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Kendrick Lamar Quotes

American rapper, Birth: 17-6-1987 Kendrick Lamar Quotes
Build your own pyramids, write your own hieroglyphs.
Kendrick Lamar

Construct your own monuments, inscribe your own symbols.
We hurt people that love us, love people that hurt us
Kendrick Lamar

We inflict pain on those that care for us, and care for those that bring us suffering.
The sky is falling, the wind is calling Stand for something, or die in the morning
Kendrick Lamar

'The heavens descend, the breeze beckons Take a stand or face extinction'.
If I told you that a flower bloomed in a dark room, would you trust it?
Kendrick Lamar

If I declared that a blossom flourished in a dim chamber, would you accept it?
So next time you feel like your world is about to end, I hope you studied because He's testing your faith again.
Kendrick Lamar

If you feel like your life is in peril, I hope you have been attentive to the Lord's lessons as He will be scrutinizing your devotion once more.
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Look inside my soul and you can find gold and maybe get rich. Look inside of your soul and you can find out it never exists.
Kendrick Lamar

Explore within yourself and you can unearth invaluable treasures, though you may never uncover true riches.
I'm a person of my own opinions, that's how I was raised. I speak what I feel... A lot of people feel the same way but they're scared to talk. They're really scared of the truth - they only want half of the truth. I've been living like that - forever in fear - but I know what to say and how to say it now. I ain't scared of myself. Y'all may be scared; I'm not scared.
Kendrick Lamar

Life Will Put Many Red Lights In Front Of You, But Sometimes We Must Push On The Gas And Trust God
Kendrick Lamar

'Life May Present Numerous Hurdles, Yet Occasionally We Must Take A Leap Of Faith And Rely On The Almighty.'
Quote Topics by Kendrick Lamar: Rap People Hip Hop Kids Artist Thinking Writing Want Hurt Song Running Way World Moving Trying Real Energy Mom Years Strong Giving Would Be Looks Black Albums Soul Brother Heart Careers Firsts
I was a black sheep, but now I'm just a goat
Kendrick Lamar

I was an outcast, but now I'm just a stray.
Tell me how I stay positive When they never see good in me
Kendrick Lamar

Remain buoyant despite others' lack of faith.
We all get distracted, the question is, would you bounce back or bounce backwards?
Kendrick Lamar

'Everyone strays temporarily, the question is whether you'll rebound or regress?'
If I'm gonna tell a real story, I'm gonna start with my name.
Kendrick Lamar

"If I'm gonna relate a genuine tale, I'm gonna commence with my identity."
And I'm not sure why I'm infatuated with death, My imagination is surely an aggravation of threats... Maybe cause I'm a dreamer, and sleep is the cousin of death, Really stuck in the scheme of wondering when I'mma rest.
Kendrick Lamar

Although the butterfly and the caterpillar are completely different, they are one and the same.
Kendrick Lamar

'The butterfly and the caterpillar may have disparate forms, yet they are fundamentally connected.'
Just let me be me, That's the only way I know.
Kendrick Lamar

'Allow me to be my authentic self; It's the only way I understand.'
The one in front of the gun lives forever
Kendrick Lamar

'The one who stands before the cannon will never perish.'
My rights, my wrongs, I write ‘til I’m right with God.
Kendrick Lamar

My privileges, my mistakes, I petition until I am reconciled with the divine.
What separated me from all my homeboys is the fact that I didn't get caught inside the reality. I was always dreaming about doing something else or going somewhere else.
Kendrick Lamar

I stood apart from my peers due to the fact that I never allowed myself to become ensnared in the status quo. Rather, I was always envisioning achieving something else or journeying elsewhere.
Once I looked in the mirror and decided this is who I am, and I'm not scared of who I am, and I'm not scared that I can't be like you, and I'm good with just doing me, that's when I found myself, as a man.
Kendrick Lamar

My mind is living on cloud 9 and this 9 is never on vacation.
Kendrick Lamar

My intellect is soaring at its highest peak and this altitude never takes a break.
Don't you know your imperfections is a wonderful blessing, from heaven is where you got it from
Kendrick Lamar

'Recognise that your faults are a divine gift, bestowed on you from above.'
The message I'm sending to myself - I can't change the world until I change myself first.
Kendrick Lamar

The communication I'm relaying to myself - I can't modify the globe until I alter myself first.
Everybody looking at you crazy, What you gon' do? Lift up your head and keep moving, Or let the paranoia haunt you?
Kendrick Lamar

