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Jeri Smith-Ready Quotes

For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Jeri Smith-Ready

I’m a morning person and a night person. So I have to be a nap person, or else I’m a tired person.
Jeri Smith-Ready

I'm more of a dog person. But I admire cats and their ability to take so much while giving so little.
Jeri Smith-Ready

It's not our ability to get forgiveness that saves us. It's out ability to grant forgiveness.
Jeri Smith-Ready

I think we get the world we deserve. People who love get love back, and people who hate, or fear, they get those back too.
Jeri Smith-Ready

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Ignorance is the world's most curable affliction.
Jeri Smith-Ready

Parents, preachers, and politicians think rock music is the source of young people's despair. They don't understand it's just a reflection. They also forget that music can be a source of hope, a reason to live.
Jeri Smith-Ready