Life is a movie, pick your own role, Climb your own ladder or you dig your own hole.
J. Cole
Life is a play, choose your own part, Ascend your own steps or you dig your own grave.
Life is full of surprises, some good, some not so good.
Pablo Escobar
Life is unpredictable; some experiences are positive, while others may be more challenging.
Life is lived on its ownother's shoulders are used only at the time of funeral.
Bhagat Singh
'Life is lived solo, but shoulders are only employed for laying to rest.'
Whatever your walk in life is, you pick what you want to be, then go ahead and be the best one.
CM Punk
No matter your calling, select what you aspire to be, then strive to be the greatest.
Beyond the walls of intelligence, life is defined
Outside the boundaries of knowledge, existence is delineated.
Life is a carousel. It goes up and down. All U gotta do is just stay on.
Pharrell Williams
Life is like a roller coaster. It has its highs and lows. All you have to do is hang in there.
The most dangerous thing you can do in life is play it safe.
Casey Neistat
Take risks.
The only thing I have to do in life is die. Everything else is a choice... including breathing.
The one mandated task in life is to expire; all else is a selection, even respiration.
Width of life is more important than length of life.
Breadth of life is more significant than duration of life.
My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism.
Karl Marx
My aim in life is to overthrow divinity and annihilate capitalism.
Life is not what you alone make it. Life is the input of everyone who touched your life and every experience that entered it. We are all part of one another.
Yuri Kochiyama
'Living is not just about a single person's actions; it is the combined result of interactions and encounters with others.'
All of life is education and everybody is a teacher and everybody is forever a pupil.
Abraham Maslow
Everyone in life is a perpetual student, and each person has something to teach.
All family life is organized around the most damaged person in it.
Sigmund Freud
'The most strained individual in the family serves as a focal point for all relationships.'
Life is a beautiful, magnificent thing, even to a jellyfish.
Charlie Chaplin
Life is an awe-inspiring, splendid phenomenon, even to a jellyfish.
We have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for the day. Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. Our attitude is everything.
Charles R. Swindoll
Every day, we can opt to adopt a certain attitude. Our circumstances account for only 10% of our experience, whereas our reactions to them constitute the other 90%. The mindset we choose is paramount.
The greatest tragedy in life is to spend your whole life fishing only to discover it was never fish that you were after.
Henry David Thoreau
The utmost disappointment in life is to spend your entire existence angling just to realize it was never a catch that you were pursuing.
The greatest sweetener of human life is friendship.
Joseph Addison
The ultimate uplifter of human life is camaraderie.
The secret of life is to have no fear.
Fela Kuti
The key to life is courage.
Life is all about moments. No one in history has ever been able to hold on to one.
Prince Ea
Life is a series of snapshots; no one has ever been able to freeze time.
The purpose of life is to glorify God in both good and hard times alike.
T. B. Joshua
The objective of life is to sanctify God in every situation.
The most important thing in your life is not what you do; it's who you become. That's what you will take into eternity.
Dallas Willard
The most essential element in your life is not what you accomplish; it's who you transform into. That will stay with you for eternity.
The greatest discovery in life is self-discovery. Until you find yourself you will always be someone else. Become yourself.
Myles Munroe
Unearth your innermost being; until you recognize who you are, you will never cease to be an imitation. Understand thyself.
The most important thing to do in your life is to not interfere with somebody else's life.
Frank Zappa
The most crucial thing to do in your life is to not meddle with another person's existence.
Perhaps the worst sin in life is knowing right and not doing it.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
To recognize what is right yet not act upon it may be the gravest of all transgressions.
My life is a dot lost among thousands of other dots.
Yayoi Kusama
My life is a speck among countless others.
The supreme purpose and goal for human life... is to cultivate love.
The ultimate objective and aspiration for mankind... is to foster affection.
The purpose of life is to believe, to hope, and to strive.
Indira Gandhi
The intention of existence is to trust, to anticipate, and to exert.
Life is rough so you gotta be tough.
Johnny Cash
Life is difficult so one must be resilient.
Life is 5% what happens, and 95% how you react.
Kanye West
Life is 5% destiny, and 95% attitude.
Life is like a balloon; you must put something into it to get the best possible results.
William Cranch Bond
Life is akin to a balloon; you must infuse it with something to reap the maximum benefits.
Life is meaningless, but worth living, provided you recognize it's meaningless.
Albert Camus
Life is purposeless, but rewarding if you acknowledge its lack of meaning.
One of the greatest things in life is that no one has the authority to tell you what you want to be. You're the one who'll decide what you want to be.
Jaime Escalante
One of the best liberties in life is that no one can dictate what path you take. You alone will determine your future.
Once you've wrestled, everything in life is easy.
Dan Gable
Once you've overcome adversity, everything else is a breeze.
The secret of life is... everything is out of control.
Ajahn Brahm
The enigma of life is... chaos reigns.
Life is best organized as a series of daring ventures from a secure base
John Bowlby
Organize life as an adventurous journey starting from a safe haven.
Music is my life and my life is music. Anyone who does not understand this is not worthy of God.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
'Music is my passion and my passion is music. Those who do not comprehend this are unworthy of the Almighty.'
Life is full of chances. Take it lightly.
Kim Jong-hyun
Life is replete with opportunities. Approach it with nonchalance.
Life is not about how many times you fall down. It's about how many times you get back up.
Jaime Escalante
Life is not about the number of failures one experiences. It's about how often one rebounds after defeat.
Nothing in life is promised except death.
Kanye West
No certainty in life exists apart from the inevitability of mortality.
Life is about strategy nottragedy. Make the best one.
Life is about planning not lamentation. Create the finest one.
How can you be certain that your whole life is not a dream?
Rene Descartes
Are you confident that your entire existence is not a fanciful illusion?
A person has to keep something to herself or you're life is just a layout in a magazine.
Grace Kelly
A person has to keep something to themselves or else their life is just an open book.
All Christian life is to be measured by Scripture; by every word thereof.
John Wycliffe
All Christian living should be judged by the Bible; each and every word of it.
Life is given only once, and one wants to live it boldly, with full conscious and beauty.
Anton Chekhov
Life is bestowed only once, and one desires to live it audaciously, with complete awareness and splendor.
Whoever is in control of the hell in your life, is your devil.
John Henrik Clarke
Whoever holds the power over the torment in your life, is your adversary.
Everyone and everything that shows up in our life is a reflection of something that is happening inside of us.
Alan Cohen
All that appears in our life is a manifestation of our inner state.
Life is what we make of it. Travel is the traveler. What we see isn't what we see but what we are.
Fernando Pessoa
Life is what we fashion it to be. Voyage is the voyager. What we observe isn't what we look upon but what we are.
The day you make a decision about your life is the day your world will change.
Mike Murdock
The moment you commit to a course of action regarding your life is the instant your reality will transform.