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Keep Trying Quotes

When something you make doesn't work, it didn't work, not you. You, you work. You keep trying.
Zach Klein

Authors on Keep Trying Quotes: George H. W. Bush Sarah Addison Allen Bret McKenzie Moby Ken Kesey Sasha Grey Brandon Sanderson Mother Teresa Erma Bombeck Jeffrey R. Holland Ronnie Apteker Billy Wilder Lloyd Alexander David Alan Grier John Banville Zach Klein Amelia Earhart Dieter F. Uchtdorf John Popper Jack Gleeson Yancy Butler Aimee Carter Hillary Clinton
Keep trying until you have no more chances left.
Aimee Carter

Saints are only sinners who keep trying.
Mother Teresa

If enough of us keep trying, we'll get someplace.
Amelia Earhart

Before you try to keep up with the Joneses, be sure they're not trying to keep up with you.
Erma Bombeck

They've tried to manufacture other Marilyn Monroes and they will undoubtedly keep trying. But it won't work. She was an original.
Billy Wilder

Rejection just motivates me to keep trying and to try to do better.
Sasha Grey

When we stumble don't get discouraged. Get up and Keep Trying.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

There is no such thing as a failure who keeps trying.
John Popper

We're going to keep trying to strengthen the American family, to make them more like the Waltons and less like the Simpsons.
George H. W. Bush

You've got to try and do your best, and the failure is what's funny. But you can't be aware of the failure, you've just got to keep trying to do your best.
Bret McKenzie

All that writers can do is keep trying to say what is deepest in their hearts.
Lloyd Alexander

I've spent a lot of time and money trying to keep my anger in control.
Yancy Butler

Your trouble is, you keep trying to unscrew the unscrutable.
Ken Kesey

Yes, Bastille. I keep trying to get killed because it's inconvenient for you.
Brandon Sanderson

Nothing is really broke, so it's not like I can fix it. I just have to keep trying to find what I'm looking for.
Sarah Addison Allen

I just want to try - on a daily basis keep trying - to make music that I really love.

No one has failed who keeps trying and keeps praying.
Jeffrey R. Holland

When things go right (and they go right a lot - you just got to keep trying) there is nothing to really laugh about.
Ronnie Apteker

Be talented enough to make it and stupid enough to keep trying.
David Alan Grier

Doing what you do well is death. Your duty is to keep trying to do things that you don't do well, in the hope of learning.
John Banville

I keep trying to define poetry, but its so difficult.
Jack Gleeson

It is difficult finding intelligence that is actionable in a lot of these places, but we have to keep trying.
Hillary Clinton