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Lots Of Friends Quotes

I've never been the type of guy that had a lot of friends or was part of the cool group.
Jim Jefferies

Authors on Lots Of Friends Quotes: Jonathan King Fannie Flagg Rebel Wilson Bobby Sherman Donald Trump Frederick Lenz Rob Brydon Tara Reid Adam Sandler Lena Headey Shirley MacLaine Angelina Jolie Kristen Bell Janet Jackson Olivia Wilde Thomas McDonell Bojana Novakovic Dwight Howard Markus Zusak Mac DeMarco Taylor Swift Agnes Denes George Lucas Ricky Williams Amanda Bynes Lynda Carter Hillary Clinton Paul Feig Jack Nicholson Tim DeKay Alex Jones Che Guevara Jerry Falwell
If you are not being bullied all I would say - cause I like to talk about the other side of it as well - is you know, be someone that nurtures, and if there's someone in your class that maybe doesn't have a lot of friends, be the person that sits with them in the cafeteria sometimes; be the bigger person.
Lady Gaga

I have a file of letters and bits of ephemera from friends who have died. I have had lots of friends who died of AIDS.
Rachel Maddow

I meditate, I do yoga and I have a lot of friends who are healers.....And if none of that works, I go by a chocolate bar and a bottle of cognac.
Susan Strasberg

I had had an extroverted personality with a lot of friends, but when I lost the weight and grew so tall, I withdrew within myself.
Tyra Banks

I had been a kid that moved so much, I didn’t have a lot of friends. Theater really represented that kind of camaraderie.
Francis Ford Coppola

I don't have a lot of friends.
Janet Jackson

I have a lot of friends who do what I do. Either they're actresses or singers or things like that.
Taylor Swift

I have a lot of friends who are infected with HIV, and you wanna protect them... To increase the awareness of it and to find a cure for it, the human lives we would save would be a really awesome thing. You just have to involve yourself as much as you can.
Tara Reid

I love Santa Monica and Venice because I like the beach. I have a lot of friends in that area.
Denis Leary

But you have friends. You have a lot of friends. What do you offer your friends to make them so supportave. What do you offer your friends to make them so supportave what do you offer. " ...if I could remember any more of my lines I'd add them so basically this is a preface to the whole play. I would like to quote the whole play. Currently my mind is afraid to remember the play.
Sarah Kane

When I was in high school, I wasn't a troublemaker. I didn't get in fights. I was a good student and I had a lot of friends.
Thomas McDonell

I don't have a lot of friends; most of the friends I have, I've had since high school.
Lauren London

I asked a lot of friends and people I'd meet, "Can you tell me a story of a micro-aggression that happened to you in a place you didn't expect it to happen?" I wasn't interested in scandal, or outrageous moments. I was interested in the surprise of the intimate, or the surprise of the ordinary.
Claudia Rankine

I have a lot of friends that I'd like to shout out but I don't think anyone will know who they are.
Mac DeMarco

And I got a lot of friends in Hollywood.
Alex Jones

If I look at the performance of another friend Sting, whenever I hear him take over a stage and share his art with millions, it's very inspiring to me. So I have a lot in my life, a lot of friends who inspire me and I'm sure it goes the other way around, or so that I inspire them.
Philippe Petit

Life goes by really fast, and it seems that there are times when you're burying a lot of friends and family. And then there are times that feel really precious and everybody is doing okay. This is one of those times.
Amy Grant

I don't suppose you have many friends. Neither do I. I don't trust people who say they have a lot of friends. It's a sure sign that they don't really know anyone.
Carlos Ruiz Zafon

We have a lot of friends, but not among the governments - the friends are in the peoples. And in the last instance the peoples will be the rulers of those states.
Che Guevara

I'm glad now, at age 66, that I never used alcohol or tobacco... I've buried a lot of friends who used tobacco or alcohol.
Jerry Falwell

There isn't any reason to dislike people with whom you disagree. I have lots of friends who don't agree with me.
Bill O'Reilly

There are so few strong roles for women, especially young women. And Veronica is very serious but also very likable. She's a lone wolf, and it appeals to people that she isn't rich and doesn't have a lot of friends. No posse. She's just like you, like most of us.
Kristen Bell

I know that I have a lot of friends who are envious of me. But if there is something to be gained, obviously something else has to be lost, right? Lately I miss the things I’ve lost.

