Last time I was down South I walked into this restaurant, and this white waitress came up to me and said: 'We don't serve colored people here.' "I said: 'that's all right, I don't eat colored people. Bring me a whole fried chicken.
Dick Gregory
The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.
Adolf Hitler
When your last breath arrives, Grammar can do nothing.
Adi Shankara
When the final bell tolls, Grammar will be powerless.
The suspense is terrible. I hope it'll last.
Gene Wilder
The anticipation is agonizing. I wish it would continue.
When life is good do not take it for granted as it will pass. Be mindful, be compassionate and nurture the circumstances that find you in this good time so it will last longer. When life falls apart always remember that this too will pass. Life will have its unexpected turns.
Ajahn Brahm
Everyone's always telling you to be humble. When was the last time someone told you to be great?
Kanye West
All people always urge you to be modest. When was the last time someone encouraged you to be exceptional?
Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realise that we can not eat money.
Chief Seattle
When the last leaf has fallen, the last stream has been contaminated and the final fish taken, we will understand that wealth is not edible.
The last capitalist we hang shall be the one who sold us the rope.
Karl Marx
The final merchant we string up shall be the one who supplied us with the cord.
There should be fireworks at last, when a dream dies.
Kirby Larson
The finale of a dream should be met with a grand spectacle.
[Turkish women] had lived free of the veil for 5,000 years, and had been covered only in the last 600 years.
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
[Turkish women] had enjoyed freedom from the veil for 5,000 years, and had only been shrouded in the last 600 years.
Colombians! My last wish is for the happiness of the patria. If my death contributes to the end of partisanship and the consolidation of the union, I shall be lowered in peace into my grave.
Simon Bolivar
My ultimate desire is for the joy of my nation. If my passing aids in the termination of division and strengthens our unity, I will be laid to rest contentedly.
The greatest enemy will hide in the last place you would ever look.
Julius Caesar
The utmost adversary will conceal themselves in the most unlikely spot.
The value of things is not the time they last, but the intensity with which they occur. That is why there are unforgettable moments and unique people!
Fernando Pessoa
The worth of items is not quantified by longevity, but rather the fervor with which they are experienced. That is why some experiences and persons remain indelible!
If we trace the history of any nation backwards into the past, we come at last to a period of myths and traditions which eventually fade away into impenetrable darkness.
Bal Gangadhar Tilak
If we follow the lineage of any nation backwards in time, we come eventually to a period of stories and legends which ultimately evaporate into unfathomable obscurity.
Tolerance is the last virtue of a depraved society. When you have an immoral society that has blatantly, proudly, violated all of the commandments of God, there is one last virtue they insist upon: tolerance for their immorality.
D. James Kennedy
Messieurs, c'est les microbes qui auront le dernier mot." (Gentlemen, it is the microbes who will have the last word.)
Louis Pasteur
Gentlemen, it is the microorganisms who shall have the ultimate say.
I just try to approach every opportunity on stage, as if it's my first time and my last time.
Misty Copeland
I strive to embrace every performance on stage, as if it were my initial and ultimate chance.
When's the last time you heard a funky diabetic?
Phife Dawg
When's the last time you encountered an exuberant diabetic?
Every time you pick up your guitar to play, play as if it's the last time.
Eric Clapton
Every time you strum your guitar, make it count.
If you do it right, it will last forever.
Massimo Vignelli
If done correctly, it will remain timeless.
There is no good reason why we should not develop and change until the last day we live.
Karen Horney
We should strive to progress and evolve until the day of our passing.
When you stand alone and sell yourself, you can't please everyone. But when you're different, you can last.
Don Rickles
When you stand out and promote yourself, you cannot satisfy everyone. But when you are unique, you can persevere.
The centre of the soul is God; and, when the soul has attained to Him according to the whole capacity of its being, which is the strength and virtue of the soul, it will have reached the last and the deep centre of the soul, which will be when with all its powers it loves and understands and enjoys God.
John of the Cross
Life ends so fast, so take your chance, and make it last.
Chuck Schuldiner
'Time passes swiftly, so seize the opportunity and make every moment count.'
You have only one life and it will soon be past, and only what's done for Christ will last.
Chuck Smith
'Your existence shall be fleeting, and only that which is devoted to Christ will remain.'
I have noticed this, that when a man is full of the Holy Ghost he is the very last man to be complaining of other people.
Dwight L. Moody
I have observed that when someone is filled with the Holy Spirit, they are least likely to grumble about others.
Something is wrong if workers do not look around each day, find things that are tedious or boring, and then rewrite the procedures. Even last month's manual should be out of date
Taiichi Ohno
The best way to prepare for death is to spend every day of life as though it were the last.
Philip Neri
Good words do not last long unless they amount to something.
Chief Joseph
For most of us, there is only the unattended
Moment, the moment in and out of time,
The distraction fit, lost in a shaft of sunlight,
The wild thyme unseen, or the winter lightning
Or the waterfall, or music heard so deeply
That it is not heard at all, but you are the music
While the music lasts
T. S. Eliot
It's only the last turn of a bolt that tightens it - the rest is just movement.
Shigeo Shingo
The way I measure my life is 'Am I better than I was last year?'
Satya Nadella
Last words are for those fools who believe they have not yet said enough.
Karl Marx
I am a Marxist-Leninist and I will be one until the last day of my life.
Fidel Castro
First, let me just say that I flew in from Los Angeles last evening. And the plane was absolutely filled with women who were coming from the Greater Los Angeles area to be here. And it wasn't that they were necessarily organized in some particular group. Individual women that I talked to - I said, well, who are you with? They said I'm not with anybody. I just decided I couldn't stay home. I just got up, and I came [to the Women's March].
Maxine Waters
Have Tottenham closed the gap on Arsenal?
Last time I checked they were still 4 miles and 11 titles away
Arsene Wenger
The last unicorn lived in a lilac wood, and she lived all alone.
Peter S. Beagle
You must find your dream...but no dream lasts forever, each dream is followed by another, and one should not cling to any particular dream.
Hermann Hesse
I have no intention of dying. In fact, it will be the last thing I do!
Milton H. Erickson
You never worry about the last laugh if you've been laughing the whole time
So your having trouble with your partner. Well ask yourself, if you were in a relationship with a replica of yourself how long would it last?
Jacque Fresco
Fortunately, at the last hour, there were always a few soldiers to save Civilization.
Oswald Spengler
Each day is a step we make towards eternity and we shall continue thus to step from day to day until we take the last step, which will bring us into the presence of God.
Catherine McAuley
Buy less. Choose well. Make it last. Quality, not quantity. Everybody's buying far too many clothes.
Vivienne Westwood
Success and excellence are not the same. Excellence grows within a person, is largely within that person's control, and its meaning lasts. Success is measured externally, by comparison to others, is often outside our control, and is perishable.
Joe Paterno
When you hold somebody, you gotta hold them like it's the last minute of your life.
Janis Joplin
Anyone who isn't embarrassed of who they were last year probably isn't learning enough.
Alain de Botton