Expanding eligibility of family planning services to low-income women will maximize cost-savings to both federal and state governments, reduce the disparities in access to family planning services for low-income women, and decrease the incidence of abortion in the U.S
Rosa DeLauro
I'm angry when we have to use state dollars to fill holes in our low-income heating assistance program because there isn't enough support from Washington.
Jodi Rell
In the United States the state monopoly on the use of violence has intensified since the 1980s, and in the process, has been increasingly directed against young people, low-income whites, poor minorities, immigrants, and women.
Henry Giroux
Sales = income. The reason so many people have low incomes is that they are poor at selling.
Robert Kiyosaki
The bottom line is that five million low-income Americans working full time for minimum wage, deserve a raise.
Jim Clyburn
America is a place where you can be born into a low-income household but still lift yourself up, and it doesn't matter what color you are.
Alphonso Jackson
Low-income seniors who choose to enroll in a drug discount plan will receive $600 of Federal assistance in 2004 and 2005 to further defray the costs of their medications.
Jim Gerlach
While most Americans have access to the best oral health care in the world, low-income children suffer disproportionately from oral disease.
Michael K. Simpson
The increase in inequality in income is a longtime trend, but the pressure on middle- and low-income workers is going up rapidly. Especially if they live in an area where there are high housing and gas prices, like California.
Alice Rivlin
We designed both our state employee health plans and the one we created for low-income Hoosiers as Health Savings Accounts, and now in the tens of thousands these citizens are proving that they are fully capable of making smart, consumerist choices about their own health care.
Mitch Daniels
Many poor and low-income women cannot afford to purchase contraceptive services and supplies on their own.
Louise Slaughter
Atlanta's a good example of a city that's quite sprawling, where there's a sharp division between where blacks and whites live, between where low-income and high-income families live.
Raj Chetty
In low-income countries, getting to a health post is hard. It's very expensive.
Bill Gates
If you are low income in the United States, you have a higher chance of going to jail than getting a 4-year degree.
Bill Gates
It was a very economically depressed time [the 80s] and because of that, there was a lot of space. Everything was relatively dilapidated, and one could live on a pretty low income. One could live well below the poverty line and not suffer immensely.
Kiki Smith
If you're a person that has low income, you probably should have more assistance than a person with high income.
Paul Ryan
And to improve access to the UK publishing industry - I'm hoping to set up an internship or work experience for someone from a low-income background, as soon as we have the funds. While we don't have the funds, we won't have an intern.
Deborah Smith
It was shocking to realize how many low-income Americans don't have savings accounts.
Dan Ariely
I know firsthand that many employers who comply with other labor standards still hire the undocumented. Many businesses pay the minimum wage and have barely tolerable working conditions because there are sufficient undocumented workers willing to accept those terms. If we care about low-income workers in this country, we need to create pressure to improve their economic condition by reducing the supply of unauthorized workers.
Maria Echaveste
Raising the federal minimum wage won't just put more money in the pocket of low-income families - it also means they spend more money at the businesses in their neighborhoods. [Donald] Trump's against that as well.
Hillary Clinton
SNAP is a critical anti-hunger program that feeds millions of low income Americans, including children, veterans, and seniors who would not otherwise have the resources to buy groceries.
Dan Maffei
I want people to go into space, to orbit around the world a few times, even to stay there for 24 hours and then come back to where they took off. And I also want people with a low income to be able to do that, not only rich people.
Buzz Aldrin
I would guess that there's adequate low-income housing in the country.
Dan Quayle
The collapse of communism in essence added tens and tens of millions of people to the world labor supply, and the people who were added had previously been getting very low income, but they were not unskilled. Many of them were fairly well educated.
Milton Friedman
I have been mislabeled as a big advocate of low-income home ownership over rental.
Barney Frank
Unemployment is low, incomes are up, poverty is down - and that's going to be a lasting change.
Barack Obama
There are probably no more market-oriented individuals on the planet, than low income people.
Jacqueline Novogratz