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Lauren Kate Quotes

Lauren Kate Quotes
I think the most tortured place in hell should be reserved not for traitors, but... for cowards. The weakest, most spineless losers. Because it seems to me that traitors? At least they made a choice. But cowards? They just run around biting their fingernails, totally afraid to do anything. Which is totally worse.
Lauren Kate

LUCE: You really beleive this? That someday I'll live through this? DANIEL: With all my heart and soul, I will wait for you as long as it takes. I will love you every moment across time. -Daniel & Luce, PASSION
Lauren Kate

Sometimes beautiful things come into our lives out of nowhere. We can't always understand them, but we have to trust in them. I know you want to question everything, but sometimes it pays to just have a little faith.
Lauren Kate

Callie always said Luce was incapable of brutal honesty and that was why she got herself stuck in so many crappy situations with guys whom she should have just told no.
Lauren Kate

Luce and Daniel fell in love for the first- and the last- time
Lauren Kate

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He captured my heart. He loves me for who I am, not what I can bring to him." - Lucinda Price, Rapture
Lauren Kate

Don't go," she whispered, her eyes closed. It was all happening too fast. She couldn't give Daniel up. Not yet. She didn't think she ever could.
Lauren Kate

She liked the way he smelled - kind of free and open, like driving with the windows down at night.
Lauren Kate

Quote Topics by Lauren Kate: Angel Eye Heart Beautiful Thinking Said Way Love You Kissing Voice Needs Past Fighting Wings Light Hands Knows Soul Two Girl Fallen Talking Dark Fall People Long Want Lips Lasts Giving
Wisdom holds a candle to experience, but you've got to take the candle and walk alone.
Lauren Kate

I will wait for you as long as it takes. I will love you every moment across time.
Lauren Kate

The only way to survive eternity is to be able to appreciate each moment.
Lauren Kate

Will you stay with me ” she asked. Her voice was the thinnest whisper almost canceled out by a low groan of thunder.... Forever ” he whispered back. The sweet sound of his voice filled her up.
Lauren Kate

Fear is the only way to greet the devil.
Lauren Kate

Well, as much as I love kicking asses and taking names, it's way past curfew for you three"- Arriane
Lauren Kate

what if it was enough to just stand here in the arms of someone who ared about her, to let his simple affection steady her for a little while? it felt so good just to be held.
Lauren Kate

Love is the only thing worth fighting for.
Lauren Kate

As far as possible, Arianne realized, each soul had to be content alone before plunging into love, because one never knew when the other would move out of that love. It was the greatest paradox: Souls need each other, but they also need to not need each other.
Lauren Kate

Then the angels, the demon, and the Nephilim flew to distant corners of the sky, leaving a moment's brilliant flash of light behind them, as below, Luce and Daniel fell in love for the first-and the last- time
Lauren Kate

Trust is a careless pursuit at best. At worst, it's a good way to get yourself killed.
Lauren Kate

Oooh!" Bill squealed. "Very rococo." "So, I'm really doing this? I'm just going to go down there and pretend--" (Luce) "No pretending." Bill shook his head. "Own it. Own that cleavage, girl, you know you want to.
Lauren Kate

Sometimes love was not about winning, but about wise sacrifice and the realiability of friends like Arianne. Friendship, Roland realized, was its very own kind of love.
Lauren Kate

some angels are destined to fall
Lauren Kate

Fight for the only thing she knew was good enough, noble enough, powerful enough to be worth risking everything... Love.
Lauren Kate

You know everyone loves to hate a happy pair of lovebirds.
Lauren Kate

What if you find your soul mate... at the wrong time?
Lauren Kate

And while Luce dreamed below of the most glorious wings unfurling-the likes of which she'd never seen before-two angels in the rafters shook hands.
Lauren Kate

You don't really know either of us," Cam said, standing and stepping away, "but you're prepared to choose right now, huh?
Lauren Kate

What if the person you were meant to be with could never be yours?
Lauren Kate

They could steam up windows with their kisses, but as soon as they started using their mouths for other things—like talking—everything got so complicated.
Lauren Kate

