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Jonah Goldberg Quotes

American journalist and author, Birth: 21-3-1969 Jonah Goldberg Quotes
If power made one evil, then God would be the Devil.
Jonah Goldberg

Our country, if you read the 'Federalist Papers,' is about disagreement. It's about pitting faction against faction, divided government, checks and balances. The hero in American political tradition is the man who stands up to the mob - not the mob itself.
Jonah Goldberg

There was no intellectual movement in American history called social Darwinism. The people who were supposedly the leaders of the social Darwinist movement never embraced something called social Darwinism. It didn't exist.
Jonah Goldberg

Look, I think liberals have reasonable gripes with Fox News. It does lean to the right, primarily in its opinion programming but also in its story selection (which is fine by me) and elsewhere. But it's worth remembering that Fox is less a bastion of ideological conservatism and more a populist, tabloidy network.
Jonah Goldberg

The government cannot love you, and any politics that works on a different assumption is destined for no good.
Jonah Goldberg

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If there is ever a fascist takeover in America, it will come not in the form of storm troopers kicking down doors but with lawyers and social workers saying. "I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
Jonah Goldberg

Someone once noted that a 'gaffe' in Washington is when a politician accidentally tells the truth.
Jonah Goldberg

The Founders understood that democracy was important, but if you didn't filter it through a republican system you'd be just as likely to end up with a tyranny of the majority as you would with a healthy society. Don't worry, I won't quote the Federalist Papers, but trust me, it's in there.
Jonah Goldberg

Quote Topics by Jonah Goldberg: Thinking Government Country People America Politics Children Needs War Ideas Political Facts Long Writing Believe Moving Ignorant College Moral President Today Want Party Men Reality Trying Cost Looks Liberty Years
America's political system used to be about the pursuit of happiness. Now More and more of us want to stop chasing it and have it delivered.
Jonah Goldberg

I am just mystified by these people telling me I would think Obama was doing a great job if his skin contained less melanin.
Jonah Goldberg

In Europe and America alike, voters increasingly recognize that the benefits of the green revolution aren't worth the costs, particularly when the revolutionaries don't have a clue what they're doing.
Jonah Goldberg

The suggestion that liberals aren't moralizers is so preposterous it makes it hard for me to take any of them seriously when they wax indignant about "moralizers." Almost every day, they tell us what is moral or immoral to think and to say about race, taxes, abortion - you name it. They explain it would be immoral for me to spend more of my own money on my own children when that money could be spent by government on other people's children. In short, they think moralizing is fine. They just want to have a monopoly on the franchise.
Jonah Goldberg

Facts are mere speed bumps on the road to lefty moral outrage.
Jonah Goldberg

Cultures grow on the vine of tradition.
Jonah Goldberg

Our fear of hypocrisy is forcing us to live in a world where gluttons are fine, so long as they champion gluttony.
Jonah Goldberg

Today's unions are less Mobbed-up than those of yesteryear to be sure, but they're hardly above tactics that would be considered intimidating and coercive.
Jonah Goldberg

I don't think twice about picking up my dog's poop, but if another dog's poop is next to it, I think, 'Eww, dog poop!
Jonah Goldberg

I've just returned from my daughter's Halloween parade at grade school. She was supergirl - and she was perfect. And, even better, she still considers boys to be made of kryptonite.
Jonah Goldberg

John Kerry is a sphincter. Okay, that's a bit juvenile.
Jonah Goldberg

But if the choice is a cool president and 8 or 10 percent unemployment in a declining economy and a country that seems to be going in the wrong direction and structural unemployment for young people at 50 percent, I'd rather have a dorky president who fixed those problems.
Jonah Goldberg

Simply because the nanny-state wants to hug you doesn't mean it's not tyrannical if you don't want to be hugged.
Jonah Goldberg

Nothing drives your opponents more crazy than being utterly reasonable. And nothing makes demonizing or delegitimizing your opponents easier than letting them shriek unreasonable things for you. The Republicans need to get back to being the party that elicits unreasonable shrieking from their opponents. Not the other way around.
Jonah Goldberg

If you think shrinking government and getting it less involved in your life is a hallmark of tyranny it is only because you are either grotesquely ignorant or because you subscribe to a statist ideology that believes the expansion of the state is the expansion of liberty.
Jonah Goldberg

I'd like to know why sociologists can't decide whether movie sex and violence has any effect on children, but there's a universal consensus that even a glimpse of a Camel will force children to become lifelong smokers.
Jonah Goldberg

Yes, I know liberals are more empirical because Jonathan Chait says they are, but my empirical studies of liberal empiricism keep spitting out contradictory findings.
Jonah Goldberg

