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Michael Graziadei Quotes

I think in an ideal world, one would be able to do everything, however, we don't live in an ideal world.
Michael Graziadei

My dream role would be something that challenges me in every facet of the industry.
Michael Graziadei

I have a dog at home, and that's my baby. She's my girl, and I would do absolutely anything for her. She's like a child to me.
Michael Graziadei

Soaps are really like boot camp for acting. You learn about the industry, you learn about being on stage, and you learn about showing up on time. The sheer volume of work, on a daily basis, blows your mind and forces you to really work that muscle of memorization and just being able to change things on your feet.
Michael Graziadei

In college I took an acting class as a joke. It sounded like something fun and easy at the time. I had originally wanted to go to art school, but I gave all that up because I didn't want to be a starving artist.
Michael Graziadei

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I use music as a tool for my own personal sanity, one might say. After a long day or something, I can always come home and sit down and play a song, or write a song, just relax and kind of space out with my guitar.
Michael Graziadei

That's one of the things I haven't had time for in my personal life, is art, and I probably should make more time for it. I also don't have space where I'm living right now to set up a studio, but I'm sure at some point, I will.
Michael Graziadei

I love all of the government conspiracy stuff. I love all of the shady backroom White House dealings that are going on, and all of the politics involved. That kind of stuff is just fascinating to me.
Michael Graziadei