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Jason Aldean Quotes

American singer-songwriter and guitarist, Birth: 28-2-1977 Jason Aldean Quotes
Yeah I'm chillin' on a dirt road, laid back swervin' like I'm George Jones.
Jason Aldean

I had a friend, Melissa, who was 28 years old. She was my best friend's wife, and she was my wife's best friend. She died of breast cancer. When she passed away back in 2004 was the last time I cried.
Jason Aldean

Hearing people clapping draws you in pretty quick. It's like bungee cord jumping - it's a rush; you just want to do it again.
Jason Aldean

I had no idea 'Big Green Tractor' was going to be as big a hit as it was. You just can't predict those things.
Jason Aldean

Now one thing I think is really lame, is if you're an artist and you go to a karaoke bar and sing your own song. I like to get up there and sing stuff that I would never sing on stage anywhere else. Like Neil Diamond.
Jason Aldean

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I didn't get into music to become famous and I didn't get into music to become rich either - I got into because I liked it.
Jason Aldean

I don't think I really have any wisdom. Stay out of trouble. Good luck. Stay away from women because they will burn you, haha.
Jason Aldean

I think it's important to do things that you're interested in. I think it's important to have other outlets away from the music industry.
Jason Aldean

Quote Topics by Jason Aldean: Thinking Song Country People Artist Rocks Years Records Opportunity Play Night Trying Dad Cutting Careers Awards Bigs Wall Want Jeans Rich Albums Baseball Player Haha Friendship Believe Feel Good Goal Boys
No matter what you do, you're going to have people who have something to say about something you do. You can't please anybody.
Jason Aldean

I'm a country boy. I'm from Georgia.
Jason Aldean

Country music in the mid-'90s was a big influence on my career, and I played all the songs that are referenced in '94' back in my club days. Joe Diffie was rocking a sick mullet, and he was hotter than ever... just putting out monster hit after monster hit. It totally takes me back to those days, and it makes me smile every time I hear it.
Jason Aldean

There's nothing cooler than a good fitting, worn-in pair of Wrangler jeans, so it's great that with the new Retro line, my fans can go out and rock the same styles that I love.
Jason Aldean

I think country music is obviously a great form of music. I think it's cool and has mass appeal.
Jason Aldean

I love fried okra. The fact that it's okra makes me feel like it's good for you - I forget the fact that it's fried.
Jason Aldean

I think every artist wants to have that 'Grammy award winner' tag in front of their name.
Jason Aldean

Country music artists are staying true to their roots, keeping it country but throwing a little bit of rock flair in there which I think is a good thing.
Jason Aldean

I love playing music. And that's what it's all about.
Jason Aldean

Obviously when you're making music, you want it to get out to as many people as possible. You want to reach as many people as you can.
Jason Aldean

I have a love of baseball and a love of music.
Jason Aldean

You come to a country music show and it's like a rock show, it's so different, it's just not what people think it is, it's really cool and I think that if people just give it a chance they'd see that it's really cool and I think that's what people are finally starting to see.
Jason Aldean

If you say, 'I'm going to cut this song because I know the teenagers are going to love it,' well, then you're going to alienate everybody else. When I cut my record, I'm just going to cut the things that I like, and whoever likes it, likes it. That's too much work to try to figure out the demographic. That's too much like a business.
Jason Aldean

To me, a critic is someone who gets paid for their opinion, and they're entitled to that opinion but I don't really put a lot of stock into their opinion. I'm going to cut the kind of records and the kind of songs that I like, and the kind of things that I enjoy doing. If critics dig it, that's fine, if they don't, that's fine.
Jason Aldean

Traveling all over the country and all over the world, I think you've got a lot of pop acts and a lot of rock acts that are making a point of traveling to different places and making people aware of their music and their shows and the whole deal and I think country music has always sort of stayed, for the most part, in the states.
Jason Aldean

I think it's important for artists to work together. It's great for fans to see, like, Ludacris came out to our show in Atlanta and kinda made a surprise appearance there, it shows a mutual respect for what each other does.
Jason Aldean

My dad started teaching me how to play guitar when I was 13 years old. When he'd go to work, he'd map out guitar cords on a piece of notebook paper. I'd sit down and look at it every day and practice while he was gone.
Jason Aldean

