I always try to take projects I'm genuinely interested and passionate about versus just trying to take projects for the money.
Michael Dougherty
Everyone has gone trick or treating, everyone carves a jack o lantern with their parents. If you really look at the stories they sort of focus on what Halloween is like at different stages of your life.
Michael Dougherty
I like the horror community because they're subversive. They question things. If something is held back from them, especially if they've heard that its good, they seek it out.
Michael Dougherty
So when it came to making the movie I guess I had a really good sense innately of what it was that makes Halloween really great. In that it is a holiday for everybody now. When I was a kid I felt like it was mostly for kids, maybe that's just the way it always is when you're a kid, but I think now more than ever it's for grown ups too. When I was a kid I don't think there were quite as many sexy adult costumes and we definitely didn't have all these Spirit Halloween stores that pop up every October.
Michael Dougherty