This is the first step toward understanding the process of real, lasting change: simply knowing with certainty that you can do whatever you need to do. This understanding has a dual edge: On the one hand it increases your confidence and dignity. On the other hand, it places full responsibility on you if you fail to make the change you set out to make. But this is a good thing, not a guilt trip.
Bo Lozoff
People power must be combined with good governance to bring about real, deep and lasting change. This combination can achieve almost everything from eliminating corruption to ending malnutrition and illiteracy.
Narendra Modi
All meaningful and lasting change starts first in your imagination and then works its way out. Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Albert Einstein
Lasting change happens when people see for themselves that a different way of life is more fulfilling than their present one.
Eknath Easwaran
Believing in yourself is essential to creating lasting change and a happy life.
Tara Stiles
By criticizing,
we do not make lasting changes and often incur resentment.
Dale Carnegie
It's the fact that no matter how bad it's gotten, the body wants to be healthy. The body wants to bounce back. When you do these changes, you do these small changes every single day, and you trust the process of what you're doing. You really do make lasting changes onto your body.
Bob Harper
If January is the month of change, February is the month of lasting change. January is for dreamers... February is for doers -
Marc Parent
If you raise your standards but don't really believe you can meet them, you've already sabotaged yourself. You won't even try; you'll be lacking the sense of certainty that allows you to tap the deepest capacity that's within you... Our beliefs are like unquestioned commands, telling us how things are, what's possible and impossible and what we can and can not do. They shape every action, every thought and every feeling that we experience. As a result, changing our belief systems is central to making any real and lasting change in our lives.
Tony Robbins
Long-lasting change that will help you create new habits and actions requires an inside-out approach, as well as two very important tools: the mirror and time.
Darren Johnson
Our own private intuition is the catalyst for self-improvement and self-realization, because when it comes to making deep and lasting changes in one's personal life, it is only subjective experience, not facts, that registers as real.
Penney Peirce
Let us not settle for what is simply 'OK' when we have full information on what can create lasting change.
Rinku Sen
We often praise 'the ability to multi-task.' While you can learn when you divide your attention, divided attention doesn't lead to aiding change in your brain maps [lasting changes].
Norman Doidge
When it comes to the heart and soul, only the Bible can bring true and lasting changes.
Jim George
Any change in customs ... takes generations to accomplish, and must come about by general consent. Even a superficial study of sociology shows the futility of past efforts to make a lasting change in manners by an act of will or authority.
Millicent Fenwick
Both Proust and Joyce record the ways in which human perspectives can be transformed. In Portrait, Stephen Dedalus is constantly undergoing epiphanies, but their effects are transitory: the new synthetic complex quickly falls apart. Proust's characters, by contrast, often achieve lasting changes of perspective.
Philip Kitcher
Lasting change can occur only when it takes in the spirit of the mind.
Myles Munroe
Shop smarter and shop less. But please don't let that dissuade you from engaging in campaigns to make real lasting change.
Annie Leonard
Unemployment is low, incomes are up, poverty is down - and that's going to be a lasting change.
Barack Obama