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Ministry Quotes

Propaganda is not an end in itself, but a means to an end. If the means achieves the end then the means is good... the new Ministry has no other aim than to unite the nation behind the ideal of the national revolution.
Joseph Goebbels

Authors on Ministry Quotes: Rick Warren Charles Spurgeon J. K. Rowling John Piper Henri Nouwen David Wilkerson Edward McKendree Bounds Heidi Baker Billy Graham T. D. Jakes Pope Benedict XVI Warren W. Wiersbe Timothy Keller Craig Groeschel C. S. Lewis Bill Johnson Paula White Vance Havner Ralph Waldo Emerson Geoffrey Chaucer John Henry Jowett Andy Stanley Dwight L. Moody Mark Dever Margaret Chan John Calvin Christmas Evans J. I. Packer Jerry DeWitt Adrian Rogers Graham Kendrick C. D. Darlington Max De Pree
The ministry of Christianity is the ministry of the Spirit. It is the Spirit of God that inhabits the words, that speaks to the spirit of another and reveals Christ in and through him.
John G. Lake

The mission of Christianity is the mission of the Holy Spirit. It is God's essence that permeates the words, that communicates to a person's soul and displays Christ inside and around them.
God doesn't want something from us. He simply wants us.
C. S. Lewis

Divine Being desires nothing but us.
We talk of the second coming, half the world has never heard of the first.
Oswald J. Smith

Ministry is pretty simple. Love people and help them.
T.L. Osborn

If you want to reach people nobody is reaching, you've got to do things nobody is doing
Craig Groeschel

The task of prophetic ministry is to nurture, nourish, and evoke a consciousness and perception alternative to the consciousness and perception of the dominant culture around us.
Walter Brueggemann

Indeed, your scars may be your greatest ministry. Just as the scars of Jesus convinced Thomas, perhaps your scars will convince someone today.
Adrian Rogers

Ministry is not about where you are or where you go, it is about where He is.
Heidi Baker

Ministry takes place when divine resources meet human needs through loving channels to the glory of God.
Warren W. Wiersbe

On the Web, all advantages are temporary, and you must keep innovating to stay ahead
Jakob Nielsen

Answering a student's question, 'Will the heathen who have not heard the Gospel be saved?' thus, 'It is more a question with me whether we, who have the Gospel and fail to give it to those who have not, can be saved.
Charles Spurgeon

We must realize that the ministries and gifts of the Spirit are for everyday life, not just meetings.
Rick Joyner

The Ministry places a rather higher value on my life than yours, I’m afraid.
J. K. Rowling

In life, purpose is defined by the thing that makes you angry. Martin Luther was angry; Mandela was angry; Mahatma Gandhi was angry; Mother Teresa was angry. If you are not angry, you do not have a ministry yet.
Myles Munroe

As a minister, you shouldn't imagine you know better than the technical experts in your ministry. In the end you're there to apply the political stamp of approval.
Jeroen Dijsselbloem

If you give it to God, He transforms your test into a testimony, your mess into a message, and your misery into a ministry.
Rick Warren

The Holy Spirit's main ministry is not to give thrills but to create in us Christlike character.
J. I. Packer

Never underestimate the importance of simply being physically present in the place God wants you. You may not be asked to perform some dramatic ministry, but simply being there is a ministry.
Warren W. Wiersbe

The British ministry can read that name without spectacles; let them double their reward.
John Hancock

Preaching that costs nothing accomplishes nothing.
John Henry Jowett

Jesus invested everything he had in a team. The Bible knows nothing about solo ministry, only team ministry.
Leonard Sweet

Statistics are for losers.
Scotty Bowman

The ministry of prayer, if it be anything worthy of the name, is a ministry of ardor, a ministry of unwearied and intense longing after God and after his holiness.
Edward McKendree Bounds

When I consider my ministry, I think of the world. Anything less than that would not be worthy of Christ, nor of his will for my life.
Henrietta Mears

God forbid that I should ever teach any adaptation of the Gospel. But I contend that we may serve it up in any sort of dish that will induce the people to partake of it
Catherine Booth

The stairway to the ministry is not a grand staircase but a back stairwell that leads down to the servants’ quarters.
Edmund Clowney

When we pray, we make tremendous power available, dynamic in its working, causing changes in our favour. Certain prayer sessions are specially designed by the Lord to help straighten out things in the spirit-realm regarding our immediate or later future as individuals, families or ministries.
Chris Oyakhilome

We must have a strong inner life of fellowship and intimacy with Jesus if we are going to have a strong outer life of ministry
Timothy Keller

Love never ends or fails. Love never ends. Everything must be based on love - the relation between two friends, my ministry, my service; the church services in every field must be based on love. Why? Because God is Love.
Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria

Astronomy is something like the ministry. No one should go into it without a call. I got that unmistakable call, and I know that even if I were second-rate or third-rate, it was astronomy that mattered.
Edwin Powell Hubble

...Prayer is not always petition, sometimes it is just communion. It is the exquisite ministry of friendship.
John Henry Jowett

God loves to bring good out of bad. He loves to turn crucifixions into resurrections. Every obstacle is an opportunity. Every problem has potential. Every crisis is an opportunity for ministry. Every hurt God wants to use for His glory.
Rick Warren

Ministry need not be an office; it's a lifestyle devoted to attracting the lost to Christ and encouraging other believers in the faith.
Dwight L. Moody

I am absolutely convinced that the gas chambers of Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Maidanek were ultimately prepared not in some ministry or other in Berlin, but rather at the desks and in the lecture halls of nihilistic scientists and philosophers.
Viktor E. Frankl

Remove the centrality-of-Jesus-Christ message from ministry and meetings, and you can forget church life or organic meetings. He must be the center of everything...not in lip service, but in the dynamic experiential whole.
Gene Edwards

The true character of ministry is a servants heart.
Harold J. Warner

The greatest scholars are not usually the wisest people.
Geoffrey Chaucer

If I could relive my life, I would devote my entire ministry to reaching children for God!
Dwight L. Moody

Too often the past has been twisted to fit the visions and agendas of the present.
Thomas Sowell

When Jesus started His ministry, the very first thing He did was form a small group.
Rick Warren

True ministry isn't just 'cut and paste,' it has to be birthed from the inside out.
Steven Furtick

As we meet and touch, each day, The many travelers on our way, Let every such brief contact be A glorious, helpful minister.
Sarah Chauncey Woolsey

Give yourselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word. If you do not pray, God will probably lay you aside from your ministry, as He did me, to teach you to pray.
Robert Murray M'Cheyne

One of the things about my ministry is that I have never branded myself as being above the people or superior to people.
T. D. Jakes

The mystery of ministry is that we have been chosen to make our own limited and very conditional love the gateway for the unlimited and unconditional love of God.
Henri Nouwen

A ministry of power must be the fruit of a holy, peaceful, loving intimacy with the Lord.
Horatius Bonar

Starbucks has kept me in the ministry.
Tommy Barnett

Our ministry is debt free and we have not had to beg or plead for finances.
David Wilkerson

The music is the message, the message is the music. So that's my little ministry that the Big Man upstairs gave to me - a little ministry called love and happiness.
Al Green