For me, I have gay family members, and I have a lot of friends in the LBGT community.
Ashley Wagner

I have a lot of friends and fans in Orlando, and I'd love to see them again.
Bobby Sherman

I don't like to fly. I've never been a good flyer. I have a lot of friends that have permanent nail marks in their arms... The moaning that comes from me when there is turbulence. It's awkward for everyone around.
Sandra Bullock

I like Cleveland. I like the Cavaliers. Nothing wrong with Cleveland. I have lots of friends there.
Vanilla Ice

Life, I've got lots of friends. I don't complain.
Salma Hayek

You have a lot of friends who love you dearly and you don't know who they are.
Shelley Winters

I don't really have girlfriends in movies, if you've noticed. Well, I have a few girlfriends, I just... I stay at home a lot. I'm just not very social. I don't do a lot with them, and I'm very homebound. I'll talk to my family, I talk to Brad... But I don't know, I don't have a lot of friends I talk to. He is really the only person I talk to.
Angelina Jolie

As a teenager I was clinically depressed. Although I had lots of friends, I found those years very difficult.
Lena Headey

It never really felt like I had a lot of substance in my life. I had broken up with my former husband (Ron Samuels) and I kind of looked around. I didn't have a lot of friends. I had become isolated by fame. I longed for a family and some substantive relationships. Fame is a vapor. You can't grab hold of it.
Lynda Carter

In the evening, since I have a lot of friends in theater, we might take in a Deaf West production in North Hollywood, or, since I'm a member of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, they have screenings that are really great.
Tim DeKay

One of the things that I will have ended my public service time with is a group of friends, a lot of friends. And I want to stay in touch with them and there's no better way to communicate with them than through email.
George W. Bush

My folks are in Jersey. And I have a lot of friends and other family there. So, I try to visit as much as possible.
Kal Penn

I kept saying that I'd never live in L.A., and I didn't think I would. But that's where the work is, and I ended up making a lot of friends there, and my old friends moved out to Los Angeles too. And also, I think when you're famous, its hard to live in a small town.
John Cusack

Sure, I have a lot of friends that are actors. Just because I guess I run into a lot of actors in my work.
Beau Bridges

At school, nobody thought I was smart and I became smart. Nobody wanted to be my friend and then I had lots of friends.
Rebel Wilson

I have a lot of friends who come and stay, and we talk about the world.
Shirley MacLaine

I always was alone. And I'm alone today. It's fine. I have lots of friends, but not in terms of working together.
Agnes Denes

I have a very big family and a lot of friends, and buying presents is one of my favorite things to do.
L'Wren Scott

We live in a world where many of us have a lot of friends on Facebook but yet we have lost human connection.
Robin Sharma

I had lots of friends who were fighting in Vietnam and I am still friends with veterans of the war.
Gordon Lightfoot

My father wasn't much for show business. He was an insurance man - very well-liked, very warm. He had a lot of friends.
Don Rickles

I have a lot of friends that are ex-Miss Alabamas and ex-Miss Georgias.
Fannie Flagg

I have lots of friends. I mix with all sorts of people, of all generations.
Jonathan King

I leaned from my friends in school. I had lots of friends; yet I was very indrawn.
Frederick Lenz

I'm extremely underleveraged. The report that said $650 - which, by the way, a lot of friends of mine that know my business say, boy, that's really not a lot of money. It's not a lot of money relative to what I had.
Donald Trump

I still have lots of friends from my pre-success days.
Rob Brydon