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Lord Mountbatten Quotes

Lord Mountbatten Quotes
Even that crazy lunatic, my aunt the Empress, wa absolutely sweet and charming.
Lord Mountbatten

I can't think of a more wonderful thanksgiving for the life I've had than that everyone should be jolly at my funeral.
Lord Mountbatten

No one person invented Mulberry. The knowledge that we had to have this floating harbor slowly grew.
Lord Mountbatten

The team should have implicit confidence in the captain's decisions.
Lord Mountbatten

The nuclear arms race has no military purpose. Wars cannot be fought with nuclear weapons. Their existence only adds to our perils.
Lord Mountbatten

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My mother said, Don't worry abot what people think now. Think about whether your children and grandchildren will think you've done well.
Lord Mountbatten

Do you really think the IRA would think me a worthwhile target ?
Lord Mountbatten

My father was afraid of his father, I was afraid of my father, and I don't see why my children shouldn't be afraid of me.
Lord Mountbatten

Quote Topics by Lord Mountbatten: Thinking Jobs Military War Children Men Father Divides Prayer Criticism Successful Aunt Truman Mind Done Crazy Turns Long Ira Trophies Odd Rich Women Mother Driven Problem Goodness Determination Labour Get Back Believe
It is a curious thing, but I have been right in everything I have done and said in my life.
Lord Mountbatten

As a military man who has given half a century of active service I say in all sincerity that the nuclear arms race has no military purpose. Wars cannot be fought with nuclear weapons. Their existence only adds to our perils because of the illusions they have generated. There are powerful voices around the world who still give credence to the old Roman precept - if you desire peace, prepare for war. This is absolute nuclear nonsense.
Lord Mountbatten

I believe firmly that it was the Almighty's goodness, to check my consummate vanity.
Lord Mountbatten

Marriage to a very rich woman posed problems.
Lord Mountbatten

What do you do if you are asked to do a job, first by the Prime Minister, and then by the King? How can you refuse?
Lord Mountbatten

Churchill was the canny political animal, very devious, bursting with energy and determination, learning as hard as he could.
Lord Mountbatten

Prince Charles is an absolute Mountbatten. The real intelligence in the royal family comes through my parents to Prince Philip and the children.
Lord Mountbatten

The primary factor in a successful attack is speed.
Lord Mountbatten

I was born with an ability to concentrate very hard on a job for a long time.
Lord Mountbatten

Never feel that a piece of criticism or advice is too much trouble to give, or that it exceeds your province.
Lord Mountbatten

I have been driven demented in my career.
Lord Mountbatten

Men o' war were to be a part of the fabric of my life for the next half-century.
Lord Mountbatten

Actually, I vote Labour, but my butler's a Tory.
Lord Mountbatten

I am much more intelligent than you think.
Lord Mountbatten

It never entered my father's mind nor my mind ever to do a job other than at one's best ability.
Lord Mountbatten

I liked Truman very much. He was precise and businesslike. After a while, it was his turn.
Lord Mountbatten

You can divide my life into two.
Lord Mountbatten

I was so keen to get back to sea. I was rattled.
Lord Mountbatten

My trophy value exceeded my military usefulness.
Lord Mountbatten

In 1966 I became president of the British Computer Society.
Lord Mountbatten

I suppose you can say I became an odd-job man.
Lord Mountbatten

If you've got it, wear it.
Lord Mountbatten