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Miscommunication Quotes

Tide goes in, tide goes out. Never a miscommunication. You can't explain that. You can't explain why the tide goes in.
Bill O'Reilly

Authors on Miscommunication Quotes: Nate Lowman Lauryn Hill Dale Carnegie Bill O'Reilly Tom Waits Shiv Khera
90% of all management problems are caused by miscommunication.
Dale Carnegie

Miscommunication leads to complication.
Lauryn Hill

Avoid miscommunication. The price you pay for it is horrendous.
Shiv Khera

I feel like the biggest failure of humans is miscommunication. We can't communicate with each other-we can fight, we can kill, we can do those things well.
Nate Lowman

Most changes in music, most exciting things that happen in music, occur through a miscommunication between people "I thought you said this." Poetry comes out of that too.
Tom Waits