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Lava Quotes

One of the most amazing locations I've ever been is the top of the volcano in Tanzania, Africa. It's an actual volcano where you really have this lava every day.
Jan de Bont

Authors on Lava Quotes: Jan de Bont Anne Carson Jimmy Buffett Werner Herzog John Florio Sallie Tisdale Virginia Woolf Amos Oz J. K. Rowling Ann Brashares
You better lava me now or lava me not.
Jimmy Buffett

Think about Elizabethan English, where the entire English language behaved pretty much like molten lava, like a volcano in mid-eruption. Modern Hebrew has some things in common with Elizabethan English. It is being reshaped and it's expanding very rapidly in various directions.
Amos Oz

Lava bread makes you passionate.
Anne Carson

She spilled rice on my knee, and she smiled. I wanted her to spill a thousand things on me, lava, acid, bricks, anything, and smile each time
Ann Brashares

Humans are a young species, and my little life abides in a very big place, where epochs glide by as swiftly as the mongoose. And strangely enough, when we put our human concerns into their proper, small place, we can turn our attention completely to the small things. To a cricket hidden in a crack of lava. To each other.
Sallie Tisdale

You can't have a helicopter fly over boiling lava. It would've exploded from the heat, and is just way too dangerous. The pilot of a helicopter would've flatly refused anyway.
Werner Herzog

As an experience, madness is terrific ... and in its lava I still find most of the things I write about.
Virginia Woolf

One hand washeth another, both the face. [Lat., Una mano lava l'altra, ed ambedue lavano il volto.]
John Florio

Parminder kept her unwept tears locked tightly inside where they seemed to undergo an alchemical transformation, returning to the outer world as lava slides of rage.
J. K. Rowling