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Learning Experience Quotes

We do not learn from experience...we learn from reflecting on experience.
John Dewey

We do not glean from experience...we discern from considering experience.
Authors on Learning Experience Quotes: Willie Stargell Amy Dumas John Dewey Otto von Bismarck Aaron Rodgers Wilson Greatbatch Angus T. Jones Michael Schenker Neve Campbell Charlie Kaufman Thu Tran Anna Wintour Matthew Lewis Beth Brooke George Strait Rick Warren C. S. Lewis Ashley Tisdale Alan Dershowitz Julie Adams Song Kang-Ho Pharrell Williams Warren MacKenzie Brian Roberts Johnny Damon Shelby Foote Dan Byrd
Failure is a learning experience, and the guy who has never failed has never done anything.
Wilson Greatbatch

Fools learn from experience. I prefer to learn from the experience of others.
Otto von Bismarck

Tonight is not a setback. It's just a learning experience.
Aaron Rodgers

I eventually became proud of my strikeouts, because each one represented another learning experience.
Willie Stargell

Grant was something rare in that or any war. He could learn from experience.
Shelby Foote

Life is a learning experience. All you can do is learn from your mistakes, but you can't go back in time.
Amy Dumas

What we learn from experience depends on the kind of philosophy we bring to experience.
C. S. Lewis

Setbacks are just learning experiences.
Beth Brooke

I loved making Pure Country. It was a great learning experience for me, seeing another part of the entertainment industry.
George Strait

You learn from experiences, and I suppose that's where I color most of my music, from experiences.
Pharrell Williams

Everything is a learning experience.
Angus T. Jones

If you can see life as a learning experience, you can turn any negative into a positive.
Neve Campbell

I worked for Harper’s Bazaar. They fired me. I recommend that you all get fired; it’s a great learning experience.
Anna Wintour

It was a great learning experience to work with James Stewart.
Julie Adams

While it is wise to learn from experience, it is wiser to learn from the experiences of others.
Rick Warren

I view life as a learning experience. It is not so much all about music; it is about what happens when you are doing the music.
Michael Schenker

Directing was a big learning experience for me because I had to deal with every aspect of everything-all this constant decision-making, with people asking you questions at every moment, and you have to have answers for them all.
Charlie Kaufman

It seems like it happens pretty often - there's always something that happens that's bad. About 40 percent of the food I make doesn't come out so good, only because I'm experimenting and it just doesn't work out right. It's always a learning experience.
Thu Tran

I did enjoy theater. I actually do prefer making films and television, but it was a learning experience for me, because I got into television at 5 and film at 11, and theater was something I completely bypassed.
Matthew Lewis

Producing is just a big learning experience.
Ashley Tisdale

I learn from experience.
Alan Dershowitz

For me, rather than the language, the Hollywood system of making movies was a tremendous learning experience.
Song Kang-Ho

[Kathleen Blackshear] just said, "Have you thought of looking at this?" and so on and so on and so on. And it was a discussion group where everyone had a say, and it was a tremendous learning experience.
Warren MacKenzie

When you go through growing pains and learning experiences, it makes you tougher down the road.
Brian Roberts

Whenever I have a bad performance, I look at it as a learning experience.
Johnny Damon

And as an actor, just working with someone as seasoned and professional and kind as Richard Jenkins, it's always a learning experience watching him - on camera and off camera, just soaking it all up.
Dan Byrd