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Katie Featherston Quotes

I loved scary movies growing up.
Katie Featherston

I can not watch either of the "Paranormal" films alone.
Katie Featherston

I have friends that I have made through Twitter or things like that, but they're all verified as real people - I've either seen them perform, or we're mutual fans of each other, something like that. I don't have any authentic. I have a lot of good people in my actual life, but I will say that it's a strange time that we live in - it's easy to make friends and to make connections through social media, and if you're a good-hearted person, sometimes you can just assume people are who they say they are, and that isn't always the case.
Katie Featherston

Personally, to have people recognize your work is amazing. I love meeting fans and talking to them, and that happens quite a bit now, which is really cool. ... I'm at that great level where fans will stop and say hi, which I love, but the paparazzi don't care, which is incredible.
Katie Featherston