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Liz Phair Quotes

American singer-songwriter and guitarist, Birth: 17-4-1967 Liz Phair Quotes
I don't know; it just seemed like the cooler guys are playing Xbox. At least the ones I know.
Liz Phair

Just to prove i was right that it's harder to be friends than lovers and you shouldn't try and mix the two, cause if you do and then you're still unhappy, then you know that the problem is you.
Liz Phair

It’s nice to be liked, but it’s better by far to get paid.
Liz Phair

Isn't this the best part of breakin' up? Finding someone else you can't get enough of. Someone who wants to be with you, too.
Liz Phair

I don't know what the future holds. Anything is possible.
Liz Phair

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I don't know why it surprises people that I surprise them.
Liz Phair

I am a feminist, and I define myself: Be yourself, because if you can get away with it, that is the ultimate feminist act.
Liz Phair

I try to see interviewing as performance art, and just take it as it comes.
Liz Phair

Quote Topics by Liz Phair: People Thinking Trying Mean Way Song Art Artist Want Knows Cds Needs Clothes Feels Challenges Kind Long Girl Play Musical Males Enough Giving Stuff Feelings Remember Records Rocks Doe Nice
Young kids don't have their identity, so everything is so important. Now I'm mature. I know who I am and I know what my thing is and I know what I'm bringing. It's very clear and defined.
Liz Phair

Well, if you've got a one-in-a-million girl don't let her get away; cause the next one-in-a-million girl is a million girls away.
Liz Phair

Now, in music, it seems more like the popular crowd suppresses anyone who is different.
Liz Phair

I probably had some impact, because everyone keeps telling me that I did. I like to feel like I'm coming out with something to try to make room for other young women to make their art.
Liz Phair

Wearing a veneer of perfection never did me any good.
Liz Phair

I just don't fit into the box.
Liz Phair

And, you know, I still haven't been contacted by Mick Jagger, either!
Liz Phair

I don't mind people not liking me as long as there's mutual respect.
Liz Phair

I would argue that the uncomfortable feelings she elicits are simply the by-product of watching a woman wanting and taking like a man.
Liz Phair

You have to do what you need to do as an artist. You have to have that courage.
Liz Phair

I can feel it in my bones: I'm gonna spend my whole life alone.
Liz Phair

I love stretching myself musically.
Liz Phair

I mean, I kind of remember... I'm 36 now, so it's kind of hard for me to relate to what it was like when I was 25, or 24, but I do remember a period in time when that's how I defined who I was, by the music I listened to and the movies I went to.
Liz Phair

I am comfortable performing now. I love it!
Liz Phair

I can't say I don't get nervous, but I really kind of enjoy performing now.
Liz Phair

My identity has everything to do with me and my instrument. It doesn't have to do with what production style I use, or how many people played on it, whether it's sparse or grandiose or whatever. And I'm social, frankly.
Liz Phair

Like, I kind of developed my musical style in a vacuum. Even though I listen to a lot of stuff, the way I wrote was in my bedroom, really privately. It's still the way I write, actually.
Liz Phair

Women artists need to break barriers in order for women's experience to be valuable.
Liz Phair

I am just like you and everyone else. I am trying to live my life as best I can.
Liz Phair

I grew up with a lot of brothers and male cousins, so I had to worm my way in to get heard. But that's sort of what excites me.
Liz Phair

That's exactly what's exciting for me - the idea of infiltrating the male structure and affecting change from within.
Liz Phair

What does it mean when something changes how it's always been?
Liz Phair

That's what music is to me. Like, stuff that I really like to play loud. And I've got my quiet CDs, too, that I listen to around the house, but if you can't go there, then... Everyone gets so upset with me, I can't win
Liz Phair

I'm very cerebral. I like to think things through.
Liz Phair

There's even more stuff that I'd like to release, but I'm scared to, that's really, um, nerdy... not nerdy in a good way. Like, silly.
Liz Phair

I just want to hear the true voices of women self-expressing - smart ones, stupid ones, ugly ones, beautiful ones, good ones, bad ones, fat ones, thin ones, all of it - until the profound silence that has resounded throughout history is filled with a healthy chorus coming from our side of the aisle.
Liz Phair

I knew that collaborating on songwriting would be difficult for a lot of people, because I was known very much, for my independence and the fact that I wrote these quirky songs that were not typical structure, not typical sound - you know, really original stuff.
Liz Phair

Yeah, I like to be the maker of the art. And I like and want the money. But I don't really dig being famous.
Liz Phair

I am just your ordinary, average every day sane psycho, supergoddess.
Liz Phair

I think good art happens on that edge between comfortable and in a lot of pain, you know what I mean?
Liz Phair

When you love what you do, you're happy just doing it.
Liz Phair

I always give the encore over to chaos, so people can yell out requests and I can hack my way through a song that I don't really know anymore.
Liz Phair

I prefer to be reclusive and private about my creation and then, once I'm finished, present it to people.
Liz Phair

I just want to make music and make a living. I just have to find the means of doing that.
Liz Phair

All parents gush about what it's like to be a parent. I love it.
Liz Phair

Nothing feeds a hunger like a thirst
Liz Phair

I don't think anything I do in life is planned. Sometimes I regret that and I feel like I try to take ahold of the wheel, but I'm also always super excited when things pop up spontaneously and when I'm a little bit out of my depth. I just find that that thrills me.
Liz Phair

Music is sound. It's a wave. It's going out and coming back, and it's bouncing off.
Liz Phair

When I use the Internet, it's pretty much strictly for music. Checking out other people's web sites, what's going on, listening to music. It's pretty much a musical thing for me.
Liz Phair

Lana Del Rey seems to be bothering everybody because she allegedly remade herself from a folk singing, girl-next-door type into an electro-urban kitty cat on the prowl (of course I like her), and they feel she is inauthentic.
Liz Phair

You're really creative when you're in an environment that you don't know how to handle. So collaborating was like that for me. I think that was one of the reasons why I knew I was gonna get a challenging reaction.
Liz Phair

I prance around and dance by myself to hip-hop songs in the mirror.
Liz Phair