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Lots Of Money Quotes

If I was a gold-digger, I would have a lot of money in my bank account. I'd be worth millions and millions.
Heather Mills

Authors on Lots Of Money Quotes: Elton John Heather Mills T. Harv Eker Dale Carnegie Naomi Campbell Bobby Bonilla Justin Bartha Tony Campolo Dorothy Hamill James D. Macdonald Rachel Sklar Daniel Craig Penelope Trunk Malcolm Forbes Alex Riley Jim Rogers Rob Zombie Bernard Goldberg Fred Foster Sam Cooke Darrell Hammond Peter Boyle Neil Tennant Anna Russell Mickey Gilley RZA Chuck Palahniuk Jennifer Pozner Ralph Bakshi David Williamson Peter Singer Jacques Pepin Andy Garcia
If you want to make a lot of money, resist diversification.
Jim Rogers

I'm gonna sing, and I'm going to make me a lot of money.
Sam Cooke

Go on being uncommercial. There's a lot of money in it.
Jerome Kern

I wasn't interested in making a lot of money,
but I was interested in making a lot of living.
Dale Carnegie

The new American Dream is about having an interesting life, not making a lot of money.
Penelope Trunk

I’m potentially worth a lot of money, but I’ve got to go and make something that’s worth a lot of money.
Daniel Craig

It's more useful to have knowledge about cuts of meat than a lot of money.
Jacques Pepin

If you have the wherewithal to have a lot of money, have it.
T. Harv Eker

I've got the brains, you've got the looks, let's make lots of money
Neil Tennant

I had some airline stock, but the airlines tanked. I didn't have a lot of money in them, though.
Mickey Gilley

There is no one quite as angry as someone who has just lost a lot of money.
David Williamson

It's not selling out, it is called making lots of money.
Mick Jagger

I do not need a lot of money to be happy.
Debra Winger

Suddenly I had a contract and I was earning lots of money.
Diane Cilento

It costs a lot of money to be rich.
Peter Boyle

I make a lot of money, but I don't want to talk about that.
Naomi Campbell

Authors in general don’t have a lot of money, and lawsuits are expensive.
James D. Macdonald

A lot of money doesn't make anyone more often right. It just makes him harder to correct.
Malcolm Forbes

And it's very, very funny When you've lots and lots of money To be horrible to those with none! Be horrible to those with none!
Anna Russell

Some people think they are worth a lot of money just because they have it.
Fannie Hurst

I have a lot of money stashed away, but I do live my life from day to day.
Elton John

We spent a lot of money on some players.
Bobby Bonilla

My parents didn't have a lot of money, but we never knew that. They really did the best they could.
Dorothy Hamill

There's nothing wrong with making a lot of money, there's something wrong with keeping it.
Tony Campolo

I'm just happy to be working, personally, and I make a lot of money on these for doing next to nothing.
Justin Bartha

There's a lot of money to be made by taking women seriously, and letting them know you're taking them seriously.
Rachel Sklar

And frankly, I'm a huge gold digger and The Miz is about to make a lot of money!
Alex Riley

A lot of so-called rich, according to this legislation, make $250,000. That's a lot of money, but it is not rich.
Bernard Goldberg

If you have a lot of money, you know that you can make almost anything happen, but with a smaller budget you don't have a lot of time or too many resources, so you have to conceive things in a very simple manner and make them happen fast.
Rob Zombie

I'll get to make a lot of money and do some bad sitcoms.
Darrell Hammond

Even though I wasn't making a lot of money I was enjoying what I was doing.
Fred Foster

I have a lot of money.
Chuck Palahniuk

I make a lot of money in my life, 50.000 dollars are nothing.

Painting pictures didn't make me a lot of money. I have to eat.
Ralph Bakshi

Being discriminatory is necessary if you want to make a lot of money.
Jennifer Pozner

If you earn a lot of money, you can give away a lot of money.
Peter Singer

Pictures make a lot of money doesn't determine whether the experience was.
Andy Garcia

Republicans have spent a lot of money redistricting and everything, getting control of these governorships and statehouses.
Collin Peterson

If you really want to make a lot of money, start your own religion.
L. Ron Hubbard

I was offered 'I'm A Celebrity...' for a lot of money, but I don't like the level of degradation.
Vinnie Jones

We can afford to lose money - even a lot of money. But we can't afford to lose reputation - even a shred of reputation.
Warren Buffett

As long as I can make lots of money in other businesses, I'll continue to subsidize my own work.
Francis Ford Coppola

There are very few guys like me. I make a lot of money. I didn't always.
Paul Haggis

I don't make a lot of money, but I get to have freedom.
Hilton Als

I just don't want to do a movie because it paid me a lot of money.
Charles S. Dutton

To be my man, you have to put up with a lot. I toot under the sheets, I spend a lot of money and I can belch the ABCs.
Jessica Simpson

First grade is very cheap. It's the later grades where you have to spend a lot of money if you don't do it right.
Ray Bradbury