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Jean Houston Quotes

Jean Houston Quotes
At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.
Jean Houston

We all have the extraordinary coded within us, waiting to be released.
Jean Houston

Education and the process of educating is a total integral, contextual situation which includes students, teachers, parents, administration and environment.
Jean Houston

Change the story and you change perception; change perception and you change the world.
Jean Houston

If you keep telling the same sad small story. You will keep living the same sad small life.
Jean Houston

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You are not a passive observer in the cosmos. The entire universe is expressing itself through you at this very moment.
Jean Houston

I often wonder if you wrote your memoir today, if your life story would be lived on the edge of possibility, if you held wonder in one hand and courage in the other and truly believed that anything was possible.
Jean Houston

No matter the situation, never let your emotions overpower your intelligence.
Jean Houston

Quote Topics by Jean Houston: People Thinking Stories Mind Humanity World Teacher Years Reality Spiritual Men Believe Issues Soul Levels Needs Growing Growth Knowing Way Challenges Real Body Persons Teaching Life Laughter Happiness Ideas Together
You are not an encapsulated bag of skin dragging around a dreary little ego. You are an evolutionary wonder, a trillion cells singing together in a vast chorale, an organism – environment, a symbiosis of cell and soul.
Jean Houston

There is something else that is trying to come through - that lure of becoming - and it does come from the realm of spirit, it does come from the quantum universe, it does come from the great spark that is the threshold of time and history trying to emerge and electrify us.
Jean Houston

Just as you would not neglect seeds that you planted with hope that they will bear vegetables and fruits and flowers, so must you attend to nourish the garden of your becoming.
Jean Houston

The world needs the sense that we are all in it together.
Jean Houston

Bangladesh is a world of metaphor, of high and low theater, of great poetry and music. You talk to a rice farmer and you find a poet. You get to know a sweeper of the streets and you find a remarkable singer.
Jean Houston

In our time we have come to the stage where the real work of humanity begins. It is the time where we partner Creation in the creation of ourselves, in the restoration of the biosphere, the regenesis of society and in the assuming of a new type of culture; the culture of Kindness. Herein, we live daily life reconnected and recharged by the Source, so as to become liberated and engaged in the world and in our tasks.
Jean Houston

Laughter is the loaded latency given us by nature as part of our native equipment to break up the stalemates of our lives and urge us on to deeper and more complex forms of knowing.
Jean Houston

Engaging it produces an intense force, which in turn produces a mutation in consciousness. You become who you really are.
Jean Houston

We are the love, the lover, the loving, and the love. It is the Supreme. It is the deepest force in our lives.
Jean Houston

The soul is the lure of our becoming.
Jean Houston

As you allow the beloved to grow within you, you will discover a steadfastness to the spiritual journey.
Jean Houston

The ecological crisis is doing what no other crisis in history has ever done - challenging us to a realization of a new humanity.
Jean Houston

Stories are living and dynamic. Stories exist to be exchanged. They are the currency of Human Growth.
Jean Houston

Development involves giving up a smaller story in order to wake up to a larger story.
Jean Houston

Wth subtly developed body awareness, it is possible for the individual to become the conscious orchestrator of health.
Jean Houston

Now is the time when we must renew ourselves and live as if we and all of life is sacred, and as if everything we do makes a difference.
Jean Houston

I firmly believe that all human beings have access to extraordinary energies and powers. Judging from accounts of mystical experience, heightened creativity, or exceptional performance by athletes and artists, we harbor a greater life than we know.
Jean Houston

Try to spend a few moments each day holding a picture of your body and your mind in a state of splendid health.
Jean Houston

The tendrils of a new, deeper form of spirituality are growing. It's the greening under the surface crust of consciousness and social paradigm.
Jean Houston

Love to me is - the final lines in Dante's Paradiso, when he says, "The love that moves the Sun and all the stars" - it's what draws us together, it's why we have leaky margins with each other. It is that sumptuous, sensuous, sensitive quickening that happens when we really know ourselves as love and see ourselves as loving.
Jean Houston

The ideas are secondary to the primary premise of people's potential. I'm always in wonder and astonishment.
Jean Houston

Our senses are indeed our doors and windows on this world, in a very real sense the key to the unlocking of meaning and the wellspring of creativity.
Jean Houston

Ironically, we are all too often educated out of rather than in to an awareness of the body.
Jean Houston

When a culture is not mythologically instructed, not instructed in story that gives us a call, then we start looking for quasi-stories, little toxic stories that keep our selves alerted and spared until we find another story.
Jean Houston

My prayer is, let me be a blessing to someone or something today.
Jean Houston

It would be wonderful if people could grow together in groups, teaching and learning communities where they empower, evoke, explore the enormous capacities of the human condition.
Jean Houston

The more you love, the more loving you become. That's just the way it works. It is a generosity of spirit.
Jean Houston

I find that all over the world, not only is there an acceleration of just about everything, but that many of the old patterns are deconstructing. New ones are arising. It's tremendously exciting, challenging, and also sometimes, well, scary.
Jean Houston

You've had a whole lot of experience, but everything is also radically new at each moment, and you have to bring a kind of childlike second-level innocence to bear upon all situations, if you are going to be of use and you are going to really learn from the situation or the people.
Jean Houston

We cannot embrace the New Mind by just sitting around and talking about it. It demands that we alter not just our thinking, but our way of living down to the smallest details.
Jean Houston

What I find on the Internet is fascinating because whole subcultures are developing. And they really are cultures. They have their art forms, their music, and their language. They have their spirituality, they have new names. It's almost like watching colonies of little organisms develop under a petri dish. You can really see these cultures swarming and growing and developing and spawning on the Internet.
Jean Houston

Occasionally we will be overwhelmed, but mostly we will be enchanted.
Jean Houston

We tend to think of the Faustian man, the one who fabricates, manipulates, seduces and ends up destroying. But the new image will be man the creator, the artist, the player.
Jean Houston

Pathos activates the eyes and ears to see and hear. At times of pathos, illness opens doors to a reality which is closed to a healthy point of view.
Jean Houston

If you travel as much as I do - 165,000 miles last year - you exist nowhere. You're always between heaven and earth, you're always arriving in a new place, you're always starting from the beginning - talk about origins - and you don't know quite what's going to unfold. You live in the unexpected and the inexplicable all the time.
Jean Houston

We live in a description of reality.
Jean Houston

We have all been brought up with an ethical system of 2,000 years ago, an industrial-managerial system of 200-300 years ago, a statecraft system of 200 years ago, and so on. None of this is working very well for the requirements of a time as complex and variegated as our own. So we stand shuttering at the threshold, with no clear map.
Jean Houston

When we are calling forth the depth and genius of the other, then we grow.
Jean Houston

Your brain has one function-to do exactly what you tell it to do.
Jean Houston

Each person is a really a great treasure house of capacities, possibilities, energies.
Jean Houston

I am ready for the rest of my life to rise.
Jean Houston

A myth is something that never was but that is always happening.
Jean Houston