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Jean Piaget Quotes

Swiss psychologist and philosopher (d. 1980), Birth: 9-8-1896, Death: 16-9-1980 Jean Piaget Quotes
The principle goal of education in the schools should be creating men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done.
Jean Piaget

The primary intention of instruction in the schools should be to produce individuals who are able to innovate, not simply imitate what other generations have accomplished.
When you teach a child something you take away forever his chance of discovering it for himself.
Jean Piaget

You deprive a youngster of the opportunity to uncover it independently when you instruct them something.
Every time we teach a child something, we keep him from inventing it himself. On the other hand, that which we allow him to discover for himself will remain with him visible for the rest of his life.
Jean Piaget

'Whenever we impart knowledge to a child, we prevent him from fashioning his own understanding. Conversely, anything allowed to be stumbled upon by him will remain ingrained within his memory indefinitely.'
Play is the work of childhood.
Jean Piaget

Recreation is the vocation of youth.
Children require long, uniterrupted periods of play and exploration
Jean Piaget

Kids necessitate extended, undisturbed spells of amusement and investigation.
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The principal goal of education is to create men who are capable of doing new things, not simply of repeating what other generations have done-men who are creative, inventive, and discovers. The second goal of education is to form minds which can be critical, can verify, and not accept everything they are offered.
Jean Piaget

Are we forming children who are only capable of learning what is already known? Or should we try to develop creative and innovative minds, capable of discovery from the preschool age on, throughout life?
Jean Piaget

Children have real understanding only of that which they invent themselves, and each time that we try to teach them too quickly, we keep them from reinventing it themselves.
Jean Piaget

'Youngsters can only truly comprehend that which they devise on their own, and any time we attempt to impart knowledge too rapidly, we impede them from devising it anew.'
Quote Topics by Jean Piaget: Children Mean Inspirational Self Reality Teaching Thinking Psychology Education Understanding Educational Science Play World Past Hands Eye Logic Teach Accommodations Discovery Attitude Action Long Games Religious Law Childhood Moments Knows
Play is the answer to how anything new comes about.
Jean Piaget

Experimentation is the response to how anything innovative materializes.
Education, for most people, means trying to lead the child to resemble the typical adult of his society . . . but for me and no one else, education means making creators. . . . You have to make inventors, innovators...not conformists
Jean Piaget

Intelligence is what you use when you don't know what to do.
Jean Piaget

Acumen is what you employ when you lack knowledge of how to proceed.
Teaching means creating situations where structures can be discovered.
Jean Piaget

Educating implies fashioning circumstances where fundamentals can be exposed.
Experience precedes understanding.
Jean Piaget

Comprehension is born of trial.
What we see changes what we know. What we know changes what we see.
Jean Piaget

'Perception modifies cognition, and cognition alters perception.'
Each time one prematurely teaches a child something he could have discovered himself, that child is kept from inventing it and consequently from understanding it completely.
Jean Piaget

Every time a child is supplied with knowledge they could have deduced themselves, that youngster is prevented from devising it and thus from grasping it utterly.
True interest appears when the self identifies itself with ideas or objects, when it finds in them a means of expression and they become a necessary form of fuel for its activity.
Jean Piaget

Genuine fascination emerges when the individual perceives a correlation between themselves and concepts or things, when they discover in them an outlet for communication and they become an essential source of energy for their engagement.
What is desired is that the teacher ceased being a lecturer, satisfied with transmitting ready-made solutions. His role should rather be that of a mentor stimulating initiative and research.
Jean Piaget

It is desired that the teacher moved away from simply being a lecturer, content with relaying pre-prepared answers. Their role should be more akin to that of a mentor, encouraging creativity and exploration.
How can we, with our adult minds, know what will be interesting? If you follow the child...you can find out something new.
Jean Piaget

"Utilizing our mature cognizance, how can we determine what will be captivating? If you shadow the youngster...you can unearth something unprecedented."
It is with children that we have the best chance of studying the development of logical knowledge, mathematical knowledge, physical knowledge, and so forth.
Jean Piaget

We are presented with the greatest opportunity to observe the evolution of logical, mathematical and physical knowledge when we interact with children.
Only education is capable of saving our societies from possible collapse, whether violent, or gradual.
Jean Piaget

During the earliest stages the child perceives things like a solipsist who is unaware of himself as subject and is familiar only with his own actions.
Jean Piaget

During the initial phases the youngster sees things like a narcissist who does not comprehend himself as an individual and is only acquainted with his own conduct.
Everytime we teach a child something, we prevent him from inventing it himself.
Jean Piaget

Everytime we impart knowledge to a child, we obstruct them from discovering it independently.
We learn more when we are compelled to invent.
Jean Piaget

