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J. Oswald Sanders Quotes

J. Oswald Sanders Quotes
It is impossible for a believer, no matter what his experience, to keep right with God if he will not take the trouble to spend time with God. Spend plenty of time with him; let other things go, but don't neglect Him.
J. Oswald Sanders

The frontiers of the kingdom of God were never advanced by men and women of caution.
J. Oswald Sanders

True leadership is found in giving yourself in service to others, not in coaxing or inducing others to serve you.
J. Oswald Sanders

True greatness,true leadership,is found in giving yourself in service to others, not in coaxing or inducing others to serve you. True service is never without cost. Often it comes with a painful baptism of suffering. But the true spiritual leader is focused on the service he and she can render to God and other people, not on the residuals and perks of high office or holy title. We must aim to put more into life than we take out.
J. Oswald Sanders

When God lays a burden on our hearts and thus keeps us praying, He obviously intends to grant the answer.
J. Oswald Sanders

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We are at this moment as close to God as we really choose to be. True, there are times when we would like to know a deeper intimacy, but when it comes to the point, we are not prepared to pay the price involved.
J. Oswald Sanders

Jesus drank a cup of wrath without mercy, that we might drink a cup of mercy without wrath.
J. Oswald Sanders

Once the joy of intimacy with God has been experienced, life becomes unbearable without it.
J. Oswald Sanders

Quote Topics by J. Oswald Sanders: Leadership Christian Spiritual Men Jesus Leader Church People Heart Giving Intimacy Eye Tired Taken Fall Real Years Self Ambition Greatness Use Ideas Lying Wells Visionaries Discipline Jobs Atmosphere Past Doctrine
Faith enables the believing soul to treat the future as present and the invisible as seen.
J. Oswald Sanders

There is no conceivable situation in which it is not safe to trust God.
J. Oswald Sanders

Most men are notable for one conspicuous virtue or grace - Moses for meekness, Job for patience, John for love. But, in Jesus you find everything.
J. Oswald Sanders

A great deal more failure is the result of an excess of caution than of bold experimentation with new ideas. The frontiers of the Kingdom of God were never advanced by men and women of caution.
J. Oswald Sanders

The man of leadership caliber will work while others waste time, study while others sleep, pray while others play. There will be no place for loose or lazy habits in word or thought, deed or dress. He will observe a soldierly discipline, diet and deportment, so that he may wage a good warfare.
J. Oswald Sanders

It is obvious that Paul did not regard prayer as supplemental, but as fundamental-not something to be added to his work but the very matrix out of which his work was born. He was a man of action because he was a man of prayer. It was probably his prayer even more than his preaching that produced the kind of leaders we meet in his letters.
J. Oswald Sanders

Eyes that look are common; eyes that see are rare.
J. Oswald Sanders

Before we can conquer the world, we must first conquer the self.
J. Oswald Sanders

If a man is known by the company he keeps, so also his character is reflected in the books he reads.
J. Oswald Sanders

True greatness, true leadership, is achieved not by reducing men to one's service but in giving oneself in selfless service to them.
J. Oswald Sanders

Ambition that centers on the glory of God and welfare of the church is a mighty force for good.
J. Oswald Sanders

We can lead others only as far along the road as we ourselves have traveled. merely pointing the way is not enough. If we are not walking, then no one can be following, and ware not leading anyone.
J. Oswald Sanders

Pride takes many forms, but spiritual pride is the most grievous. To become proud of spiritual gifts or leadership position is to forget that all we have is from God, all the position we occupy is God's appointment.
J. Oswald Sanders

One reason why people are unable to understand great Christian classics is that they are trying to understand without any intention of obeying them.
J. Oswald Sanders

The spiritual leader will choose the hidden path of sacrificial service and approval of the Lord over the flamboyant self-advertising of the world.
J. Oswald Sanders

We should always aim to read something different=not only the writers with whom we agree, but those with whom we are ready to do battle. Their point of view challenges us to examine the truth and to test their views...and let us not comment on nor criticize writers of whom we have heard only second-hand, or third-hand without troubling to read their works for ourselves...Don't be afraid of new ideas.
J. Oswald Sanders

