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Justine Musk Quotes

It was simply this: silence is not a neutral position, whatever your intentions. Silence automatically supports the status quo. When you are a presence that lacks a voice, you create an empty space that another voice - a dominating voice that knows no boundaries - is only too happy to fill.
Justine Musk

Choose one thing and become a master of it. Choose a second thing and become a master of that. When you become a master of two worlds, say, engineering and business, you can bring them together in a way that will a) introduce hot ideas to each other, so they can have idea sex and make idea babies that no one has seen before and b) create a competitive advantage because you can move between worlds, speak both languages, connect the tribes, mash the elements to spark fresh creative insight until you wake up with the epiphany that changes your life.
Justine Musk

The enemy of feminism isn’t men. It’s patriarchy, and patriarchy is not men. It is a system, and women can support the system of patriarchy just as men can support the fight for gender equality.
Justine Musk

Carpe every damn diem.
Justine Musk

Reading is the inhale, writing is the exhale.
Justine Musk

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Don't think about what you want, think about what the world needs, and strive to fill that gap. Success is a game of inches.
Justine Musk

To get at the truth of your calling, you have to crack open that false self and see what lies within.
Justine Musk