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Lamps Quotes

All darkness vanished, when I saw the Lamp within my heart.

Authors on Lamps Quotes: Gautama Buddha Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Mother Teresa Lord Byron Rabindranath Tagore Ovid Joseph Joubert Plutarch James Russell Lowell Annie Besant Ira Gershwin Cassandra Clare Robin Williams Julia Ward Howe Theodore L. Cuyler Greg Mankiw George H. W. Bush Amos Bronson Alcott Maggie Stiefvater Bayazid Bastami Rick Riordan Lin-Manuel Miranda Vincent Van Gogh William Mathews Frank Dempster Sherman Brad Pitt H. L. Mencken Max Lucado Pranab Mukherjee Thomas Jefferson Henry Timrod William Butler Yeats Kate Spade
There are five dark matters and five lamps. Love of this world is darkness, and the fear of Allaah is its lamp. Sin is darkness, and its lamp is repentance. The grave is darkness, and its lamp is 'none has the right to be worshipped but Allaah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allaah.' The hereafter is darkness, and its lamp is the good deed. The Siraat is darkness, and its lamp is certainty of faith.
Abu Bakr

I never saw any lamp shining more brilliantly than the lamp of silence.
Bayazid Bastami

I never beheld a light more luminous than the radiance of stillness.
Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
Chinmayananda Saraswati

Kids should not be packed but illuminated.
Hope is patience with the lamp lit.

He lit a lamp in broad daylight and said, as he went about, "I am looking for a human."

Out in the lonely woods the jasmine burns Its fragrant lamps, and turns Into a royal court with green festoons The banks of dark lagoons.
Henry Timrod

The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun.
Robert Herrick

If the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts.
George H. W. Bush

Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder.

My overcoat is worn out my shirts also are worn out. And I ask to be allowed to have a lamp in the evening it is indeed wearisome sitting alone in the dark.
William Tyndale

In oratory affectation must be avoided; it being better for a man by a native and clear eloquence to express himself than by those words which may smell either of the lamp or inkhorn.
Edward Herbert, 1st Baron Herbert of Cherbury

For the dharma to become firsthand knowledge-to feel the ‘ouch’ of it-you have to live intimately with it, hold it up to scrutiny, and let it hold you up to scrutiny. In the end, the ball is always thrown back to you: ‘Be a lamp unto yourself,’ says the Buddha. In other words, you must ultimately find the way on your own, by putting your ideas of the truth to the test. Your questions light the way.
Larry Rosenberg

Light that is One though the lamps be many.
Robin Williamson

Critics are to authors what dogs are to lamp-posts.
Jeffrey Robinson

The evening of life brings with it its lamps.
Joseph Joubert

Chastity without charity is a lamp without oil.

I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience.
Patrick Henry

Be lamps unto yourselves; be your own confidence. Hold truth within yourselves.
Gautama Buddha

Aladdin, who said to his wife, I know it's not a lamp, keep rubbing! Never got a dinner!
Red Buttons

Get a sun lamp to keep you looking as if you have just come back from somewhere expensive.
Aristotle Onassis

The Word of God is like a lamp to guide us.

Be a lamp to yourself. Be your own confidence. Hold on to the truth within yourself as to the only truth.
Gautama Buddha

We are all such a waste of our potential, like three-way lamps using one-way bulbs.
Mignon McLaughlin

I would not give much for your religion unless it can be seen. Lamps do not talk, but they do shine.
Charles Spurgeon

Life is not a series of gig lamps symmetrically arranged; life is a luminous halo, a semi-transparent envelope surrounding us from the beginning of consciousness to the end.
Virginia Woolf

To use words to sense reality is like going with a lamp to search for darkness.
Alfred Korzybski

He who has no light in his heart, what will he gain from the festival of lamps.
Wasif Ali Wasif

I predict that very shortly the old-fashioned incandescent lamp, having a filament heated to brightness by the passage of electric current through it, will entirely disappear.
Nikola Tesla

The lamp burns bright when wick and oil are clean.

Let not the hours pass by in the dark. Kindle the lamp of love with thy life.
Rabindranath Tagore

I often compare Margaret Thatcher with Florence Nightingale. She stalks through the wards of our hospitals as a lady with a lamp. Unfortunately, it's a blowlamp.
Denis Healey

Be your own lamps. Be your own shelters. Hang on to the truth as a lamp. Hang on to the truth as a refuge.
Gautama Buddha

There are persons so radiant, so genial, so kind, so pleasure-bearin g, that you instinctively feel in their presence that they do you good; whose coming into a room is like bringing a lamp there.
Henry Ward Beecher

Why should the lamp or the house be an art object but not our life?
Michel Foucault

If you take from a theory only the conclusions you like and discard the rest, you are using the theory as a drunkard uses a lamp post-for support rather than illumination.
Greg Mankiw

Designers take care of everything around us. Everything that is around us, this table, this chair, this lamp, this pen has been designed. All of these things, everything has been designed by somebody.
Massimo Vignelli

I like to change. A new lamp, a piece of art, can transform a room.
Madonna Ciccone

Heaven trims our lamps while we sleep.
Amos Bronson Alcott

The Holy Spirit's power cannot be harnessed. His power cannot be used to accomplish anything other than the Father's will. He is not a candy dispenser. He is not a vending machine. He is not a genie waiting for someone to rub His lamp the right way. He is holy God.
Charles Stanley

Even a single lamp dispels the deepest darkness.
Mahatma Gandhi

Journalism is to politician as dog is to lamp-post.
H. L. Mencken

The cross-eyed fool sees one lamp as two; The vision and the viewer are one

Courage is adversity's lamp.
Luc de Clapiers

A genuine revival means a trimming of personal lamps.
Theodore L. Cuyler

Imparting knowledge is only lighting other men's candles at our lamp without depriving ourselves of any flame.
Jane Porter

And in the evening, everywhere Along the roadside, up and down, I see the golden torches flare Like lighted street-lamps in the town.
Frank Dempster Sherman

Not, not mine: it's somebody else's wound; I could never have borne it. So take the thing that happened, hide it, stick it in the ground; whisk the lamps away.
Anna Akhmatova

God is the electricity and we are the lamps.
Marianne Williamson

Ultimately, musicians of the world must come to realize the potential of their calling... If the musician is illuminated from within, he becomes a lamp that lights other lamps.
Kenny Werner