But there's a fourth interpretation: Obama can't leave his comfort zone. No president since Woodrow Wilson has been as enamored of abstract ideas or more sure that disagreement with him is proof of ignorance, bad faith or dogmatism. As a candidate, he insisted his real opponent was 'cynicism,' and in his address last week, he returned to this trite formulation, insisting again he was bravely battling the cynics.
Jonah Goldberg

I think what we're seeing on a lot of parts of the right is people bending their positions and their principles on account of the fact that Donald Trump won.
Jonah Goldberg

As we all know, the most effective lies are the ones sprinkled with the most actual truths.
Jonah Goldberg

Progressivism, liberalism, or whatever you want to call it has become an ideology of power. So long as liberals hold it, principles don't matter.
Jonah Goldberg

Not reassuring when weathermen say 'Today will be terrible but don't worry it won't be as terrible as tomorrow or Friday.
Jonah Goldberg

Getting the support of Syria is the moral equivalent of winning the Klan's endorsement - it might be useful but it doesn't necessarily speak well of you.
Jonah Goldberg

I think there needs to be a meeting to set an agenda for more meetings about meetings.
Jonah Goldberg

(T)he most important reason American leftists love France is that French elites say bad things about America. French intellectuals call us racist, stupid, imperialistic, simplistic, etc. ' and that alone is proof of their intellectualism. So long as you call America “racist,” you could add that an enema is as good as a toothbrush and some professor of “communications theory” would applaud.
Jonah Goldberg

[Libertarianism] is about curbing state power to let people be and do what they want. Liberalism is about using state power to make people do and be what liberals want. And that makes all the difference in the world.
Jonah Goldberg

Keep Hope alive, particularly if Hope is the name of a very cute puppy and not some ill-defined abstraction that is in fact code for big government.
Jonah Goldberg

(I)t is simply wrong to confuse cowardice with appeasement. Cowardice is a failing of character. Appeasement is a failure of policy. Stalin appeased Hitler when he signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Stalin was an evil character, to be sure. But cowardice really isn't the first word that comes to mind when thinking of Stalin ' that word is “sexy.” I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
Jonah Goldberg

Fascism isn't a libertarian doctrine! It just isn't, never will be and it can't be cast as one.
Jonah Goldberg

Forests are breaking out all over America. New England has more forests since the Civil War. In 1880, New York State was only 25 percent forested. Today it is more than 66 percent. In 1850, Vermont was only 35 percent forested. Now it's 76 percent forested and rising. In the south, more land is covered by forest than at any time in the last century. In 1936 a study found that 80 percent of piedmont Georgia was without trees. Today nearly 70 percent of the state is forested. In the last decade alone, America has added more than 10 million acres of forestland.
Jonah Goldberg

There is no - let me repeat - no example in the last quarter-century of a large, complex economy that has been successful with high taxes.
Jonah Goldberg

If you're uncertain when life begins, why not give the unborn the benefit of the doubt and oppose abortion?
Jonah Goldberg

Hollywood's martyr-mythology leaves out the fact that the famed Hollywood Ten, for example, were in fact members of the Communist Party, which advocated the violent overthrow of the U.S. government in violation of the Smith Act and which took orders directly from Moscow.
Jonah Goldberg

The white male is the Jew of liberal fascism.
Jonah Goldberg

And in the minds of progressives you are free to live anyway you want so long as it's progressive.
Jonah Goldberg

One of the overriding points of Liberal Fascism is that all of the totalitarian "isms" of the left commit the fallacy of the category error. They all want the state to be something it cannot be. They passionately believe the government can love you, that the state can be your God or your church or your tribe or your parent or your village or all of these things at once. Conservatives occasionally make this mistake, libertarians never do, liberals almost always do.
Jonah Goldberg

Free trade has been proven, time and again, as a reliable path to economic development. It pushes the public and private sectors alike toward greater accountability and transparency. It lifts people out of poverty, and while it can force unsettling changes on a society, those changes prove to be worthwhile in a very short time.
Jonah Goldberg

...associational ad hominem attacks remain the left's favorite rhetorical strategy for undermining opponents.
Jonah Goldberg

Pragmatism is the disguise progressive and other ideologues do when they want to demonize competing ideologies.
Jonah Goldberg

The logical upshot of liberalism's hatred of hypocrisy is that it is better for the liar to champion lying, the glutton to advocate gluttony, the adulterer to celebrate adultery, than for someone to preach the right thing if he himself occasionally does the wrong thing. Better to let your failings define you and be happy about it, than to let your ideals define you but then fall short of them, for that opens you up to the charge of hypocrisy.
Jonah Goldberg

Liberals are Nazis, and Nazis are liberals. And if you don't agree with me, you're a Nazi too.
Jonah Goldberg

Champions of Liberty get called Fascists by Champions of Statism
Jonah Goldberg