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Mature Quotes

Maturity is the ability to postpone gratification.
Sigmund Freud

Authors on Mature Quotes: Jesse Jackson Robert A. Heinlein John C. Maxwell Jeremy Rifkin Deepak Chopra Harvey Weinstein Mignon McLaughlin Dan Schilling Aung San Suu Kyi Madeleine L'Engle John Mahoney Beth Ditto Rita Mae Brown Kent Beck Diana Peterfreund Thaksin Shinawatra Victoria Moran Harry Benson A. J. Liebling Alan Tudyk Oksana Chusovitina Joe Bastianich Clarice Lispector Richard Rohr Gertrude Lawrence Dave Chappelle Hugo von Hofmannsthal Eliza Dushku T. S. Eliot Karl Marlantes Joseph Campbell Boyd K. Packer Robert Morgan
As we mature in Christ, it is actually possible to outgrow fear.
Dallas Willard

As we progress in faith, it is feasible to transcend fear.
We can only learn and advance with contradictions. The faithful inside should meet the doubtful. The doubtful should meet the faithful. Human slowly advances and becomes mature when he accepts his contradictions.
Shams Tabrizi

There's no such thing is aging, but maturing and knowledge. It's beautiful, I call that beauty.
Celine Dion

Part of maturing as a designer is discovering what you're good at.
Michael Bierut

Where youthful beauty is unconscious, mature beauty is knowing and sophisticated.
Sophia Loren

Christians who neglect the Bible simply do not mature.
John Stott

As you gain experience, you mature as an individual, and along with that comes the confidence that you have the ability to solve problems.
Chuck Noll

The mark of a mature programmer is willingness to throw out code you spent time on when you realize it's pointless
Bram Cohen

Things were somehow so good that they were in danger of becoming very bad because what is fully mature is very close to rotting
Clarice Lispector

We don't accidentally drift into holiness; rather we mature gradually and purposefully, one choice at a time.
C. J. Mahaney

Mature love is loving, not being loved.
Irvin D. Yalom

There are some questions that shouldn't be asked until a person is mature enough to appreciate the answers.
Anne Bishop

Some age. Others mature.
Sean Connery

Manners easily and rapidly mature into morals.
Horace Mann

It seems that everything is part of the maturing process

A lot of times maturing as an artist is just starting to do the things you like to do.
John Currin

A photographer cannot be inexperienced, or too mature. A photographer ought to be half-ripe.
Nobuyoshi Araki

I'm very disappointed by the mature-democracy countries. I was ousted by a coup d'etat.
Thaksin Shinawatra

Later works are better because it takes a lot of time in architecture to mature. And, it takes a lot of discipline to experience everything that is changing around you.
Santiago Calatrava

I am a complete, mature, self-sufficient being.
Frederick Winslow Taylor

The Bible was composed in such a way that as beginners mature, its meaning grows with them.
Saint Augustine

If you can last until you're 40 years old, hopefully you'll be mature enough to figure out the rest of the years.
Alan Jackson

We do not mature through age. We mature in awareness.
Byron Katie

You become mature when you become the authority of your own life.
Joseph Campbell

With anything, you have to approach from an educational, mature standpoint.

To grow mature is to separate more distinctly, to connect more closely.
Hugo von Hofmannsthal

Alekhine developed as a player much more slowly than most. In his twenties, he was an atrocious chessplayer, and didn't mature until he was well into his thirties.
Bobby Fischer

Anyone with the maturity to surrender entirely to God is mature enough for God to use.
Beth Moore

To partly remain a child: that is to be really mature.
Yevgeny Yevtushenko

The maturing of a woman who has continued to grow is a beautiful thing to behold. Or, if your ad revenue or your seven-figure salary or your privileged sexual status depend on it, it is an operable condition.
Naomi Wolf

Sometimes the problem has to mature before the solution can mature.
Kent Beck

Music actually meant something when I started doing it. Too bad I wasn't mature enough to write anything that meant anything.
John Mellencamp

I don't know if any of us are mature enough to handle the brutal honesty of what's inside other people's heads.
James Marsters

As I became more mature I realized that failure is part of success.
Robert G. Allen

My overall look on things is a lot more mature than it used to be.

We thought we were being mature when we were only being safe. We imagined we were being responsible but were only being cowardly. What we called realism turned out to be a way of avoiding things rather than facing them.
Julian Barnes

It is the highest creatures who take the longest to mature, and are the most helpless during their immaturity.
George Bernard Shaw

Heartbreak is how we mature... There is almost no path a human being can follow that does not lead to heartbreak.
David Whyte

One of the smartest things a person can do is dampen investment expectations, especially with Berkshire. That would be mature and responsible. I like our model and we should do nicely
Charlie Munger

Some stuff can be fixed, some stuff can’t be. Deciding which is which is part of maturing.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

I don't want anyone to follow me on Twitter if they're looking for anything interesting or mature.
Lauren German

I like red wine because it's more sophisticated, more complex and mature. It's a bit like me, no longer young but not old yet either.
Mick Hucknall

The whole time we're traveling the world. You really mature. You're not just learning truth. The truth is changing you and maturing you.

Viewers can determine what they want to watch and what they don't want to watch.
Bryan Cranston

When I was very young and the urge to be someplace was on me, I was assured by mature people that maturity would cure this itch.
John Steinbeck

One should mature over 20 years.
Aung San Suu Kyi

My friends tend not to style me, fortunately. But if we're in a public setting, they must do it there. Of course, there has been a maturing process for me and for them. But such is my life. I'm very comfortable with both the role and the life I live in relation to my nearest and dearest.
Mette-Marit, Crown Princess of Norway

On religion in particular, the time appears to me to have come, when it is a duty of all who, being qualified in point of knowledge, have, on mature consideration, satisfied themselves that the current opinions are not only false, but hurtful, to make their dissent known.
John Stuart Mill

You are mature when you know what is foolhardy and what is courage.
Bernard Williams