If a Christian is not willing to rise early and work late, to expend greater effort in diligent study and faithful work, that person will not change a generation. Fatigue is the price of leadership. Mediocrity is the result of never getting tired.
J. Oswald Sanders

Sacrifice is the ecstasy of giving the best we have to the One we love most.
J. Oswald Sanders

The deity of Christ is the key doctrine of the scriptures. Reject it, and the Bible becomes a jumble of words without any unifying theme. Accept it, and the Bible becomes an intelligible and ordered revelation of God in the person of Jesus Christ.
J. Oswald Sanders

Leaders who want to show sensitivity should listen often and long and talk short and seldom. Many so-called leaders are too busy to listen. True leaders know that time spent listening is well invested.
J. Oswald Sanders

God prepares leaders with a specific place and task in mind. Training methods are adapted to the mission, and natural and spiritual gifts are given with clear purpose.
J. Oswald Sanders

Faith never knows where it is being led, or it would not be faith. True faith is content to travel under sealed orders.
J. Oswald Sanders

The person who sees the difficulties so clearly that he does not discern the possibilities cannot inspire a vision in others.
J. Oswald Sanders

Fatigue is the price of leadership. Mediocrity is the price of never getting tired.
J. Oswald Sanders

The secular mind and heart, however gifted and personally charming, has no place in the leadership of the church.
J. Oswald Sanders

If the world is to hear the church's voice today, leaders are needed who are authoritative, spiritual, and sacrificial. Sacrificial, because this trait follows the model of Jesus, who gave Himself for the whole world and who calls us to follow in His steps.
J. Oswald Sanders

Desiring to excel is not a sin. It is motivation that determines ambition's character. Our Lord never taught against the urge to high achievement, but He did expose and condemn unworthy motivation.
J. Oswald Sanders

Time lost can never be retrieved. Time cannot be hoarded, only spent well.
J. Oswald Sanders

There is no such thing as a self made spiritual leader. He is able to influence others spiritually only because the Spirit is able to work in and through him to a greater degree than in those he leads.
J. Oswald Sanders

Spirituality is not easy to define, but you can tell when it is present. It is the fragrance of the garden of the Lord, the power to change the atmosphere around you, the influence that makes Christ real to others.
J. Oswald Sanders

Vision involves optimism and hope. The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty. The pessimist tends to hold back people of vision from pushing ahead.
J. Oswald Sanders

True leaders must be willing to suffer for the sake of objectives great enough to demand their wholehearted obedience.
J. Oswald Sanders

The final estimate of men shows that history cares not an iota for the rank or title a man has borne, or the office he has held, but only the quality of his deeds and the character of his mind and heart.
J. Oswald Sanders

God is always at work, though we cannot see it, preparing people he has chosen for leadership. When the crisis comes, God fits His appointee into the place ordained for him.
J. Oswald Sanders

If we are meticulously careful with the use of the days, the years will take care of themselves.
J. Oswald Sanders

A visionary may see, but a leader must decide.
J. Oswald Sanders

Jesus was the meeting place of eternity and time, the blending of deity and humanity, the junction of heaven and earth.
J. Oswald Sanders

Are you responsibly optimistic? Pessimism and leadership do not mix. Leaders are positively visionary.
J. Oswald Sanders

The original meaning of the word tact referred to the sense of touch (as in 'tactile'), and came to mean skill in dealing with persons or sensitive situations. Tact is defined as: 'intuitive perception, especially a quick and fine perception of what is fit and proper and right.' It alludes to one's ability to conduct delicate negotiations and personal matters in a way that recognizes mutual rights, and yet leads to a harmonious solution.
J. Oswald Sanders

The spiritual leader should outpace the rest of the church, above all, in prayer.
J. Oswald Sanders

Spiritual leadership is the power to change the atmosphere by one's presence, the unconscious influence that makes Christ and spiritual things real to others.
J. Oswald Sanders

If you would rather pick a fight than solve a problem, do not consider leading the church
J. Oswald Sanders