Cam stepped into the clearing. His eyes were rimmed with a thick, shimmering gold shadow, and it shone on his face in the moonlight, making him look like a wildcat.
Lauren Kate

Daniel took Luce’s hands in his. He closed his eyes, inhaled, and let his massive white wings unfurl. Fully extended , they would have filled the entire kitchen , but Daniel reined them in, close to his body. They shimmered and glowed and looked altogether too beautiful. Luce reached out and touched them with both hands. Warm and satin smooth on the outside, but inside, full of power. She could feel it coursing through Daniel, into her. She felt so close to him, understood him completely—As If they had become one.
Lauren Kate

After such an emotional day with her own parents, the thought nearly brought Luce to her knees with sadness. Daniel was alone in the world.
Lauren Kate

And the way he looked at her was so intense, his big green eyes probing into her, like he approved of everything she held inside.
Lauren Kate

You're an angel," she repeated slowly, surprised to see Daniel close his eyes and moan in pleasure, almost as if they were kissing. "I'm in love with an angel.
Lauren Kate

I cannot be other than what I am, and I am the choices of all my days.
Lauren Kate

Daniel's face-- the way it had been bathed in violet light when he'd carried her home this morning-- appeared before her eyes. His gleaming golden hair. His tender, knowing eyes. The way one touch of his lips transported her far away from any darkness. For him, she'd suffer all of this, and more.
Lauren Kate

I will always catch you when you fall
Lauren Kate

I get to live forever," he repeated. Luce was still lost, but he kept talking, a stream of words pouring out of his mouth. "I get to live, and to watch babies being born, and grow up, and fall in love. I watch them have babies of their own and grow old. I watch them die. I am condemned, Luce, to watch it all over again and again. Everyone but you." His eyes were glassy. His voice dropped to a whisper. "You don't get to fall in love--" "But...," she whispered back. "I've...fallen in love.
Lauren Kate

I know he would die if you died, Luce
Lauren Kate

When he turned to face her, the drawn look on his face was one of absolute agony as if Luce had just ripped his heart out
Lauren Kate

Gabbe jumped up and seized the cocanut first, giving its contents a sniff. "Arriane, she has just been through a trama," she scolded. Arriane tossed her shoulders back. "Precisely why she needs something with a kick," she argued, holding the tray possessively while she and Gabbe engaged in a stare-down. "Fine," Arriane said, looking away from Gabbe.
Lauren Kate

The past is important for all the information and wisdom it holds. But you can get lost in it. You've got to learn to keep the knowledge of the past with you as you pursue the present.
Lauren Kate

Do I love him? Yes. But when the final battle comes, I'll have to kill him. That's just our reality. We both know exactly where we stand."- Francesca
Lauren Kate

No” Daniel cried “ No, no, no” Luce’s heart ached as he tore at his hair, spun in circle and let his wings bloom out to their full size.
Lauren Kate

It felt so good just to be held
Lauren Kate

I don't understand what you're still doing here." She blinked and nodded miserably, then began to turn away. "No!" He pulled her back. "Don't leave. It's just that you've never—we've never... gotten this far." He closed his eyes. "Will you say it again?" he asked, almost shyly. "Will you tell me ... what I am?" "You're an angel," she repeated slowly, surprised to see Daniel close his eyes and moan in pleasure, almost as if they were kissing. "I'm in love with an angel.
Lauren Kate

The voice sank through luce's skin and straight into her heart. Daniel's voice. He was calling to her. He wanted her. Needed her. Luce moved towards the sound
Lauren Kate

Oh that moment when Daniel thought he’d lost her to Cam’s starshot! His wings hat felt too heavy to lift. Colder than death. In that instant , he’d given up all hope.
Lauren Kate

He had the innate sense that something bad was just around the bend, but a hope that something incredible was waiting in the distance. It had to be. His burning love for her cursed through him until he felt so full he didn’t know whether he would fit through the portal.
Lauren Kate

Of all the pairs the Throne endorsed None rose to burn as bright As Lucifer, the Morning Star, And Lucinda, his Evening Light
Lauren Kate