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Jim C. Hines Quotes

Jim C. Hines Quotes
Bullying is not okay. Period.
Jim C. Hines

I like big books and I cannot lie. You other readers can’t deny That when a kid walks in with The Name of the Wind Like a hardbound brick of win. Story bling. Wanna swipe that thing Cause you see that boy is speeding Right through the book he’s reading. I’m hooked and I can’t stop pleading. Wanna curl up with that for ages, All thousand pages. Reviewers tried to warn me. But with that plot you hooked Me like Bradley. Ooh, crack that fat spine. You know I wanna make you mine. This book is stella ’cause it ain’t some quick novella.
Jim C. Hines

Like any child raised on tales of magical worlds beyond paintings and mirrors and wardrobes, I had yearned to enter Middle Earth, to reach through.
Jim C. Hines

If we ruled the world, I guarantee you they never would have cancelled Firefly
Jim C. Hines

Every libromancer had a first book. Etched more sharply into my memory than my first kiss, this book had been my magical awakening.
Jim C. Hines

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Freedom of religion does not give you the right to physically or verbally assault people.
Jim C. Hines

Your religious beliefs are your business. They are not and should not be the basis for law. If you use them as justification to discriminate against others, don't be upset when others decide you're an asshole.
Jim C. Hines

I've found that there's a pretty wide range of silly. I don't want to do outright parody, because I like keeping my own characters and stories at the core of the books. And to be honest, I'm not smart enough to do the kind of wickedly sharp satire you get from someone like Pratchett.
Jim C. Hines

Quote Topics by Jim C. Hines: Book Writing Bullying Lying World Firefly Definitions Gutenberg Religious Life Is Errors Dumb Mirrors Trials Giving Running Children Next Laughing Serious Fire Memories Library Sound Guarantees Motorcycle Groups Horse Jobs Smart
If I'm making myself laugh, I figure most of my readers will be amused as well.
Jim C. Hines

Any factual errors that remain are entirely the fault of Bob, who snuck into the offices at DAW to try to sabotage my book. I hate that guy.
Jim C. Hines

I read more books for research purposes, whether its a fictionalized biography of Johannes Gutenberg or a stack of urban fantasies.
Jim C. Hines

I have a day job, which means my family isnt dependent on the writing income. So if I have an idea I like, I write it.
Jim C. Hines

Ive tried to write deep and serious. I spent years working to write a story that would make my writing group cry.
Jim C. Hines

A zombie amusement park sounds like fun, but the health code violations alone are enough to turn your stomach.
Jim C. Hines

An editor named Kerrie Hughes wanted me to write a short story that brought my fire-spider Smudge from my goblin books into the present-day world. I came up with libriomancy as a way to make that happen.
Jim C. Hines

That worked great! Thank you so much. What next?" "I don't know. I didn't expect you to live through it." "Oh.
Jim C. Hines

That is a trial I must face," Veka said. "No, that is a multiheaded snake thing, Jig snapped.
Jim C. Hines

Do you know why happily ever after is a lie?" Snow asked. "Because life is change.
Jim C. Hines

The more we narrow the definition of beauty, the more beauty we shut out of our lives.
Jim C. Hines

New rule: every fantasy author who doesn't treat horses like tireless hairy motorcycles automatically gets a Hugo.
Jim C. Hines

...bookstores, libraries... they're the closest thing I have to a church.
Jim C. Hines

This presents a serious question." They both looked at me. "What's that?" asked Lena. "Whether to start you off with a Doctor Who marathon or dive straight into Firefly.
Jim C. Hines

Torches," Porak ordered. "This is dumb," Jig grumbled as one of the others handed out torches. "Why not run ahead and warn any intruders that we're coming? Maybe we should sing, too, in case they're blind.
Jim C. Hines