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Jim Gibbons Quotes

To pay out millions upon millions of dollars in bonuses for incomplete work, poor performance, and unacceptable products is the height of government waste and mismanagement.
Jim Gibbons

Tree-hugging, Birkenstock-wearing, hippie, tie-dyed liberals [in Hollywood should]... go make their movies and their music and whine somewhere else.... It's just too damn bad we didn't buy them a ticket [to become human shields in Iraq].
Jim Gibbons

One volcano in Hawaii, one volcano in Indonesia, produces enough gases in the atmosphere, which include those natural elements that are in the Earth's crust, that, uh, kind of make all the, you know, the science that we have about what we produce, moot.
Jim Gibbons

I thank God tonight for freedom - those who bought and paid for it with their lives in the past - those who will protect it in the present and defend it in the future.
Jim Gibbons

Patenting and purchase of lands are absolutely vital to the health of Nevada's rural communities.
Jim Gibbons

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I don’t want to be a lonely governor.
Jim Gibbons

I want to know how these very people who are against war because of loss of life can possibly be the same people who are for abortion? They are the same people who are for animal rights, but they are not for the rights of the unborn.
Jim Gibbons

I am humbled and grateful for the four years the people of the state of Nevada have given me as governor and I am proud of the work we all did.
Jim Gibbons