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Louis Tomlinson Quotes

English singer-songwriter, Birth: 24-12-1991 Louis Tomlinson Quotes
I'm gay. It's pretty unfortunate.
Louis Tomlinson

I'm homosexual. It's regrettable.
If I were a food, I'd be a Chili because you know.. I'm hot.
Louis Tomlinson

If I were an edible item, I'd be a Chili Pepper for its fiery reputation.
You know what it would just be amazing to be remembered, you know like a mum telling a daughter ‘the boyband of my time, One Direction, they just had fun and they’re just normal guys but terrible, terrible dancers.’
Louis Tomlinson

In my first video diary I explained my love for women who have a taste in carrots. Since then, I have received plenty of carrots. Now I also have a keen interest in women who like Lamborghinis.
Louis Tomlinson

In my initial video log I highlighted my fondness for ladies who fancy carrots. As a consequence, I have acquired an abundance of carrots. Now I am equally as enthralled by women who desire Lamborghinis.
Live life for the moment, because everything else is uncertain.
Louis Tomlinson

Cherish the present, for all else is unpredictable.
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And I'd marry you, Harry. Because it rhymes.
Louis Tomlinson

'I would take your hand, Harry. Because it is meant to be.'
I secretly want to be a zebra. That is why I always wear stripes.
Louis Tomlinson

I have an inner yearning to be a zebra, which explains why I frequently don garments with stripes.
Always be nice to people. Whatever how bad they are to you. To show them you are not like them.
Louis Tomlinson

Be courteous to individuals regardless of how they treat you, as an example of your moral superiority.
Quote Topics by Louis Tomlinson: People One Direction Thinking Guy Want Girl Hate Girlfriend Fans Fun Ifs Artist Running Sleep World Chance Song Knows Mates Tea Sound Love You Frustration Jimmy Nice Hair Taste Opportunity Naked Mischievous
Fans always tell me I'm beautiful, but no one will ever be as beautiful as them
Louis Tomlinson

'Admirers often compliment me on my appearance, but nobody can compare to their own radiance.'
Even if there's a tiny tiny chance, isn't that worth going for it?
Louis Tomlinson

'However small the possibility, isn't it worth taking a shot?'
If you want to do something, Go for it you've got nothing to loose.
Louis Tomlinson

Why did the mushroom go to the party? Because he's a fungi!
Louis Tomlinson

If a guy is taking his girl for granted, he really deserves a slap, with a baseball bat.
Louis Tomlinson

Live fast, have fun, be a bit mischievous.
Louis Tomlinson

My ideas for the future? To take over the world.
Louis Tomlinson

Sometimes I think I'm not normal, and I get weirder and weirder everyday.
Louis Tomlinson

If I were to look in you ferigerator....refridgefreetorator...fridge....what would I find?
Louis Tomlinson

And remember people: you might not be plastic, but you are fantastic!
Louis Tomlinson

We're not perfect, we're not clean cut. We're just trying to be ourselves.
Louis Tomlinson

One time, Niall sat on the floor for hours trying to find a way of putting his M&M's in alphabetical order.
Louis Tomlinson

When you’re in love you’ll do anything, I’d go to the end of the world.
Louis Tomlinson

I want my first son to be called 'Tommy.' It will sound great, Tommy Tomlinson
Louis Tomlinson

I like someone who doesn't take life too seriously. I hate people who are a bit uptight.
Louis Tomlinson

As long as we’ve got somewhere to sleep, a bowl of cereal, and a coloring book we’ll be fine.
Louis Tomlinson

Niall: Help! Louis: Did anyone hear that? Niall: Help!! Louis: SOMEBODY NEEDS HELP! RAAH! (Pulls open shirt and has Superman shirt underneath) Superman is here!!
Louis Tomlinson

I like girls who eat carrots.
Louis Tomlinson

It's important for me to treat a girlfriend with respect. My mum would be horrified if I behaved any differently - and I have sisters, and would hate for them to be treated badly by guys.
Louis Tomlinson

You can't go to sleep without a cup of tea and maybe thats the reason that you talk in your sleep.
Louis Tomlinson

If you wanna go somewhere, you can do; nothing is stopping you.
Louis Tomlinson

Swag mastah from Doncastah!
Louis Tomlinson

I'm Louis the Tommo Tomlinson!
Louis Tomlinson

There's nothing that annoys me more than people being horrible to my mates.
Louis Tomlinson

I will confess I am a great wingman. Since I have a girlfriend, I'll start the night with her, but then I'll help out the guys by making them sound like the most incredible guys in the world.
Louis Tomlinson

To be honest, I don't think I'm the best role model in the world. I'm pretty immature sometimes.
Louis Tomlinson

I'd like to make a shout out...SHOUT OUT!
Louis Tomlinson

Stop the traffic...let 'em through.
Louis Tomlinson

When I'm at home alone, I run up the stairs naked. It's quite funny.
Louis Tomlinson

The Story of My Life is drinking cups of tea, eating coco pops and playing Playstation.
Louis Tomlinson

I'm normally last and I'm quite a late person and that is just who I am.
Louis Tomlinson

No,' Jimmy protested.
Louis Tomlinson

I would go back to the past and watch one of the early Beatles shows, because they were such a massive part of cultural history. As a younger person, you feel you missed out on that.
Louis Tomlinson

I like kisses that aren't too fast or rushed - that's what makes a good kiss.
Louis Tomlinson

I think my mom just filled me with confidence. I just thought I was the best at everything. Like any mother really.
Louis Tomlinson

When I was growing up we didn't have a massive house and there were five women running around, so my dad and I had to stick together!
Louis Tomlinson

I had this dream...that we had this new sixth member, for some reason, and he actually ended up being quite horrible! And he started a fight with me! And I wanted him to go away and none of the boys were helping me!
Louis Tomlinson

I'm a very loyal boyfriend. I'm a bit of a joker I can be romantic, but not too sickly.
Louis Tomlinson

In week one of the X Factor, just to be a little bit quirky, I decided to say that I like girls who eat carrots. Ever since I've had lots and lots and lots of carrots.
Louis Tomlinson

I love the big red bus!
Louis Tomlinson

I can make your tears fall down like the showers that are British.
Louis Tomlinson

Oh it's the bingo playing wizard I love you guys so much, but not as much as my bird and my bingo!
Louis Tomlinson