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L. Ron Hubbard Quotes

American religious leader and author, Birth: 13-3-1911, Death: 24-1-1986 L. Ron Hubbard Quotes
You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion.
L. Ron Hubbard

Freedom is for honest people. No man who is not himself honest can be free – he is his own trap.
L. Ron Hubbard

Of all the ills of man which can be successfully processed by Scientology, arthritis ranks near the top. In skilled hands, this ailment, though misunderstood and dreaded in the past, already has begun to become history. Twenty-five hours of Scientology by an auditor who fairly understands how to process arthritis can be said to produce an invariable alleviation of the condition. Some cases, even severe ones, have responded in as little as two hours of processing, according to reports from auditors in the field.
L. Ron Hubbard

What is true for you is what you have observed yourself. And when you lose that, you have lost everything.
L. Ron Hubbard

It was my responsibility that this world got itself an atom bomb, because there were only a handful of nuclear physicists in the thirties - only a handful. And we were all beating the desk and saying "How wonderful it will be if we discover atomic fission."
L. Ron Hubbard

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Never regret yesterday. Life is in you today and you make your tomorrow.
L. Ron Hubbard

To say that I have found the answer to all riddles of the soul would be inaccurate and presumptuous. But in the knowledge I have developed there must lie the answers to that riddle, to that enigma, to that problem - the human soul - for under my hands and others, was seen the best in man rehabilitated. I discovered that a human being is not his body and demonstrated that through Scientology an individual can attain certainty of his identity apart from that of the body. We cannot deal in the realm of the human soul and ignore the fact.
L. Ron Hubbard

Nothing in Scientology is true for you unless you have observed it and it is true according to your observation
L. Ron Hubbard

Quote Topics by L. Ron Hubbard: Men People Way Children Writing Thinking Lying Trying Goal World Use Scientology Civilization Artist Book Law Causes Important Mind Long Past Philosophy Mean Purpose Ability Beautiful Able Believe Real Self
Scientology is the only specific (cure) for radiation (atomic bomb) burns.
L. Ron Hubbard

They smell of all the baths they didnt take. The trouble with China is, there are too many chinks here.
L. Ron Hubbard

Advanced Courses [in Scientology] are the most valuable service on the planet. Life insurance, houses, cars, stocks, bonds, college savings, all are transitory and impermanent... There is nothing to compare with Advanced Courses. They are infinitely valuable and transcend time itself.
L. Ron Hubbard

To love in spite of all is the secret of greatness. And may very well be the greatest secret in this universe.
L. Ron Hubbard

The test of true competence is the end result.
L. Ron Hubbard

Any information is valuable to the degree that you can use it. In other words, any information is valuable to the degree that you can make it yours. Scientology does not teach you. It only reminds you. For the information was yours in the first place. It is not only the science of life, but it is an account of what you were doing before you forgot what you were doing.
L. Ron Hubbard

The only way you can control people is to lie to them. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them.
L. Ron Hubbard

Are you making life or is life making you?
L. Ron Hubbard

The greatest ability in the whole human race and all amongst the livingness, is the ability to help. And when you can improve that ability all the way up along the line, you've improved about all there is to improve about a person.
L. Ron Hubbard

For nearly a quarter of a century, I have been engaged in the investigation of the fundamentals of life, the material universe and human behavior. Such an adventure leads one down many highways, through many byroads, into many back alleys of uncertainty, through many strata of life...
L. Ron Hubbard

I like to help others and count it as my greatest pleasure in life to see a person free himself of the shadows which darken his days.
L. Ron Hubbard

I have seen life from the top down and the bottom up. I know how it looks both ways. And I know there is wisdom and that there is hope.
L. Ron Hubbard

One cannot be able in life by fearing to live.
L. Ron Hubbard

The most valuable asset we have, actually, is our ability to understand, to do the right thing, to be kind, to be decent.
L. Ron Hubbard

