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Kindergarten Quotes

I wanted to become a kindergarten teacher like my mother.
Zhang Ziyi

Authors on Kindergarten Quotes: Robert Fulghum Elizabeth Olsen Maria Semple Spike Lee Yehuda Amichai Charles Kettering Jill Lepore Stacie Orrico William Christopher Handy Craig Kilborn Jonathan Bennett Robert Redford Thomas Jefferson Brandon Cruz Joyce Giraud J. J. Abrams Peter McWilliams Tom Rath Amy Tan Kurt Vonnegut Zhang Ziyi Pitbull Y. C. James Yen Kristin Hannah
I went through seventh grade in private school. I went to private school from kindergarten to seventh grade.
Stacie Orrico

All I ever needed to know I learned in kindergarten. Share everything ... Don't hit people ... Clean up your own mess.
Robert Fulghum

I was taught in kindergarten: sharing is caring.

I can talk to anybody but when it comes to somebody that I like, then I turn into like this five-year-old kindergartener in a sandbox.
Jonathan Bennett

In kindergarten, you can learn how to be a citizen of the world.
Jill Lepore

Don't talk about what you have done or what you are going to do.
Thomas Jefferson

We are just in the kindergarten of uncovering things; there is no downcurve in science.
Charles Kettering

My parents had very high expectations. They expected me to get straight A's from the time I was in kindergarten.
Amy Tan

When we talk about democracy, if the people's stomach is empty, democracy is also empty. Democracy can not be installed by fiat; it must be achieved by the people themselves.
Y. C. James Yen

My friends and I started making films when I was still in kindergarten.
Elizabeth Olsen

Nature was my kindergarten.
William Christopher Handy

We'd all do well to start over again, preferably with kindergarten.
Kurt Vonnegut

I had a great education. From kindergarten to John Dewey High School in Coney Island, I am public-school educated.
Spike Lee

I do an international beauty pageant called Queen of the Universe for UNESCO, and what we do is we build kindergartens around the world.
Joyce Giraud

I've had the same friends since I was in kindergarten.
J. J. Abrams

The first stop on this crazy train is Kindergarten Junction, and nobody gets off until it pulls into Harvard Station.
Maria Semple

Arnold Schwarzenegger announced he's running for governor. He's got a great slogan - 'Vote for me, or I'll make 'Kindergarten Cop II
Craig Kilborn

Surfboards were everywhere. When I got my first new board, I was probably in kindergarten.
Brandon Cruz

If we learned all we needed to know in kindergarten, it was promptly drummed out of us in first grade.
Peter McWilliams

I was never a good student. I had to be dragged into kindergarten. It was hard to sit and listen to somebody talk. I wanted to be out, educated by experience and adventure, and I didn't know how to express that.
Robert Redford

When I was in kindergarten, I entered a competition and read 52 books in a week.
Tom Rath

The kindergarten children are confident in spirit, infinite in resources, and eager to learn. Everything is still possible.
Robert Fulghum

God has pity on kindergarten children
Yehuda Amichai

Caro: "Bite me." Ruby: "I gave that up in kindergarten.
Kristin Hannah