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Joseph Smith Quotes

I see Santa Claus and Joseph Smith and Luke Skywalker as the same person.
Trey Parker

Authors on Joseph Smith Quotes: Marguerite Young George Q. Cannon Joseph Fielding Smith Martin Harris Brigham Young Hugh Nibley Trey Parker
If we get our salvation, we shall have to pass by him [Joseph Smith]; if we enter our glory, it will be through the authority he has received. We cannot get around him
George Q. Cannon

There is no salvation without accepting Joseph Smith. If Joseph Smith was verily a prophet, and if he told the truth...no man can reject that testimony without incurring the most dreadful consequences, for he cannot enter the kingdom of God
Joseph Fielding Smith

I feel like shouting, hallelujah, all the time, when I think that I ever I knew Joseph Smith, the Prophet.
Brigham Young

I'm as much influenced by Joseph Smith and the Mormons as I am, more so, than by Eliot. Actually, I'm much more influenced by the poetry of the Mormons.
Marguerite Young

And as many of the plates as Joseph Smith translated I handled with my hands, plate after plate.
Martin Harris

Joseph Smith could not have picked a better year to start The Book of Mormon than 600 B.C.
Hugh Nibley