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Jeanloup Sieff Quotes

There are no reasons for my photographs, nor any rules; all depends on the mood of the moment.
Jeanloup Sieff

I am totally superficial, I know. But I believe superficiality can be very serious, a defense against the gravity of things, a manner of discretion.
Jeanloup Sieff

All aspects of photography interest me and I feel for the female body the same curiosity and the same love as for a landscape, a face or anything else which interests me. In any case, the nude is a form of landscape. There are no reasons for my photographs, nor any rules; all depends on the mood of the moment, on the mood of the model.
Jeanloup Sieff

The impulse that led you to make an image is a thing that you cannot share with anyone, even if you explain it. What remains is a surface that will live its own life, that will belong to everybody. I accept that surface.
Jeanloup Sieff

I'm proud of the two adjectives, superficial and frivolous.
Jeanloup Sieff

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I have been searching for time past all my life.
Jeanloup Sieff

If I have caught myself struggling to remember, it was, if not a pretense, at least premature, in that I only ever used photography for my own pleasure - even if I then bewailed the vanished pleasure which my pictures brought back to me.
Jeanloup Sieff