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Jitters Quotes

I like to step into areas where I am afraid. Fear is a sign that I am going in the right direction.
April Greiman

Authors on Jitters Quotes: Cliff Stearns April Greiman Jorge Valdano Max Robertson Logan Lerman
Markets rebounded quickly from morning jitters after the London Thursday terrorist bombing.
Cliff Stearns

I don't get the jitters and I don't get nervous, because I build that comfort on set for myself. Sometimes if I'm gonna do something really crazy, it helps me to yell or look like an idiot on set, so that when I'm about to do a scene, I've already embarrassed myself. I find ways to work around getting the jitters.
Logan Lerman

If she gets the jitters now, then she isn't the great champion that she is.
Max Robertson

Every time I set foot on the Bernabeu turf I got the jitters, a kind of anxiety that takes hold of you the moment you step out into the glare of the floodlights.
Jorge Valdano