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Jennifer Tour Chayes Quotes

American mathematician and computer scientist, Birth: 20-9-1956
It is cheaper to pay mathematicians and computer scientists to design algorithms that will eliminate webspamming, rather than to pay lawyers to do lawsuits.
Jennifer Tour Chayes

With a metric you can really go to town, otherwise it is just abstract nonsense.
Jennifer Tour Chayes

Always try to innovate. If you lose your old fitness, you lose out to Bose-Einstein condensation. I am sure that companies that go under would feel better if they knew that they were victims of Bose-Einstein condensation.
Jennifer Tour Chayes

I don't know whether guys are more promiscuous or just bigger liars.
Jennifer Tour Chayes

Theoretical Computer Science is just as useless as everything we mathematicians do.
Jennifer Tour Chayes

Similar Authors: Bertrand Russell Blaise Pascal Alfred North Whitehead Jeff Bezos Isaac Newton Randy Pausch Rene Descartes Steve Wozniak Tim Berners-Lee Gottfried Leibniz Jacob Bronowski Henri Poincare Charles Sanders Peirce Johannes Kepler Larry Page
Combinatorialists and analysts always have different names for everything, in order to keep themselves from interacting.
Jennifer Tour Chayes

I described to my patent lawyer our new algorithm-that I was hoping to patent- about detecting clustering, that involved three probabilities α , β, γ that add-up to 1, and mentioned that it is like "a three-sided coin". A few days later he came up with a patent application for a "three-sided-coin".
Jennifer Tour Chayes