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James Bovard Quotes

James Bovard Quotes
America needs fewer laws, not more prisons. By trying to seize far more power than is necessary over American citizens, the federal government is destroying its own legitimacy. We face a choice not of anarchy or authoritarianism, but a choice of limited government or unlimited government .
James Bovard

The first step in saving our liberty is to realize how much we have already lost, how we lost it, and how we will continue to lose it unless fundamental political changes occur.
James Bovard

America needs fewer laws, not more prisons.
James Bovard

As long as enough people can be frightened, then all people can be ruled. That is how it works in a democratic system and mass fear becomes the ticket to destroy rights across the board.
James Bovard

Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.
James Bovard

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It is one of the great tragedies of the US, that most learn most of what they know about the government from the government.
James Bovard

Voting is no substitute for the eternal vigilance that every friend of freedom must demonstrate towards government. If our freedom is to survive, Americans must become far better informed of the dangers from Washington -- regardless of who wins the Presidency.
James Bovard

The vision that the founding fathers had of rule of law and equality before the law and no one above the law, that is a very viable vision, but instead of that, we have quasi mob rule.
James Bovard

Quote Topics by James Bovard: Government People Law Rights Liberty Political Numbers President Democracy Years Average Lying War Two Children Mean Responsibility Long Important Vote America Order Gun Voting Country Valuable Winning Odds Lunch Administration
It has been surprising to me that so few conservatives have voiced concern over the precedence that are being set in favor of suppression by this so-called conservative administration.
James Bovard

If citizens wish to retain their liberty, they cannot assume that those who seek power over them are honest. Skepticism of government is one of the most important-and most forgotten-bulwarks of freedom.
James Bovard

How many McDonald's gift certificates would it take to sway a lot of Americans to pledge to never publicly criticize the U.S, President?
James Bovard

Politicians nowadays treat Americans like medical orderlies treat Alzheimer's patients, telling them anything that will keep them subdued. It doesn't matter what untruths the people are fed because they will not long remember. But in politics, forgotten falsehoods almost guarantee new treachery.
James Bovard

It is unfortunate that Americans are no longer aware of what the constitution says and what their rights are. Because of that, we are often very passive about what happens when the government violates those rights.
James Bovard

The sheer number of government employees and welfare recipients effectively transforms the purpose of government from maintaining order to confiscating as much as possible from vulnerable taxpayers.
James Bovard

Some politicians are aware of the Bill of Rights. It seems that the opposition party is far more likely to invoke it, to wave it in the air, this is what we saw from a lot of republicans during the Clinton Administration, and we are seeing the same from Democrats under Bush.
James Bovard

This is a case if the President is permitted to be above the law, then we no longer have a republic.
James Bovard

The more people expect from government, the more biased they become against limiting government power.
James Bovard

It is amazing to think after all that has happened in this country in the last few years, the last few decades, that so many people have this blind faith that government is our friend and therefore, we don’t need protections against it.
James Bovard

People are so docile right now. It is almost as if good government means when the politicians lie to us for our own good, for the public good, and bad government is when politicians lie for their own selfish interests.
James Bovard

It is hard to know how many people do, but given that the people are so docile towards the rulers, nowadays, very few Americans show the passion for freedom that our forefathers had.
James Bovard

Part of the reason that the government's fear mongering is succeeding is because so many people are so ignorant, that it is easier for government to frighten people in submission.
James Bovard

There has been so much power concentrated. There is no leash on that power anymore and Americans face the situation that this power is getting momentum with each passing year with each presidency.
James Bovard

There is no virtue in denying the law of gravity, and there should be no virtue in denying the limitations of government. ... The more we glorify government, the more liberties we will lose.
James Bovard

The more that voting is glorified as a panacea, the more lackadaisical people become about preserving their constitutional rights.
James Bovard

Well, one of the first things is to restore the rule of law, to place the government back under the cage of law. Another thing is to stop falling for the myth of democracy.
James Bovard

Freedom is whatever the president says it is, pending revision.
James Bovard

If an election is simply a one-day snapshot of transient mass delusions, then this is not a very noble form of government.
James Bovard

The average American family head will be forced to do twenty years' labor to pay taxes in his or her lifetime.
James Bovard

There is no safe political refuge for those afraid to take responsibility for their own lives.
James Bovard

Entire generations of Americans have come of age since the ancient time when the president's power was constrained by a duty of candor to the American people.
James Bovard

I was amazed at how easy it was for the Clinton Administration to basically cover what they did at Waco in the fog of lies and avoid any responsibility for it.
James Bovard

A democratic government that respects no limits on its power is a ticking time bomb, waiting to destroy the rights it was created to protect.
James Bovard

If so many Americans are looking for the government to save them, then it is hard to have a dignified search for a shepherd in chief.
James Bovard

The Federal Government is exploiting public fear to redefine the relationship between the rulers and the American people.
James Bovard

The more government dependents, the more likely that democracy will become a conspiracy against self-reliance.
James Bovard

The more expansive government is, the more perils people face in daily lives, be it from IRS agents or from child support services, or from other agencies that often have little or no legal restraints on their power.
James Bovard

Liberty is a political firewall that limits the damage government can do to the individual.
James Bovard

Democracy is not freedom. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch. Freedom comes from the recognition of certain rights which may not be taken, not even by a 99% vote. Those rights are spelled out in the Bill of Rights and in our California Constitution. Voters and politicians alike would do well to take a look at the rights we each hold, which must never be chipped away by the whim of the majority.
James Bovard

Gun laws are an attempt to nationalize the right of self-defense. Politicians perennially react to the police's abject failure to prevent crime by trying to disarm law-abiding citizens. The worse government fails to control crime, the more the politicians want to restrict individuals' rights to defend themselves. But police protection in most places is typical government work - slow, inefficient, and unreliable.
James Bovard

For the average person walking down a dark street late at night, a promise from a politician is worth far less than a .38 Special.
James Bovard

We are asking the wrong question. The issue is not who should be trusted with all the power of the Presidency. Instead, we must ask how much power any candidate can be trusted with.
James Bovard

The more powerful government becomes, the more abuses it commits and the more lies it must tell.
James Bovard

Some of the folks on both sides might be sincere, but it does seem as if it is only the opposition that cares about the Bill of Rights most of the time.
James Bovard

Once a person becomes a government dependent, his moral standing to resist the expansion of government power is fatally compromised.
James Bovard

Foreign aid breeds kleptocracies, or governments of thieves.
James Bovard

No-knock police raids destroy Americans' right to privacy and safety. People's lives are being ruined or ended as a result of unsubstantiated assertions by anonymous government informants. ... Unfortunately, no-knock raids are becoming more common as federal, state, and local politicians and law enforcement agencies decide that the war on drugs justified nullifying the Fourth Amendment. ... No-knock raids in response to alleged narcotics violations presume that the government should have practically unlimited power to endanger some people's lives in order to control what others ingest.
James Bovard

Once freedom is equated with a certain material standard of living, confiscation becomes the path to liberation.
James Bovard

Its contempt for citizens ... is so routine, and so unlimited, that the agency has become a kind of Frankenstein, running wild and terrorizing Americans at will. The IRS hypocritically requires mistake-free returns when its own books are in shambles. It demands exorbitant sums of money without regard to the accuracy of its claims. It doesn't hesitate to use every possible maneuver to get what it wants, sometimes destroying businesses -- and lives -- in the process.
James Bovard

Freedom to vote is valuable primarily as a means to safeguard other freedoms.
James Bovard

Rather than a democracy, we increasingly have an elective dictatorship. People are merely permitted to choose who will violate the laws and the Constitution.
James Bovard