Everybody glancing your way skeptically, What will you do? Hold your head high and keep progressing, Or let the anxiety torment you?
We're all human at the end of the day, making mistakes. But learn from them is the key.
Kendrick Lamar

'At the termination of the day, we are all mere mortals liable to err. Nevertheless, the key lies in assimilating from our blunders.'
We look so much on color that we forget about the soul.
Kendrick Lamar

We pay too much attention to physical traits that we overlook the essence.
I live this life at a pace that anyone can go. Know your place, and dedicate your role ...To the faith that you'll die alone
Kendrick Lamar

I proceed through this existence with an energy that anyone can keep up with. Recognize your status, and commit yourself ...To the belief that you'll pass away unaccompanied.
The best thing is to always keep honest people around, because when you have a bunch of yes men around that know that you're making a mistake but let you go on with it, that's when it ruins your mind state as an artist.
Kendrick Lamar

It's easy to forget who you are.
Kendrick Lamar

Lose sight of one's identity.
I learned, when I look in the mirror and tell my story, that I should be myself and not peep whatever everybody is doing.
Kendrick Lamar

I discovered, when I gaze into the reflection and recount my narrative, that I should be authentic and not mimic what everyone else is doing.
Whatever pressure I feel all comes from me, from within. I always was that person who was hard on myself and challenged myself no matter what I was doing, whether it was passing third grade or playing basketball.
Kendrick Lamar

It's the beauty in her, But when the makeup occur, I don't see it, All i see is a blur
Kendrick Lamar

'The outward veneer of cosmetics may obscure her true radiance, Leaving me unable to discern its allure.'
I am a sinner....who's probably gonna sin again...Lord forgive me!
Kendrick Lamar

'I have erred...and will most likely stumble again...Gracious Lord, have mercy on me!'
God to me is love. It's the ruler of all things, whether it's with a person or with music or with your TV. I feel like it's this energy. God is energy, love is energy.
Kendrick Lamar

God to me is the ultimate power. It's what governs every aspect of life, be it in relationships, music or any other form of entertainment. I perceive God as a strong force, an energy that unites us all. Love is the manifestation of this power, and together they are nothing short of remarkable.
But what love got to do with it when you don't love yourself ?
Kendrick Lamar

'But what part does affection play when you lack self-regard?'
I'm standing on a field full of landmines doing the moonwalk hoping i blow up in time
Kendrick Lamar

I'm dancing on a minefield doing the moonwalk, praying I detonate swiftly.
You can't have people listen to you unless you come to their world and then bring them to yours.
Kendrick Lamar

'You must bridge the gap between your perspective and that of your audience in order to be heard.'
The opposite of love? Vice. Temptation. The negative influences that we have. The bad energy that comes around us and makes us do certain things. To me, it's always been a war between the two.
Kendrick Lamar

The antithesis of adoration? Iniquity. Enticement. The detrimental forces that we are subjected to. The malevolent energy that pervades us and encourages us to do certain things. To me, it has always been a battle between the two.
I'd rather not live like there isn't a God Then die and find out there really is Think about it
Kendrick Lamar

I'd rather not go through life assuming there is no higher power, only to discover upon death that I was wrong. Reflect on the implications of this.
I cut off my ears before i hear your advice and vice versa
Kendrick Lamar

I severed all ties before I would consider your counsel and likewise.
You can't change where you from. You can't take a person out of their zone and expect them to be somebody else now that they in the record industry. It's gonna take years. Years of travelling. Years of meeting people. Years of seeing the world.
Kendrick Lamar

The best way to describe myself would be...unpredictable.
Kendrick Lamar

Consequences from evil will make your past haunt you
Kendrick Lamar

We all seem to stumble, planning our own demise, Getting the big picture, and making it wallet-sized.
Kendrick Lamar

I be off the slave ships, building pyramids, writing my own hieroglyphs
Kendrick Lamar

I'm constantly thinking.
Kendrick Lamar

I knew I was blessed with a gift of having both parents.
Kendrick Lamar

What happened to [Michael Brown] should've never happened. Never. But when we don't have respect for ourselves, how do we expect them to respect us? It starts from within. Don't start with just a rally, don't start from looting - it starts from within.
Kendrick Lamar

I can't help the way you was born if you was gay.
Kendrick Lamar

Kids don't see hate in their eyes. They see the world, and living in it to the best of their abilities. And that's where love comes from for me.
Kendrick Lamar

Am I the only one who measures time using songs? “Oh it only took me 4 songs to get here! that’s not to long!
Kendrick Lamar