My dad encouraged anything I wanted to do, especially music. Actually he drove me around to places where I could play.
Jason Aldean

I only took about five guitar lessons in my life from an actual teacher. I learned fast that that wasn't for me. I didn't have the attention span to learn that way. So I learned the basics from my dad, then just from playing on stage, and watching other guitar players.
Jason Aldean

I didn't want my records to sound like anybody else, and when I've got my guys in the studio, I have a language with those guys because we work together every day. A lot of times, you bring in outside guys, studio players, whatever, and they're great musicians. It's just that they don't necessarily play the way I want it to be played.
Jason Aldean

Capricorn was one of the homes of the Southern rock movement with the Allman Brothers and Charlie Daniels and the Marshall Tucker Band. I don't think you can come from that area and not be influenced by that stuff a little bit, no matter what generation you grew up in.
Jason Aldean

You have record companies that sign acts that they think are great, and then they never do anything. Acts that they don't think are really going to do much end up having a career. I don't think anyone really knows what it is that drives somebody to get on their computer and want to download a song.
Jason Aldean

Typing in the name of a song and downloading the song you really have no connection with the artist at that point. So I think it is still important to have physical CDs and stuff like that.
Jason Aldean

I think when you wear the brand anyway, why not go out and try to promote it and make it as cool as you can? The fact that I can continue to do what I've always done and kind of become the face of that brand is to me, kind of just makes sense. It doesn't make sense not to do it I guess.
Jason Aldean

I think great songs can come from anywhere and you constantly have to be able to look out for those. I think a lot of the times people will try too hard to write everything themselves and therefor miss out on great songs that way.
Jason Aldean

I don't really think that audiences are that much different. I think that a fan is the same whether you are from here or from Japan - you come to a show because you like the music. I don't really see much of a difference anywhere.
Jason Aldean

There are a lot of people out there that really aren't that different than me, I consider myself a pretty average guy, so hopefully they understand me and know where I am coming from. I kinda feel like I am a voice for them.
Jason Aldean

I would say, 'Go ask any couple that's been married for 30, 40, 50 years... It hasn't always been roses.'
Jason Aldean

I'm very particular about the kind of music that I record and sing, and it would be the same way about the kind of movies that I would do.
Jason Aldean

If it takes you a year to cut a record, I don't know, you need to find something else to do. It really shouldn't take that long.
Jason Aldean

There's a lot of people I'd love to work with at some point, but I think the song has to be the right thing. It has to be the right fit.
Jason Aldean

If the right thing comes along and you get an opportunity to be a part of something you believe in, and you think it's cool and want to put your name on it, then you should.
Jason Aldean

I think everybody would love to say they were in a movie. Whether or not I'm any good at it, I don't know.
Jason Aldean

I think my music is definitely country but it's got a little bit of that rock flair about it. I always try to find the things that everyday people deal with in their everyday lives and situations in the songs that I sing.
Jason Aldean

I try to record music that people can relate to.
Jason Aldean

I grew up listening to all kinds of music, everything from country to rock, pop, R&B and even rap, so for me, music is music and a great song is a great song.
Jason Aldean

The 'Night Train' has already been a crazy ride for me. We flew around making TV appearances and stadium announcements all over the country, fueled by little more than coffee and adrenaline... so many fans jumped on board with us, and I couldn't be more thankful.
Jason Aldean

You don't want to get too ahead of yourself and go out thinking you can play stadiums every night, and they end up being about half-full.
Jason Aldean

I don't know if Nashville will ever be ousted as the Music City. But I also think that here, over the last few years, Georgia has definitely kind of risen to the top as far as the crop of young artists coming out of this area that are kind of making waves, you know?
Jason Aldean

She gets on you under your skin like a tattoo she'll always be there!
Jason Aldean

Gimme some of that you and me, Some of that way back when, A little bit of wild and free I wanna feel that again
Jason Aldean

There are people out there who are into traditional country music and for those people you have artists like Brad Paisley and Josh Turner and Alan Jackson. Then you have artists with a progressive style of country music, like myself and Eric Church and Luke Bryan and Miranda Lambert.
Jason Aldean