we have to confront it.
Morgan Freeman

I think the Internet is absolutely extraordinary. It's very, very useful and I think one of the things we've got to do is make sure that the African continent gets on to that information super highway.
Thabo Mbeki