The Ultimate decision, the fastest decision there is, is ACTION!
L. Ron Hubbard

A workman is not just a workman. A laborer is not just a laborer. An office worker is not just an office worker. They are living, breathing, important pillars on which the entire structure of our civilization is erected. They are not cogs in a mighty machine. They are the machine itself.
L. Ron Hubbard

True greatness depends on total wisdom. The real lesson is to learn to love.
L. Ron Hubbard

Artistry is to a large degree simplicity.
L. Ron Hubbard

True greatness merely refuses to change in the face of bad actions against one—and a truly great person loves his fellows because he understands them.
L. Ron Hubbard

Unethical conduct is actually the conduct of destruction and fear; lies are told because one is afraid of the consequences should one tell the truth; thus, the liar is inevitably a coward, the coward is inevitably a liar.
L. Ron Hubbard

The ultimate freedom depends on knowing the ultimate Truth. Truth is not what people say it is, it is what it is. And Truth, quite remarkably, sets one free, just like philosophers have said down the ages.
L. Ron Hubbard

As long as life has the level of being a game, you can play it.
L. Ron Hubbard

No man is happy without a goal, and no man can be happy without faith in his own ability to reach that goal.
L. Ron Hubbard

All men shall be my slaves! All women shall succumb to my charms! All mankind shall grovel at my feet and not know why!
L. Ron Hubbard

A Venezuelan dictator once decided to stop leprosy. He saw that most lepers in his country were also beggars. By the simple expedient of collecting and destroying all the beggars in Venezuela an end was put to leprosy in that country.
L. Ron Hubbard

Now it's of peculiar interest to an Arab country that there is a company and a certain set of bankers who also finance the World Federation of Mental Health. ...and we see that although the KGB and so forth seems to be associated with the World Federation of Mental Health, their other organization in action seems to go back to Jewish Bankers.
L. Ron Hubbard

Insecurity exists in the absence of knowledge. All security derives from knowledge.
L. Ron Hubbard

You're here so you're a Scientologist. Now we're going to make you into an expert auditor no matter what happens. We'd rather have you dead than incapable.
L. Ron Hubbard

And that is my wish for you: flourish and prosper!
L. Ron Hubbard

Today's children will become tomorrow's civilization.
L. Ron Hubbard

The second that you make a man truly free, he becomes truly good. And it is only that individual who has lost his belief in himself and his own pride of goodness and his own pride of being and his own honor who is dangerous.
L. Ron Hubbard

The wrong thing to do about any given circumstance or situation is to do nothing.
L. Ron Hubbard

Art is a word which summarizes the quality of communication.
L. Ron Hubbard

Dreams, goals, ambitions - these are the stuff man uses for fuel.
L. Ron Hubbard

It is in your power to point the way to a less dangerous and happier life.
L. Ron Hubbard

Arthritis vanishes, myopia gets better, heart illness decreases, asthma disappears, stomachs function properly and the whole catalogue of illnesses goes away and stays away.
L. Ron Hubbard

I'll not always be here on guard. The stars twinkle in the Milky Way and the wind sighs for songs across the empty fields of a planet a Galaxy away. You won't always be here. But before you go, whisper this to your sons and their sons - "The work was free. Keep it so.
L. Ron Hubbard

All disturbance and chaos folds up in the teeth of truth. Dont ever try to stop truth. Its the only thing that can go through 16-inch armor plate.
L. Ron Hubbard

A philosophy can only be a route to knowledge. It cannot be knowledge crammed down one's throat. If one has a route, he can then find what is true for him. And that is Scientology.
L. Ron Hubbard

God was feeling sardonic the day He created the Universe. So it's rather up to at least one man every few centuries to pop up and come just as close to making him swallow his laughter as possible.
L. Ron Hubbard

See what you see, not what someone tells you that you see
L. Ron Hubbard

You would be amazed how much action anyone is capable of.
L. Ron Hubbard