Logical positivists have never taken psychology into account in their epistemology, but they affirm that logical beings and mathematical beings are nothing but linguistic structures.
Jean Piaget

In genetic epistemology, as in developmental psychology, too, there is never an absolute beginning.
Jean Piaget

Our problem, from the point of view of psychology and from the point of view of genetic epistemology, is to explain how the transition is made from a lower level of knowledge to a level that is judged to be higher.
Jean Piaget

Logic and mathematics are nothing but specialised linguistic structures.
Jean Piaget

I am convinced that there is no sort of boundary between the living and the mental or between the biological and the psychological. From the moment an organism takes account of a previous experience and adapts to a new situation, that very much resembles psychology.
Jean Piaget

Before games are played in common, no rules in the proper sense can come into existence. Regularities and ritualized schemas are already there, but these rites, being the work of the individual, cannot call forth that submission to something superior to the self which characterizes the appearance of any rule.
Jean Piaget

The more we try to improve our schools, the heavier the teaching task becomes; and the better our teaching methods the more difficult they are to apply.
Jean Piaget

Mixture of assimilation to earlier schemas and adaptation to the actual conditions of the situation is what defines motor intelligence. But and this is where rules come into existence as soon as a balance is established between adaptation and assimilation, the course of conduct adopted becomes crystallized and ritualized. New schemas are even established which the child looks for and retains with care, as though they were obligatory or charged with efficacy.
Jean Piaget

How much more precious is a little humanity than all the rules in the world.
Jean Piaget

Equilibrium is the profoundest tendency of all human activity.
Jean Piaget

The child who defines a lie as being a "naughty word" knows perfectly well that lying consists in not speaking the truth. He is not, therefore, mistaking one thing for another, he is simply identifying them one with another by what seems to us a quaint extension of the word "lie".
Jean Piaget

In certain circumstances where he experiments in new types of conduct by cooperating with his equals, the child is already an adult. There is an adult in every child and a child in every adult. ... There exist in the child certain attitudes and beliefs which intellectual development will more and more tend to eliminate: there are others which will acquire more and more importance. The later are not derived from the former but are partly antagonistic to them.
Jean Piaget

To understand is to invent.
Jean Piaget

Moral autonomy appears when the mind regards as necessary an ideal that is independent of all external pressures.
Jean Piaget

The relations between parents and children are certainly not only those of constraint. There is spontaneous mutual affection, which from the first prompts the child to acts of generosity and even of self-sacrifice, to very touching demonstrations which are in no way prescribed. And here no doubt is the starting point for that morality of good which we shall see developing alongside of the morality of right or duty, and which in some persons completely replaces it.
Jean Piaget

The essential functions of the mind consist in understanding and in inventing, in other words, in building up structures by structuring reality.
Jean Piaget

This means that no single logic is strong enough to support the total construction of human knowledge.
Jean Piaget

Scientific thought, then, is not momentary; it is not a static instance; it is a process.
Jean Piaget

Punishment renders autonomy of conscience impossible.
Jean Piaget

Accommodation of mental structures to reality implies the existence of assimilatory schemata apart from which any structure would be impossible.
Jean Piaget

The self thus becomes aware of itself, at least in its practical action, and discovers itself as a cause among other causes and as an object subject to the same laws as other objects.
Jean Piaget

For the fundamental fact of human psychology is that society, instead of remaining almost entirely inside the individual organism as in the case of animals prompted by their instincts, becomes crystallized almost entirely outside the individuals. In other words, social rules, as Durkheim has so powerfully shown, whether they be linguistic, moral, religious, or legal, etc., cannot be constituted, transmitted or preserved by means of an internal biological heredity, but only through the external pressure exercised by individuals upon each other.
Jean Piaget

Knowing reality means constructing systems of transformations that correspond, more or less adequately, to reality.
Jean Piaget

The more the schemata are differentiated, the smaller the gap between the new and the familiar becomes, so that novelty, instead of constituting an annoyance avoided by the subject, becomes a problem and invites searching.
Jean Piaget

It was while teaching philosophy that I saw how easily one can say ... what one wants to say. ... In fact, I became particularly aware if the dangers of speculation ... It's so much easier than digging out the facts. You sit in your office and build a system. But with my training in biology, I felt this kind of undertaking precarious.
Jean Piaget

At one time, many philosophers held that faultless "laws of thought" were somehow inherent, a priori, in the very nature of mind. This belief was twice shaken in the past century; first when Russell and his successors showed how the logic men employ can be defective, and later when Freud and Piaget started to reveal the tortuous ways in which our minds actually develop.
Jean Piaget

I could not think without writing.
Jean Piaget