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Metallic Quotes
You will not see that desire begets love, until it all flames into one concise and metallic blaze.
Hilda Doolittle
Authors on Metallic Quotes
Emily Henderson
John Ruskin
Hilda Doolittle
The time is probably near when a new system of architectural laws will be developed, adapted entirely to metallic construction.
John Ruskin
I'm shocked at how much I'm into Christmas pillows. There's cheesiness, obviously, but then there's really cute ones that are metallic that say "Ho Ho Ho" or "Merry" or cute vintage needlepoint ones.
Emily Henderson
Sun Tzu
Ronald Reagan
Terry Pratchett
Gloria Steinem
Andy Stanley
Robert A. Heinlein
Neil Gaiman
Ram Dass
Lord Byron
Henry Ward Beecher
Jim Gaffigan
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Marianne Williamson
Joyce Carol Oates
L. Ron Hubbard
Tariq Ramadan
Friedrich Nietzsche
Elizabeth Gilbert
George Bernard Shaw
Anna Quindlen
Jorge Luis Borges
Kofi Annan
Pope Francis